You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

497 lines
14 KiB

var crypto = require('crypto'),
Step = require('step'),
_ = require('underscore'),
dot = require('dot');
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var util = require('util');
// Class handling map templates
// See
// @param redis_pool an instance of a "redis-mpool"
// See
// Needs version 0.x.x of the API.
// @param opts TemplateMap options. Supported elements:
// 'max_user_templates' limit on the number of per-user
function TemplateMaps(redis_pool, opts) {
if (!(this instanceof TemplateMaps)) return new TemplateMaps();;
this.redis_pool = redis_pool;
this.opts = opts || {};
// Database containing templates
// TODO: allow configuring ?
// NOTE: currently it is the same as
// the one containing layergroups
this.db_signatures = 0;
// Map templates are owned by a user that specifies access permissions
// for their instances.
// We have the following datastores:
// 1. User templates: set of per-user map templates
// User templates (HASH:tpl_id->tpl_val)
this.key_usr_tpl = dot.template("map_tpl|{{=it.owner}}");
util.inherits(TemplateMaps, EventEmitter);
module.exports = TemplateMaps;
var o = TemplateMaps.prototype;
//--------------- PRIVATE METHODS --------------------------------
o._userTemplateLimit = function() {
return this.opts['max_user_templates'] || 0;
* Internal function to communicate with redis
* @param redisFunc - the redis function to execute
* @param redisArgs - the arguments for the redis function in an array
* @param callback - function to pass results too.
o._redisCmd = function(redisFunc, redisArgs, callback) {
var redisClient;
var that = this;
var db = that.db_signatures;
function getRedisClient() {
that.redis_pool.acquire(db, this);
function executeQuery(err, data) {
if ( err ) throw err;
redisClient = data;
redisClient[redisFunc.toUpperCase()].apply(redisClient, redisArgs);
function releaseRedisClient(err, data) {
if ( ! _.isUndefined(redisClient) ) that.redis_pool.release(db, redisClient);
callback(err, data);
var _reValidIdentifier = /^[a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z_]*$/;
o._checkInvalidTemplate = function(template) {
if ( template.version != '0.0.1' ) {
return new Error("Unsupported template version " + template.version);
var tplname =;
if ( ! tplname ) {
return new Error("Missing template name");
if ( ! tplname.match(_reValidIdentifier) ) {
return new Error("Invalid characters in template name '" + tplname + "'");
var invalidError = isInvalidLayergroup(template.layergroup);
if (invalidError) {
return invalidError;
var placeholders = template.placeholders || {};
var placeholderKeys = Object.keys(placeholders);
for (var i = 0, len = placeholderKeys.length; i < len; i++) {
var placeholderKey = placeholderKeys[i];
if (!placeholderKey.match(_reValidIdentifier)) {
return new Error("Invalid characters in placeholder name '" + placeholderKey + "'");
if ( ! placeholders[placeholderKey].hasOwnProperty('default') ) {
return new Error("Missing default for placeholder '" + placeholderKey + "'");
if ( ! placeholders[placeholderKey].hasOwnProperty('type') ) {
return new Error("Missing type for placeholder '" + placeholderKey + "'");
var auth = template.auth || {};
switch ( auth.method ) {
case 'open':
case 'token':
if ( ! _.isArray(auth.valid_tokens) )
return new Error("Invalid 'token' authentication: missing valid_tokens");
if ( ! auth.valid_tokens.length )
return new Error("Invalid 'token' authentication: no valid_tokens");
return new Error("Unsupported authentication method: " + auth.method);
return false;
function isInvalidLayergroup(layergroup) {
if (!layergroup) {
return new Error('Missing layergroup');
var layers = layergroup.layers;
if (!_.isArray(layers) || layers.length === 0) {
return new Error('Missing or empty layers array from layergroup config');
var invalidLayers = layers
