var _ = require('underscore'); var windshaft = require('windshaft'); var QueryTables = require('cartodb-query-tables'); var ResourceLocator = require('../models/resource-locator'); var cors = require('../middleware/cors'); var userMiddleware = require('../middleware/user'); const allowQueryParams = require('../middleware/allow-query-params'); var MapConfig = windshaft.model.MapConfig; var Datasource = windshaft.model.Datasource; var NamedMapsCacheEntry = require('../cache/model/named_maps_entry'); var NamedMapMapConfigProvider = require('../models/mapconfig/provider/named-map-provider'); var CreateLayergroupMapConfigProvider = require('../models/mapconfig/provider/create-layergroup-provider'); const LayergroupMetadata = require('../utils/layergroup-metadata'); /** * @param {AuthApi} authApi * @param {PgConnection} pgConnection * @param {TemplateMaps} templateMaps * @param {MapBackend} mapBackend * @param metadataBackend * @param {SurrogateKeysCache} surrogateKeysCache * @param {UserLimitsApi} userLimitsApi * @param {LayergroupAffectedTables} layergroupAffectedTables * @param {MapConfigAdapter} mapConfigAdapter * @param {StatsBackend} statsBackend * @constructor */ function MapController(prepareContext, pgConnection, templateMaps, mapBackend, metadataBackend, surrogateKeysCache, userLimitsApi, layergroupAffectedTables, mapConfigAdapter, statsBackend) { this.pgConnection = pgConnection; this.templateMaps = templateMaps; this.mapBackend = mapBackend; this.metadataBackend = metadataBackend; this.surrogateKeysCache = surrogateKeysCache; this.userLimitsApi = userLimitsApi; this.layergroupAffectedTables = layergroupAffectedTables; this.mapConfigAdapter = mapConfigAdapter; const resourceLocator = new ResourceLocator(global.environment); this.layergroupMetadata = new LayergroupMetadata(resourceLocator); this.statsBackend = statsBackend; this.prepareContext = prepareContext; } module.exports = MapController; MapController.prototype.register = function(app) { const { base_url_mapconfig, base_url_templated } = app; const useTemplate = true; app.get(base_url_mapconfig, this.composeCreateMapMiddleware());, this.composeCreateMapMiddleware()); app.get(`${base_url_templated}/:template_id/jsonp`, this.composeCreateMapMiddleware(useTemplate));`${base_url_templated}/:template_id`, this.composeCreateMapMiddleware(useTemplate)); app.options(app.base_url_mapconfig, cors('Content-Type')); }; MapController.prototype.composeCreateMapMiddleware = function (useTemplate = false) { const isTemplateInstantiation = useTemplate; const useTemplateHash = useTemplate; const includeQuery = !useTemplate; const label = useTemplate ? 'NAMED MAP LAYERGROUP' : 'ANONYMOUS LAYERGROUP'; const addContext = !useTemplate; return [ cors(), userMiddleware(), allowQueryParams(['aggregation']), this.prepareContext, initProfiler(isTemplateInstantiation), checkJsonContentType(), this.getCreateMapMiddlewares(useTemplate), incrementMapViewCount(this.metadataBackend), augmentLayergroupData(), getAffectedTables(this.pgConnection, this.layergroupAffectedTables), setCacheChannel(), setLastModified(), setLastUpdatedTimeToLayergroup(), setCacheControl(), setLayerStats(this.pgConnection, this.statsBackend), setLayergroupIdHeader(this.templateMaps ,useTemplateHash), setDataviewsAndWidgetsUrlsToLayergroupMetadata(this.layergroupMetadata), setAnalysesMetadataToLayergroup(this.layergroupMetadata, includeQuery), setTurboCartoMetadataToLayergroup(this.layergroupMetadata), setAggregationMetadataToLayergroup(this.layergroupMetadata), setTilejsonMetadataToLayergroup(this.layergroupMetadata), setSurrogateKeyHeader(this.surrogateKeysCache), sendResponse(), augmentError({ label, addContext }) ]; }; MapController.prototype.getCreateMapMiddlewares = function (useTemplate) { if (useTemplate) { return [ checkInstantiteLayergroup(), getTemplate( this.templateMaps, this.pgConnection, this.metadataBackend, this.userLimitsApi, this.mapConfigAdapter ), instantiateLayergroup(this.mapBackend, this.userLimitsApi) ]; } return [ checkCreateLayergroup(), prepareAdapterMapConfig(this.mapConfigAdapter), createLayergroup (this.mapBackend, this.userLimitsApi) ]; } function initProfiler (isTemplateInstantiation) { const operation = isTemplateInstantiation ? 