var step = require('step'); var assert = require('assert'); var _ = require('underscore'); var templateName = require('../backends/template_maps').templateName; var CdbRequest = require('../models/cdb_request'); var NamedMapsCacheEntry = require('../cache/model/named_maps_entry'); function NamedMapsController(app, serverOptions, templateMaps, metadataBackend, mapBackend, templateBaseUrl, surrogateKeysCache) { = app; this.serverOptions = serverOptions; this.templateMaps = templateMaps; this.metadataBackend = metadataBackend; this.mapBackend = mapBackend; this.templateBaseUrl = templateBaseUrl; this.surrogateKeysCache = surrogateKeysCache; } module.exports = NamedMapsController; var cdbRequest = new CdbRequest(); NamedMapsController.prototype.register = function(app) { app.get(this.templateBaseUrl + '/:template_id/:layerFilter/:z/:x/:y.:format', this.tile.bind(this)); app.get(this.templateBaseUrl + '/:template_id/jsonp', this.jsonp.bind(this));, this.create.bind(this)); app.put(this.templateBaseUrl + '/:template_id', this.update.bind(this)); app.get(this.templateBaseUrl + '/:template_id', this.retrieve.bind(this)); app.del(this.templateBaseUrl + '/:template_id', this.destroy.bind(this)); app.get(this.templateBaseUrl, this.list.bind(this)); app.options(this.templateBaseUrl + '/:template_id', this.options.bind(this)); + '/:template_id', this.instantiate.bind(this)); }; NamedMapsController.prototype.tile = function(req, res) {;, [{}, 200]); }; // Add a template NamedMapsController.prototype.create = function(req, res) { var self = this;; var cdbuser = cdbRequest.userByReq(req); step( function checkPerms(){ self.serverOptions.authorizedByAPIKey(req, this); }, function addTemplate(err, authenticated) { assert.ifError(err); ifUnauthenticated(authenticated, 'Only authenticated users can get template maps'); ifInvalidContentType(req, 'template POST data must be of type application/json'); var cfg = req.body; self.templateMaps.addTemplate(cdbuser, cfg, this); }, function prepareResponse(err, tpl_id){ assert.ifError(err); return { template_id: tpl_id }; }, finishFn(, res, 'POST TEMPLATE') ); }; // Update a template NamedMapsController.prototype.update = function(req, res) { var self = this;; var cdbuser = cdbRequest.userByReq(req); var template; var tpl_id; step( function checkPerms(){ self.serverOptions.authorizedByAPIKey(req, this); }, function updateTemplate(err, authenticated) { assert.ifError(err); ifUnauthenticated(authenticated, 'Only authenticated user can update templated maps'); ifInvalidContentType(req, 'template PUT data must be of type application/json'); template = req.body; tpl_id = templateName(req.params.template_id); self.templateMaps.updTemplate(cdbuser, tpl_id, template, this); }, function prepareResponse(err){ assert.ifError(err); return { template_id: tpl_id }; }, finishFn(, res, 'PUT TEMPLATE') ); }; // Get a specific template NamedMapsController.prototype.retrieve = function(req, res) { var self = this; if (req.profiler) { req.profiler.start('windshaft-cartodb.get_template'); }; var cdbuser = cdbRequest.userByReq(req); var tpl_id; step( function checkPerms(){ self.serverOptions.authorizedByAPIKey(req, this); }, function getTemplate(err, authenticated) { assert.ifError(err); ifUnauthenticated(authenticated, 'Only authenticated users can get template maps'); tpl_id = templateName(req.params.template_id); self.templateMaps.getTemplate(cdbuser, tpl_id, this); }, function prepareResponse(err, tpl_val) { if ( err ) throw err; if ( ! tpl_val ) { err = new Error("Cannot find template '" + tpl_id + "' of user '" + cdbuser + "'"); err.http_status = 404; throw err; } // auth_id was added by ourselves, // so we remove it before returning to the user delete tpl_val.auth_id; return { template: tpl_val }; }, finishFn(, res, 'GET TEMPLATE') ); }; // Delete a specific template NamedMapsController.prototype.destroy = function(req, res) { var self = this; if (req.profiler) { req.profiler.start('windshaft-cartodb.delete_template'); }; var cdbuser = cdbRequest.userByReq(req); var tpl_id; step( function checkPerms(){ self.serverOptions.authorizedByAPIKey(req, this); }, function deleteTemplate(err, authenticated) { assert.ifError(err); ifUnauthenticated(authenticated, 'Only authenticated users can delete template maps'); tpl_id = templateName(req.params.template_id); self.templateMaps.delTemplate(cdbuser, tpl_id, this); }, function prepareResponse(err/*, tpl_val*/){ if ( err ) throw err; return { status: 'ok' }; }, finishFn(, res, 'DELETE TEMPLATE', ['', 204]) ); }; // Get a list of owned templates NamedMapsController.prototype.list = function(req, res) { var self = this; if ( req.profiler ) { req.profiler.start('windshaft-cartodb.get_template_list'); }; var cdbuser = cdbRequest.userByReq(req); step( function checkPerms(){ self.serverOptions.authorizedByAPIKey(req, this); }, function listTemplates(err, authenticated) { assert.ifError(err); ifUnauthenticated(authenticated, 'Only authenticated