var PSQL = require('cartodb-psql'); var cors = require('../middleware/cors'); var userMiddleware = require('../middleware/user'); function AnalysesController(prepareContext) { this.prepareContext = prepareContext; } module.exports = AnalysesController; AnalysesController.prototype.register = function (app) { app.get( `${app.base_url_mapconfig}/analyses/catalog`, cors(), userMiddleware, this.prepareContext, this.createPGClient(), this.getDataFromQuery({ queryTemplate: catalogQueryTpl, key: 'catalog' }), this.getDataFromQuery({ queryTemplate: tablesQueryTpl, key: 'tables' }), this.prepareResponse(), this.setCacheControlHeader(), this.sendResponse(), this.unathorizedError() ); }; AnalysesController.prototype.createPGClient = function () { return function createPGClientMiddleware (req, res, next) { = new PSQL(dbParamsFromReqParams(res.locals)); next(); }; }; AnalysesController.prototype.getDataFromQuery = function ({ queryTemplate, key }) { const readOnlyTransactionOn = true; return function getCatalogMiddleware(req, res, next) { const { pg, user } = res.locals; const sql = queryTemplate({ _username: user }); pg.query(sql, (err, resultSet = {}) => { if (err) { return next(err); } res.locals[key] = resultSet.rows || []; next(); }, readOnlyTransactionOn); }; }; AnalysesController.prototype.prepareResponse = function () { return function prepareResponseMiddleware (req, res, next) { const { catalog, tables } = res.locals; const analysisIdToTable = tables.reduce((analysisIdToTable, table) => { const analysisId = table.relname.split('_')[2]; if (analysisId && analysisId.length === 40) { analysisIdToTable[analysisId] = table; } return analysisIdToTable; }, {}); const analysisCatalog = => { if (analysisIdToTable.hasOwnProperty(analysis.node_id)) { analysis.table = analysisIdToTable[analysis.node_id]; } return analysis; }) .sort((analysisA, analysisB) => { if (!!analysisA.table && !!analysisB.table) { return analysisB.table.size - analysisA.table.size; } if (!!analysisA.table) { return -1; } if (!!analysisB.table) { return 1; } return -1; }); res.body = { catalog: analysisCatalog }; next(); }; }; AnalysesController.prototype.setCacheControlHeader = function () { return function setCacheControlHeaderMiddleware (req, res, next) { res.set('Cache-Control', 'public,max-age=10,must-revalidate'); next(); }; }; AnalysesController.prototype.sendResponse = function() { return function sendResponseMiddleware (req, res) { res.status(200); if (req.query && req.query.callback) { res.jsonp(res.body); } else { res.json(res.body); } }; }; AnalysesController.prototype.unathorizedError = function () { return function unathorizedErrorMiddleware(err, req, res, next) { if (err.message.match(/permission\sdenied/)) { err = new Error('Unauthorized'); err.http_status = 401; } next(err); }; }; const catalogQueryTpl = ctx => ` SELECT analysis_def->>'type' as type, * FROM cdb_analysis_catalog WHERE username = '${ctx._username}' `; var tablesQueryTpl = ctx => ` WITH analysis_tables AS ( SELECT n.nspname AS nspname, c.relname AS relname, pg_total_relation_size( format('%s.%s', pg_catalog.quote_ident(n.nspname), pg_catalog.quote_ident(c.relname)) ) AS size, format('%s.%s', pg_catalog.quote_ident(nspname), pg_catalog.quote_ident(relname)) AS fully_qualified_name FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n WHERE c.relnamespace = n.oid AND pg_catalog.quote_ident(c.relname) ~ '^analysis_[a-z0-9]{10}_[a-z0-9]{40}$' AND n.nspname IN ('${ctx._username}', 'public') ) SELECT *, pg_size_pretty(size) as size_pretty FROM analysis_tables ORDER BY size DESC `; function dbParamsFromReqParams(params) { var dbParams = {}; if ( params.dbuser ) { dbParams.user = params.dbuser; } if ( params.dbpassword ) { dbParams.pass = params.dbpassword; } if ( params.dbhost ) { = params.dbhost; } if ( params.dbport ) { dbParams.port = params.dbport; } if ( params.dbname ) { dbParams.dbname = params.dbname; } return dbParams; }