'instance_template' : 'createmap'; return function initProfilerMiddleware (req, res, next) { req.profiler.start(`windshaft-cartodb.${operation}_${req.method.toLowerCase()}`); req.profiler.done(`${operation}.initProfilerMiddleware`); next(); }; } function checkJsonContentType () { return function checkJsonContentTypeMiddleware(req, res, next) { if (req.method === 'POST' && !'application/json')) { return next(new Error('POST data must be of type application/json')); } req.profiler.done('checkJsonContentTypeMiddleware'); next(); }; } function checkInstantiteLayergroup () { return function checkInstantiteLayergroupMiddleware(req, res, next) { if (req.method === 'GET') { const { callback, config } = req.query; if (callback === undefined || callback.length === 0) { return next(new Error('callback parameter should be present and be a function name')); } if (config) { try { req.body = JSON.parse(config); } catch(e) { return next(new Error('Invalid config parameter, should be a valid JSON')); } } } req.profiler.done('checkInstantiteLayergroup'); return next(); }; } function checkCreateLayergroup () { return function checkCreateLayergroupMiddleware (req, res, next) { if (req.method === 'GET') { const { config } = res.locals; if (!config) { return next(new Error('layergroup GET needs a "config" parameter')); } try { req.body = JSON.parse(config); } catch (err) { return next(err); } } req.profiler.done('checkCreateLayergroup'); return next(); }; } function getTemplate (templateMaps, pgConnection, metadataBackend, userLimitsApi, mapConfigAdapter) { return function getTemplateMiddleware (req, res, next) { const templateParams = req.body; const { user } = res.locals; const mapconfigProvider = new NamedMapMapConfigProvider( templateMaps, pgConnection, metadataBackend, userLimitsApi, mapConfigAdapter, user, req.params.template_id, templateParams, res.locals.auth_token, res.locals ); mapconfigProvider.getMapConfig((err, mapconfig, rendererParams) => { req.profiler.done('named.getMapConfig'); if (err) { return next(err); } res.locals.mapconfig = mapconfig; res.locals.rendererParams = rendererParams; res.locals.mapconfigProvider = mapconfigProvider; next(); }); }; } function prepareAdapterMapConfig (mapConfigAdapter) { return function prepareAdapterMapConfigMiddleware(req, res, next) { const requestMapConfig = req.body; const { user, dbhost, dbport, dbname, dbuser, dbpassword, api_key } = res.locals; const context = { analysisConfiguration: { user, db: { host: dbhost, port: dbport, dbname: dbname, user: dbuser, pass: dbpassword }, batch: { username: user, apiKey: api_key } } }; mapConfigAdapter.getMapConfig(user, requestMapConfig, res.locals, context, (err, requestMapConfig) => { req.profiler.done('anonymous.getMapConfig'); if (err) { return next(err); } req.body = requestMapConfig; res.locals.context = context; next(); }); }; } function createLayergroup (mapBackend, userLimitsApi) { return function createLayergroupMiddleware (req, res, next) { const requestMapConfig = req.body; const { context, user } = res.locals; const datasource = context.datasource || Datasource.EmptyDatasource(); const mapconfig = new MapConfig(requestMapConfig, datasource); const mapconfigProvider = new CreateLayergroupMapConfigProvider(mapconfig, user, userLimitsApi, res.locals); res.locals.mapconfig = mapconfig; res.locals.analysesResults = context.analysesResults; mapBackend.createLayergroup(mapconfig, res.locals, mapconfigProvider, (err, layergroup) => { req.profiler.done('createLayergroup'); if (err) { return next(err); } res.locals.layergroup = layergroup; next(); }); }; } function instantiateLayergroup (mapBackend, userLimitsApi) { return function instantiateLayergroupMiddleware (req, res, next) { const { user, mapconfig, rendererParams } = res.locals; const