require('../support/test_helper'); var assert = require('../support/assert'); var TestClient = require('../support/test-client'); var IMAGE_TOLERANCE_PER_MIL = 0; var mapnik = require('windshaft').mapnik; var CARTOCSS_LABELS = [ '#layer {', ' polygon-fill: #374C70;', ' polygon-opacity: 0.9;', ' line-width: 1;', ' line-color: #FFF;', ' line-opacity: 0.5;', '}', '#layer::labels {', ' text-name: [name];', ' text-face-name: \'DejaVu Sans Book\';', ' text-size: 20;', ' text-fill: #FFFFFF;', ' text-label-position-tolerance: 0;', ' text-halo-radius: 1;', ' text-halo-fill: #6F808D;', ' text-dy: -10;', ' text-allow-overlap: true;', ' text-placement: point;', ' text-placement-type: dummy;', '}' ].join('\n') function createMapConfig (bufferSize, cartocss) { cartocss = cartocss || CARTOCSS_LABELS; return { version: '1.6.0', buffersize: bufferSize, layers: [{ type: "cartodb", options: { sql: [ 'select', ' *', 'from', ' populated_places_simple_reduced', ].join('\n'), cartocss: cartocss, cartocss_version: '2.3.0', interactivity: 'cartodb_id' } }] }; } describe('buffer size per format', function () { var testCases = [ { desc: 'should get png tile using buffer-size 0', coords: { z: 7, x: 64, y: 48 }, format: 'png', fixturePath: './test/fixtures/buffer-size/tile-7.64.48-buffer-size-0.png', mapConfig: createMapConfig({ png: 0, 'grid.json': 0 }), assert: function (tile, callback) { assert.imageIsSimilarToFile(tile, this.fixturePath, IMAGE_TOLERANCE_PER_MIL, callback); } }, { desc: 'should get png tile using buffer-size 128', coords: { z: 7, x: 64, y: 48 }, format: 'png', fixturePath: './test/fixtures/buffer-size/tile-7.64.48-buffer-size-128.png', mapConfig: createMapConfig({ png: 128, 'grid.json': 128 }), assert: function (tile, callback) { assert.imageIsSimilarToFile(tile, this.fixturePath, IMAGE_TOLERANCE_PER_MIL, callback); } }, { desc: 'should get mvt tile using buffer-size 0', coords: { z: 7, x: 64, y: 48 }, format: 'mvt', fixturePath: './test/fixtures/buffer-size/tile-7.64.48-buffer-size-0.png', mapConfig: createMapConfig({ mvt: 0 }), assert: function (tile, callback) { var tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); var features = tileJSON[0].features; assert.equal(features.length, 1); var map = new mapnik.Map(256, 256); tile.render(map, new mapnik.Image(256, 256), function (err, image) { assert.ifError(err); assert.imageIsSimilarToFile(image, this.fixturePath, IMAGE_TOLERANCE_PER_MIL, callback); }.bind(this)); } }, { desc: 'should get mvt tile using buffer-size 128', coords: { z: 7, x: 64, y: 48 }, format: 'mvt', fixturePath: './test/fixtures/buffer-size/tile-7.64.48-buffer-size-128.png', mapConfig: createMapConfig({ mvt: 128 }), assert: function (tile, callback) { var tileJSON = tile.toJSON(); var features = tileJSON[0].features assert.equal(features.length, 9); var map = new mapnik.Map(256, 256); tile.render(map, new mapnik.Image(256, 256), function (err, image) { assert.ifError(err); assert.imageIsSimilarToFile(image, this.fixturePath, IMAGE_TOLERANCE_PER_MIL, callback); }.bind(this)); } } ]; testCases.forEach(function (test) { it(test.desc, function (done) { var testClient = new TestClient(test.mapConfig, 1234); var coords = test.coords; testClient.getTile(coords.z, coords.x, coords.y, { format: test.format }, function (err, res, tile) { assert.ifError(err); // To generate images use: //; test.assert(tile, function () { testClient.drain(done); }); }); }); }); }); function createBufferSizeTemplate (name, cartocss) { cartocss = cartocss || CARTOCSS_LABELS; return { "version": "0.0.1", "name": name, "placeholders": { "buffersize": { "type": "number", "default": "0" } }, "layergroup": { version: '1.6.0', buffersize: '<%= buffersize %>', layers: [{ type: 'cartodb', options: { sql: [ 'select', ' *', 'from', ' populated_places_simple_reduced', ].join('\n'), cartocss: cartocss, cartocss_version: '2.3.0', interactivity: 'cartodb_id' } }] } } } describe('buffer size per format for named maps', function () { var testCases = [ { desc: 'should get png tile using buffer-size 0 (default value in template)', coords: { z: 7, x: 64, y: 48 }, format: 'png', fixturePath: './test/fixtures/buffer-size/tile-7.64.48-buffer-size-0.png', template: createBufferSizeTemplate('named-default-buffer-size'), assert: function (tile, callback) { assert.imageIsSimilarToFile(tile, this.fixturePath, IMAGE_TOLERANCE_PER_MIL, callback); } }, { desc: 'should get png tile using buffer-size 128 (placehoder value)', coords: { z: 7, x: 64, y: 48 }, format: 'png', placeholders: { buffersize: 128 }, fixturePath: './test/fixtures/buffer-size/tile-7.64.48-buffer-size-128.png', template: createBufferSizeTemplate('named-custom-buffer-size'), assert: function (tile, callback) { assert.imageIsSimilarToFile(tile, this.fixturePath, IMAGE_TOLERANCE_PER_MIL, callback); } } ]; testCases.forEach(function (test) { it(test.desc, function (done) { var testClient = new TestClient(undefined, 1234, test.template); var coords = test.coords; var options = { format: test.format, placeholders: test.placeholders } testClient.getNamedTile(coords.z, coords.x, coords.y, options, function (err, res, tile) { assert.ifError(err); // To generate images use: //'./test/fixtures/buffer-size/tile-7.64.48-buffer-size-64.png'); test.assert(tile, function () { testClient.drain(done); }); }); }); }); });