.map(function(layer, layerIndex) {
return layer.options ? null : layerIndex;
.filter(function(layerIndex) {
return layerIndex !== null;
if (invalidLayers.length) {
return new Error('Missing `options` in layergroup config for layers: ' + invalidLayers.join(', '));
return false;
function templateDefaults(template) {
var templateAuth = _.defaults({}, template.auth || {}, {
method: 'open'
return _.defaults({ auth: templateAuth }, template, {
placeholders: {}
//--------------- PUBLIC API -------------------------------------
// Add a template
// NOTE: locks user+template_name or fails
// @param owner cartodb username of the template owner
// @param template layergroup template, see
// @param callback function(err, tpl_id)
// Return template identifier (only valid for given user)
o.addTemplate = function(owner, template, callback) {
var self = this;
template = templateDefaults(template);
var invalidError = this._checkInvalidTemplate(template);
if ( invalidError ) {
return callback(invalidError);
var templateName =;
var userTemplatesKey = this.key_usr_tpl({ owner:owner });
var limit = this._userTemplateLimit();
function checkLimit() {
if ( ! limit ) {
return 0;
self._redisCmd('HLEN', [ userTemplatesKey ], this);
function installTemplateIfDoesNotExist(err, numberOfTemplates) {
if ( err ) {
throw err;
if ( limit && numberOfTemplates >= limit ) {
throw new Error("User '" + owner + "' reached limit on number of templates " +
"("+ numberOfTemplates + "/" + limit + ")");
self._redisCmd('HSETNX', [ userTemplatesKey, templateName, JSON.stringify(template) ], this);
function validateInstallation(err, wasSet) {
if ( err ) {
throw err;
if ( ! wasSet ) {
throw new Error("Template '" + templateName + "' of user '" + owner + "' already exists");
return true;
function finish(err) {
if (!err) {
self.emit('add', owner, templateName, template);
callback(err, templateName, template);
// Delete a template
// @param owner cartodb username of the template owner
// @param tpl_id template identifier as returned
// by addTemplate or listTemplates
// @param callback function(err)
o.delTemplate = function(owner, tpl_id, callback) {
var self = this;
function deleteTemplate() {
self._redisCmd('HDEL', [ self.key_usr_tpl({ owner:owner }), tpl_id ], this);
function handleDeletion(err, deleted) {
if (err) {
throw err;
if (!deleted) {
throw new Error("Template '" + tpl_id + "' of user '" + owner + "' does not exist");
return true;
function finish(err) {
if (!err) {
self.emit('delete', owner, tpl_id);
// Update a template
// NOTE: locks user+template_name or fails
// Also deletes and re-creates associated authentication certificate,
// which in turn deletes all instance signatures
// @param owner cartodb username of the template owner
// @param tpl_id template identifier as returned by addTemplate
// @param template layergroup template, see
// @param callback function(err)
o.updTemplate = function(owner, tpl_id, template, callback) {
var self = this;
template = templateDefaults(template);
var invalidError = this._checkInvalidTemplate(template);
if ( invalidError ) {
return callback(invalidError);
var templateName =;
if ( tpl_id != templateName ) {
return callback(new Error("Cannot update name of a map template ('" + tpl_id + "' != '" + templateName + "')"));
var userTemplatesKey = this.key_usr_tpl({ owner:owner });
function getExistingTemplate() {
self._redisCmd('HGET', [ userTemplatesKey, tpl_id ], this);
function updateTemplate(err, currentTemplate) {
if (err) {
throw err;
if (!currentTemplate) {
throw new Error("Template '" + tpl_id + "' of user '" + owner + "' does not exist");
self._redisCmd('HSET', [ userTemplatesKey, templateName, JSON.stringify(template) ], this);
function handleTemplateUpdate(err, didSetNewField) {
if (err) {
throw err;
if (didSetNewField) {
console.warn('New template created on update operation');
return true;
