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'use strict';
function TablesExtentBackend (pgQueryRunner) {
this.pgQueryRunner = pgQueryRunner;
module.exports = TablesExtentBackend;
* Given a username and a list of tables it will return the estimated extent in SRID 4326 for all the tables based on
* the_geom_webmercator (SRID 3857) column.
* @param {String} username
* @param {Array} tableNames The named can be schema qualified, so this accepts both `schema_name.table_name` and
* `table_name` format as valid input
* @param {Function} callback function(err, result) {Object} result with `west`, `south`, `east`, `north`
TablesExtentBackend.prototype.getBounds = function (username, tables, callback) {
var estimatedExtentSQLs = (table) {
return "ST_EstimatedExtent('" + table.schema_name + "', '" + table.table_name + "', 'the_geom_webmercator')";
var query = [
'WITH ext as (' +
'SELECT ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_Extent(ST_Union(ARRAY[',
'])), 3857), 4326) geom)',
'ST_XMin(geom) west,',
'ST_YMin(geom) south,',
'ST_XMax(geom) east,',
'ST_YMax(geom) north',
'FROM ext'
].join(' ');, query, function handleBoundsResult (err, rows) {
if (err) {
var msg = err.message ? err.message : err;
return callback(new Error('could not fetch source tables: ' + msg));
var result = null;
if (rows.length > 0) {
result = {
bbox: rows[0]
callback(null, result);