/** * User: simon * Date: 30/08/2011 * Time: 21:10 * Desc: CartoDB helper. * Retrieves dbname (based on subdomain/username) * and geometry type from the redis stores of cartodb */ var RedisPool = require("./redis_pool") , _ = require('underscore') , Step = require('step'); module.exports = function() { var redis_pool = new RedisPool(); var me = { user_metadata_db: 5, table_metadata_db: 0, user_key: "rails:users:<%= username %>", map_key: "rails:users:<%= username %>:map_key", table_key: "rails:<%= database_name %>:<%= table_name %>" }; /** * Get the database name for this particular subdomain/username * * @param req - standard express req object. importantly contains host information * @param callback */ me.getDatabase = function(req, callback) { // strip subdomain from header host var username = req.headers.host.split('.')[0] var redisKey = _.template(this.user_key, {username: username}); this.retrieve(this.user_metadata_db, redisKey, 'database_name', callback); }; /** * Get the user id for this particular subdomain/username * * @param req - standard express req object. importantly contains host information * @param callback */ me.getId= function(req, callback) { // strip subdomain from header host var username = req.headers.host.split('.')[0]; var redisKey = _.template(this.user_key, {username: username}); this.retrieve(this.user_metadata_db, redisKey, 'id', callback); }; /** * Check the user map key for this particular subdomain/username * * @param req - standard express req object. importantly contains host information * @param callback */ me.checkMapKey = function(req, callback) { // strip subdomain from header host var username = req.headers.host.split('.')[0]; var redisKey = _.template(this.map_key, {username: username}); this.inSet(this.user_metadata_db, redisKey, req.query.map_key, callback); }; /** * Get privacy for cartodb table * * @param req - standard req object. Importantly contains table and host information * @param callback - is the table private or not? */ me.authorize= function(req, callback) { var that = this; Step( function(){ that.checkMapKey(req, this); }, function checkIfInternal(err, check_result){ if (err) throw err; if (check_result === 1){ callback(err, true); // Internal access so early exit with access. } else { return true; // continue to check if the table is public/private } }, function (err, data){ if (err) throw err; that.getDatabase(req, this); }, function(err, data){ if (err) throw err; var redisKey = _.template(that.table_key, {database_name: data, table_name: req.params.table}); that.retrieve(that.table_metadata_db, redisKey, 'privacy', this); }, function(err, data){ if (err) throw err; callback(err, data); } ); }; /** * Get the geometry type for this particular table; * @param req - standard req object. Importantly contains table and host information * @param callback */ me.getGeometryType = function(req, callback){ var that = this; Step( function(){ that.getDatabase(req, this) }, function(err, data){ if (err) throw err; var redisKey = _.template(that.table_key, {database_name: data, table_name: req.params.table}); that.retrieve(that.table_metadata_db, redisKey, 'the_geom_type', this); }, function(err, data){ if (err) throw err; callback(err, data); } ); }; me.getInfowindow = function(req, callback){ var that = this; Step( function(){ that.getDatabase(req, this); }, function(err, data) { if (err) throw err; var redisKey = _.template(that.table_key, {database_name: data, table_name: req.params.table}); that.retrieve(that.table_metadata_db, redisKey, 'infowindow', this); }, function(err, data){ if (err) throw err; callback(err, data); } ); }; me.getMapMetadata = function(req, callback){ var that = this; Step( function(){ that.getDatabase(req, this); }, function(err, data) { if (err) throw err; var redisKey = _.template(that.table_key, {database_name: data, table_name: req.params.table}); that.retrieve(that.table_metadata_db, redisKey, 'map_metadata', this); }, function(err, data){ if (err) throw err; callback(err, data); } ); }; // Redis Hash lookup me.retrieve = function(db, redisKey, hashKey, callback) { this.redisCmd(db,'HGET',[redisKey, hashKey], callback); }; // Redis Set member check me.inSet = function(db, setKey, member, callback) { this.redisCmd(db,'SISMEMBER',[setKey, member], callback); }; /** * Use Redis * * @param db - redis database number * @param redisFunc - the redis function to execute * @param redisArgs - the arguments for the redis function in an array * @param callback - function to pass results too. */ me.redisCmd = function(db, redisFunc, redisArgs, callback) { var redisClient; Step( function getRedisClient() { redis_pool.acquire(db, this); }, function executeQuery(err, data) { redisClient = data; redisArgs.push(this); redisClient[redisFunc.toUpperCase()].apply(redisClient, redisArgs); }, function releaseRedisClient(err, data) { if (err) throw err; redis_pool.release(db, redisClient); callback(err, data); } ); }; return me; }();