mapconfigProvider = new CreateLayergroupMapConfigProvider(mapconfig, user, userLimitsApi, rendererParams); mapBackend.createLayergroup(mapconfig, rendererParams, mapconfigProvider, (err, layergroup) => { req.profiler.done('createLayergroup'); if (err) { return next(err); } res.locals.layergroup = layergroup; const { mapconfigProvider } = res.locals; res.locals.analysesResults = mapconfigProvider.analysesResults; res.locals.template = mapconfigProvider.template; res.locals.templateName = mapconfigProvider.getTemplateName(); res.locals.context = mapconfigProvider.context; next(); }); }; } function incrementMapViewCount (metadataBackend) { return function incrementMapViewCountMiddleware(req, res, next) { const { mapconfig, user } = res.locals; // Error won't blow up, just be logged. metadataBackend.incMapviewCount(user, mapconfig.obj().stat_tag, (err) => { req.profiler.done('incMapviewCount'); if (err) { global.logger.log(`ERROR: failed to increment mapview count for user '${user}': ${err.message}`); } next(); }); }; } function augmentLayergroupData () { return function augmentLayergroupDataMiddleware (req, res, next) { const { layergroup } = res.locals; // include in layergroup response the variables in serverMedata // those variables are useful to send to the client information // about how to reach this server or information about it _.extend(layergroup, global.environment.serverMetadata); next(); }; } function getAffectedTables (pgConnection, layergroupAffectedTables) { return function getAffectedTablesMiddleware (req, res, next) { const { dbname, layergroup, user, mapconfig } = res.locals; pgConnection.getConnection(user, (err, connection) => { if (err) { return next(err); } const sql = []; mapconfig.getLayers().forEach(function(layer) { sql.push(layer.options.sql); if (layer.options.affected_tables) { { sql.push('SELECT * FROM ' + table + ' LIMIT 0'); }); } }); QueryTables.getAffectedTablesFromQuery(connection, sql.join(';'), (err, affectedTables) => { req.profiler.done('getAffectedTablesFromQuery'); if (err) { return next(err); } // feed affected tables cache so it can be reused from, for instance, layergroup controller layergroupAffectedTables.set(dbname, layergroup.layergroupId, affectedTables); res.locals.affectedTables = affectedTables; next(); }); }); }; } function setCacheChannel () { return function setCacheChannelMiddleware (req, res, next) { const { affectedTables } = res.locals; if (req.method === 'GET') { res.set('X-Cache-Channel', affectedTables.getCacheChannel()); } next(); }; } function setLastModified () { return function setLastModifiedMiddleware (req, res, next) { if (req.method === 'GET') { res.set('Last-Modified', (new Date()).toUTCString()); } next(); }; } function setLastUpdatedTimeToLayergroup () { return function setLastUpdatedTimeToLayergroupMiddleware (req, res, next) { const { affectedTables, layergroup, analysesResults } = res.locals; var lastUpdateTime = affectedTables.getLastUpdatedAt(); lastUpdateTime = getLastUpdatedTime(analysesResults, lastUpdateTime) || lastUpdateTime; // last update for layergroup cache buster layergroup.layergroupid = layergroup.layergroupid + ':' + lastUpdateTime; layergroup.last_updated = new Date(lastUpdateTime).toISOString(); next(); }; } function getLastUpdatedTime(analysesResults, lastUpdateTime) { if (!Array.isArray(analysesResults)) { return lastUpdateTime; } return analysesResults.reduce(function(lastUpdateTime, analysis) { return analysis.getNodes().reduce(function(lastNodeUpdatedAtTime, node) { var nodeUpdatedAtDate = node.getUpdatedAt(); var nodeUpdatedTimeAt = (nodeUpdatedAtDate && nodeUpdatedAtDate.getTime()) || 0; return nodeUpdatedTimeAt > lastNodeUpdatedAtTime ? nodeUpdatedTimeAt : lastNodeUpdatedAtTime; }, lastUpdateTime); }, lastUpdateTime); } function setCacheControl () { return function setCacheControlMiddleware (req, res, next) { if (req.method === 'GET') { var ttl = global.environment.varnish.layergroupTtl || 86400; res.set('Cache-Control', 