user can list templated maps'); self.templateMaps.listTemplates(cdbuser, this); }, function prepareResponse(err, tpl_ids){ assert.ifError(err); return { template_ids: tpl_ids }; }, finishFn(, res, 'GET TEMPLATE LIST') ); }; NamedMapsController.prototype.instantiate = function(req, res) { var self = this; if (req.profiler) { req.profiler.start('windshaft-cartodb.instance_template_post'); } step( function instantiateTemplate() { ifInvalidContentType(req, 'template POST data must be of type application/json'); self.instantiateTemplate(req, res, req.body, this); }, function finishInstantiation(err, response) { self.finish_instantiation(err, response, res); } ); }; NamedMapsController.prototype.options = function(req, res, next) {, "Content-Type"); return next(); }; /** * jsonp endpoint, allows to instantiate a template with a json call. * callback query argument is mandatory */ NamedMapsController.prototype.jsonp = function(req, res) { var self = this; if (req.profiler) { req.profiler.start('windshaft-cartodb.instance_template_get'); } step( function instantiateTemplate() { if ( req.query.callback === undefined || req.query.callback.length === 0) { throw new Error('callback parameter should be present and be a function name'); } var config = {}; if(req.query.config) { try { config = JSON.parse(req.query.config); } catch(e) { throw new Error('badformed config parameter, should be a valid JSON'); } } self.instantiateTemplate(req, res, config, this); }, function finishInstantiation(err, response) { self.finish_instantiation(err, response, res); } ); }; // Instantiate a template NamedMapsController.prototype.instantiateTemplate = function(req, res, template_params, callback) { var self = this;; var template; var layergroup; var fakereq; // used for call to createLayergroup var cdbuser = cdbRequest.userByReq(req); // Format of template_id: []@ var tpl_id = templateName(req.params.template_id); var auth_token = req.query.auth_token; step( function getTemplate(){ self.templateMaps.getTemplate(cdbuser, tpl_id, this); }, function checkAuthorized(err, templateValue) { if ( req.profiler ) req.profiler.done('getTemplate'); if ( err ) throw err; if ( ! templateValue ) { err = new Error("Template '" + tpl_id + "' of user '" + cdbuser + "' not found"); err.http_status = 404; throw err; } template = templateValue; var authorized = false; try { authorized = self.templateMaps.isAuthorized(template, auth_token); } catch (err) { // we catch to add http_status err.http_status = 403; throw err; } if ( ! authorized ) { err = new Error('Unauthorized template instanciation'); err.http_status = 403; throw err; } if (req.profiler) { req.profiler.done('authorizedByCert'); } return self.templateMaps.instance(template, template_params); }, function prepareParams(err, instance){ if ( req.profiler ) req.profiler.done('TemplateMaps_instance'); if ( err ) throw err; layergroup = instance; fakereq = { query: {}, params: { user: req.params.user }, headers: _.clone(req.headers), context: _.clone(req.context), method: req.method, res: res, profiler: req.profiler }; self.serverOptions.setDBParams(cdbuser, fakereq.params, this); }, function setApiKey(err){ if ( req.profiler ) req.profiler.done('setDBParams'); if ( err ) throw err; self.metadataBackend.getUserMapKey(cdbuser, this); }, function createLayergroup(err, val) { if ( req.profiler ) req.profiler.done('getUserMapKey'); if ( err ) throw err; fakereq.params.api_key = val; self.mapBackend.createLayergroup(layergroup, fakereq, this); }, function prepareResponse(err, layergroup) { if ( err ) { return callback(err, { errors: [''+err] }); } var tplhash = self.templateMaps.fingerPrint(template).substring(0,8); layergroup.layergroupid = cdbuser + '@' + tplhash + '@' + layergroup.layergroupid; res.header('X-Layergroup-Id', layergroup.layergroupid); self.surrogateKeysCache.tag(res, new NamedMapsCacheEntry(cdbuser,; callback(null, layergroup); } ); }; NamedMapsController.prototype.finish_instantiation = function(err, response, res) { if (err) { var statusCode = 400; response = { errors: [''+err] }; if ( ! _.isUndefined(err.http_status) ) { statusCode = err.http_status; }, response, statusCode, 'POST INSTANCE TEMPLATE', err); } else {, [response, 200]); } }; function finishFn(app, res, description, okResponse) { return function finish(err, response){ var statusCode = 200; if (err) { statusCode = 400; response = { errors: ['' + err] }; if ( ! _.isUndefined(err.http_status) ) { statusCode = err.http_status; } app.sendError(res, response, statusCode, description, err); } else { app.sendResponse(res, okResponse || [response, statusCode]); } }; } function ifUnauthenticated(authenticated, description) { if (authenticated !== 1) { var err = new Error(description); err.http_status = 403; throw err; } } function ifInvalidContentType(req, description) { if ( ! req.headers['content-type'] || req.headers['content-type'].split(';')[0] != 'application/json' ) { throw new Error(description); } }