var TableNameParser = require('./table_name_parser'); function OverviewsQueryRewriter(options) { this.options = options; } module.exports = OverviewsQueryRewriter; // TODO: some names are introudced in the queries, and the // '_vovw_' (for vector overviews) is used in them, but no check // is performed for conflicts with existing identifiers in the query. // Build UNION expression to replace table, using overviews metadata // overviews metadata: { 1: 'table_ov1', ... } // assume table and overview names include schema if necessary and are quoted as needed function overviews_view_for_table(table, overviews_metadata, indent) { var condition, i, len, ov_table, overview_layers, selects, z_hi, z_lo; var parsed_table = TableNameParser.parse(table); var sorted_overviews = []; // [[1, 'table_ov1'], ...] indent = indent || ' '; for (var z in overviews_metadata) { if (overviews_metadata.hasOwnProperty(z)) { sorted_overviews.push([z, overviews_metadata[z].table]); } } sorted_overviews.sort(function(a, b){ return a[0]-b[0]; }); overview_layers = []; z_lo = null; for (i = 0, len = sorted_overviews.length; i < len; i++) { z_hi = parseInt(sorted_overviews[i][0]); ov_table = sorted_overviews[i][1]; overview_layers.push([overview_z_condition(z_lo, z_hi), ov_table]); z_lo = z_hi; } overview_layers.push(["_vovw_z > " + z_lo, table]); selects = { condition = condition_table[0]; ov_table = TableNameParser.parse(condition_table[1]); ov_table.schema = ov_table.schema || parsed_table.schema; var ov_identifier = TableNameParser.table_identifier(ov_table); return indent + "SELECT * FROM " + ov_identifier + ", _vovw_scale WHERE " + condition; }); return selects.join("\n"+indent+"UNION ALL\n"); } function overview_z_condition(z_lo, z_hi) { if (z_lo !== null) { if (z_lo === z_hi - 1) { return "_vovw_z = " + z_hi; } else { return "_vovw_z > " + z_lo + " AND _vovw_z <= " + z_hi; } } else { if (z_hi === 0) { return "_vovw_z = " + z_hi; } else { return "_vovw_z <= " + z_hi; } } } // name to be used for the view of the table using overviews function overviews_view_name(table) { var parsed_table = TableNameParser.parse(table); parsed_table.table = '_vovw_' + parsed_table.table; parsed_table.schema = null; return TableNameParser.table_identifier(parsed_table); } // replace a table name in a query by anoter name function replace_table_in_query(sql, old_table_name, replacement) { var old_table = TableNameParser.parse(old_table_name); var old_table_ident = TableNameParser.table_identifier(old_table); // regular expression prefix (beginning) to match a table name function pattern_prefix(schema, identifier) { if ( schema ) { // to match a table name including schema prefix // name should not be part of another name, so we require // to start a at a word boundary if ( identifier[0] !== '"' ) { return '\\b'; } else { return ''; } } else { // to match a table name without schema // name should not begin right after a dot (i.e. have a explicit schema) // nor be part of another name // since the pattern matches the first character of the table // it must be put back in the replacement text replacement = '$01'+replacement; return '([^\.a-z0-9_]|^)'; } } // regular expression suffix (ending) to match a table name function pattern_suffix(identifier) { // name shouldn't be the prefix of a longer name if ( identifier[identifier.length-1] !== '"' ) { return '\\b'; } else { return ''; } } // regular expression to match a table name var regexp = pattern_prefix(old_table.schema, old_table_ident) + old_table_ident + pattern_suffix(old_table_ident); // replace all occurrences of the table pattern return sql.replace(new RegExp(regexp, 'g'), replacement); } function overviews_query(query, overviews, zoom_level_expression) { var replaced_query = query; var sql = "WITH\n _vovw_scale AS ( SELECT " + zoom_level_expression + " AS _vovw_z )"; var replacement; for ( var table in overviews ) { if (overviews.hasOwnProperty(table)) { var table_overviews = overviews[table]; var table_view = overviews_view_name(table); replacement = "(\n" + overviews_view_for_table(table, table_overviews) + "\n ) AS " + table_view; replaced_query = replace_table_in_query(replaced_query, table, replacement); } } if ( replaced_query !== query ) { sql += "\n"; sql += replaced_query; } else { sql = query; } return sql; } // Transform an SQL query so that it uses overviews. // overviews contains metadata about the overviews to be used: // { 'table-name': {1: { table: 'overview-table-1' }, ... }, ... } // // For a given query `SELECT * FROM table`, if any of tables in it // has overviews as defined by the provided metadat, the query will // be transform into something similar to this: // // WITH _vovw_scale AS ( ... ), -- define scale level // WITH _vovw_table AS ( ... ), -- define union of overviews and base table // SELECT * FROM _vovw_table -- query with table replaced by _vovw_table // // This transformation can in principle be applied to arbitrary queries // (except for the case of queries that include the name of tables with // overviews inside text literals: at the current table name substitution // doesnn't prevent substitution inside literals). // But the transformation will currently only be applied to simple queries // of the form detected by the overviews_supported_query function. OverviewsQueryRewriter.prototype.query = function(query, data) { var overviews = this.overviews_metadata(data); if ( !overviews || !this.is_supported_query(query)) { return query; } var zoom_level_expression = this.options.zoom_level || '0'; return overviews_query(query, overviews, zoom_level_expression); }; OverviewsQueryRewriter.prototype.is_supported_query = function(sql) { var basic_query = /\s*SELECT\s+[\*a-z0-9_,\s]+?\s+FROM\s+((\"[^"]+\"|[a-z0-9_]+)\.)?(\"[^"]+\"|[a-z0-9_]+)\s*;?\s*/i; var unwrapped_query = new RegExp("^"+basic_query.source+"$", 'i'); // queries for named maps are wrapped like this: var wrapped_query = new RegExp( "^\\s*SELECT\\s+\\*\\s+FROM\\s+\\(" + basic_query.source + "\\)\\s+AS\\s+wrapped_query\\s+WHERE\\s+\\d+=1\\s*$", 'i' ); return !!(sql.match(unwrapped_query) || sql.match(wrapped_query)); }; OverviewsQueryRewriter.prototype.overviews_metadata = function(data) { return data && data.overviews; };