'public,max-age='+ttl+',must-revalidate'); } next(); }; } function setLayerStats (pgConnection, statsBackend) { return function setLayerStatsMiddleware(req, res, next) { const { user, mapconfig, layergroup } = res.locals; pgConnection.getConnection(user, (err, connection) => { if (err) { return next(err); } statsBackend.getStats(mapconfig, connection, function(err, layersStats) { if (err) { return next(err); } if (layersStats.length > 0) { layergroup.metadata.layers.forEach(function (layer, index) { layer.meta.stats = layersStats[index]; }); } next(); }); }); }; } function setLayergroupIdHeader (templateMaps, useTemplateHash) { return function setLayergroupIdHeaderMiddleware (req, res, next) { const { layergroup, user, template } = res.locals; if (useTemplateHash) { var templateHash = templateMaps.fingerPrint(template).substring(0, 8); layergroup.layergroupid = `${user}@${templateHash}@${layergroup.layergroupid}`; } res.set('X-Layergroup-Id', layergroup.layergroupid); next(); }; } function setDataviewsAndWidgetsUrlsToLayergroupMetadata (layergroupMetadata) { return function setDataviewsAndWidgetsUrlsToLayergroupMetadataMiddleware (req, res, next) { const { layergroup, user, mapconfig } = res.locals; layergroupMetadata.addDataviewsAndWidgetsUrls(user, layergroup, mapconfig.obj()); next(); }; } function setAnalysesMetadataToLayergroup (layergroupMetadata, includeQuery) { return function setAnalysesMetadataToLayergroupMiddleware (req, res, next) { const { layergroup, user, analysesResults = [] } = res.locals; layergroupMetadata.addAnalysesMetadata(user, layergroup, analysesResults, includeQuery); next(); }; } function setTurboCartoMetadataToLayergroup (layergroupMetadata) { return function setTurboCartoMetadataToLayergroupMiddleware (req, res, next) { const { layergroup, mapconfig, context } = res.locals; layergroupMetadata.addTurboCartoContextMetadata(layergroup, mapconfig.obj(), context); next(); }; } function setAggregationMetadataToLayergroup (layergroupMetadata) { return function setAggregationMetadataToLayergroupMiddleware (req, res, next) { const { layergroup, mapconfig, context } = res.locals; layergroupMetadata.addAggregationContextMetadata(layergroup, mapconfig.obj(), context); next(); }; } function setTilejsonMetadataToLayergroup (layergroupMetadata) { return function augmentLayergroupTilejsonMiddleware (req, res, next) { const { layergroup, user, mapconfig } = res.locals; layergroupMetadata.addTileJsonMetadata(layergroup, user, mapconfig); next(); }; } function setSurrogateKeyHeader (surrogateKeysCache) { return function setSurrogateKeyHeaderMiddleware(req, res, next) { const { affectedTables, user, templateName } = res.locals; if (req.method === 'GET' && affectedTables.tables && affectedTables.tables.length > 0) { surrogateKeysCache.tag(res, affectedTables); } if (templateName) { surrogateKeysCache.tag(res, new NamedMapsCacheEntry(user, templateName)); } next(); }; } function sendResponse () { return function sendResponseMiddleware (req, res) { req.profiler.done('res'); const { layergroup } = res.locals; res.status(200); if (req.query && req.query.callback) { res.jsonp(layergroup); } else { res.json(layergroup); } }; } function augmentError (options) { const { addContext = false, label = 'MAPS CONTROLLER' } = options; return function augmentErrorMiddleware (err, req, res, next) { req.profiler.done('error'); const { mapconfig } = res.locals; if (addContext) { err = Number.isFinite(err.layerIndex) ? populateError(err, mapconfig) : err; } err.label = label; next(err); }; } function populateError(err, mapConfig) { var error = new Error(err.message); error.http_status = err.http_status; if (!err.http_status && err.message.indexOf('column "the_geom_webmercator" does not exist') >= 0) { error.http_status = 400; } error.type = 'layer'; error.subtype = err.message.indexOf('Postgis Plugin') >= 0 ? 'query' : undefined; error.layer = { id: mapConfig.getLayerId(err.layerIndex), index: err.layerIndex, type: mapConfig.layerType(err.layerIndex) }; return error; }