function finish(err) {
if (!err) {
self.emit('update', owner, templateName, template);
callback(err, template);
// List user templates
// @param owner cartodb username of the templates owner
// @param callback function(err, tpl_id_list)
// Returns a list of template identifiers
o.listTemplates = function(owner, callback) {
this._redisCmd('HKEYS', [ this.key_usr_tpl({owner:owner}) ], callback);
// Get a templates
// @param owner cartodb username of the template owner
// @param tpl_id template identifier as returned
// by addTemplate or listTemplates
// @param callback function(err, template)
// Return full template definition
o.getTemplate = function(owner, tpl_id, callback) {
var self = this;
function getTemplate() {
self._redisCmd('HGET', [ self.key_usr_tpl({owner:owner}), tpl_id ], this);
function parseTemplate(err, tpl_val) {
if ( err ) throw err;
return JSON.parse(tpl_val);
function finish(err, tpl) {
callback(err, tpl);
o.isAuthorized = function(template, authTokens) {
if (!template) {
return false;
authTokens = _.isArray(authTokens) ? authTokens : [authTokens];
var templateAuth = template.auth;
if (!templateAuth) {
return false;
if (_.isString(templateAuth) && templateAuth === 'open') {
return true;
if (templateAuth.method === 'open') {
return true;
if (templateAuth.method === 'token') {
return _.intersection(templateAuth.valid_tokens, authTokens).length > 0;
return false;
// Perform placeholder substitutions on a template
// @param template a template object (will not be modified)
// @param params an object containing named subsitution parameters
// Only the ones found in the template's placeholders object
// will be used, with missing ones taking default values.
// @returns a layergroup configuration
// @throws Error on malformed template or parameter
var _reNumber = /^([-+]?[\d\.]?\d+([eE][+-]?\d+)?)$/,
_reCSSColorName = /^[a-zA-Z]+$/,
_reCSSColorVal = /^#[0-9a-fA-F]{3,6}$/;
_replaceVars = function(str, params) {
//return _.template(str, params); // lazy way, possibly dangerous
// Construct regular expressions for each param
Object.keys(params).forEach(function(k) {
str = str.replace(new RegExp("<%=\\s*" + k + "\\s*%>", "g"), params[k]);
return str;
o.instance = function(template, params) {
var all_params = {};
var phold = template.placeholders || {};
Object.keys(phold).forEach(function(k) {
var val = params.hasOwnProperty(k) ? params[k] : phold[k].default;
var type = phold[k].type;
// properly escape
if ( type === 'sql_literal' ) {
// duplicate any single-quote
val = val.replace(/'/g, "''");
else if ( type === 'sql_ident' ) {
// duplicate any double-quote
val = val.replace(/"/g, '""');
else if ( type === 'number' ) {
// check it's a number
if ( typeof(val) !== 'number' && ! val.match(_reNumber) ) {
throw new Error("Invalid number value for template parameter '"
+ k + "': " + val);
else if ( type === 'css_color' ) {
// check it only contains letters or
// starts with # and only contains hexdigits
if ( ! val.match(_reCSSColorName) && ! val.match(_reCSSColorVal) ) {
throw new Error("Invalid css_color value for template parameter '"
+ k + "': " + val);
else {
// NOTE: should be checked at template create/update time
throw new Error("Invalid placeholder type '" + type + "'");
all_params[k] = val;
// NOTE: we're deep-cloning the layergroup here
var layergroup = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(template.layergroup));
for (var i=0; i<layergroup.layers.length; ++i) {
var lyropt = layergroup.layers[i].options;
if ( lyropt.cartocss ) lyropt.cartocss = _replaceVars(lyropt.cartocss, all_params);
if ( lyropt.sql) lyropt.sql = _replaceVars(lyropt.sql, all_params);
// Anything else ?
// extra information about the template
layergroup.template = {
auth: template.auth
return layergroup;
// Return a fingerPrint of the object
o.fingerPrint = function(template) {
return crypto.createHash('md5')