var _ = require('underscore') , Step = require('step') , cartoData = require('./carto_data') , Cache = require('./cache_validator'); module.exports = function(){ var me = { base_url: '/tiles/:table', grainstore: { datasource: global.environment.postgres, cachedir: global.environment.millstone.cache_basedir }, redis: global.environment.redis, enable_cors: global.environment.enable_cors, varnish_host:, varnish_port: global.environment.varnish.port, cache_enabled: global.environment.cache_enabled, log_format: '[:date] :req[X-Real-IP] \033[90m:method\033[0m \033[36m:req[Host]:url\033[0m \033[90m:status :response-time ms -> :res[Content-Type]\033[0m' }; // Set the cache chanel info to invalidate the cache on the frontend server // // @param req The request object. // The function will have no effect unless req.res exists. // It is expected that req.params contains 'table' and 'dbname' // // @param cb function(err, channel) will be called when ready. // the channel parameter will be null if nothing was added // me.addCacheChannel = function(req, cb) { // skip non-GET requests, or requests for which there's no response if ( req.method != 'GET' || ! req.res ) { cb(null, null); return; } var res = req.res; var ttl = global.environment.varnish.ttl || 86400; Cache.generateCacheChannel(req, function(channel){ res.header('X-Cache-Channel', channel); res.header('Last-Modified', new Date().toUTCString()); res.header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache,max-age='+ttl+',must-revalidate, public'); cb(null, channel); // add last-modified too ? }); } /** * Whitelist input and get database name & default geometry type from * subdomain/user metadata held in CartoDB Redis * @param req - standard express request obj. Should have host & table * @param callback */ me.req2params = function(req, callback){ // Whitelist query parameters and attach format var good_query = ['sql', 'geom_type', 'cache_buster','callback', 'interactivity', 'map_key', 'style']; var bad_query = _.difference(_.keys(req.query), good_query); _.each(bad_query, function(key){ delete req.query[key]; }); req.params = _.extend({}, req.params); // shuffle things as request is a strange array/object // bring all query values onto req.params object _.extend(req.params, req.query); // for cartodb, ensure interactivity is cartodb_id or user specified req.params.interactivity = req.params.interactivity || 'cartodb_id'; req.params.processXML = function(req, xml, callback) { var dbuser = req.dbuser ? req.dbuser : global.settings.postgres.user; if ( ! me.rx_dbuser ) me.rx_dbuser = /(<\/Parameter>)/; xml = xml.replace(me.rx_dbuser, "$1" + dbuser + "$2"); callback(null, xml); } var that = this; Step( function getPrivacy(){ cartoData.authorize(req, this); }, function gatekeep(err, data){ if(err) throw err; if(data === "0") throw new Error("Sorry, you are unauthorized (permission denied)"); return data; }, function getDatabase(err, data){ if(err) throw err; cartoData.getDatabase(req, this); }, function getGeometryType(err, data){ if (err) throw err; _.extend(req.params, {dbname:data}); cartoData.getGeometryType(req, this); }, function finishSetup(err, data){ if ( err ) { callback(err, req); return; } if (!_.isNull(data)) _.extend(req.params, {geom_type: data}); that.addCacheChannel(req, function(err, chan) { callback(err, req); }); } ); }; /** * Little helper method to get the current list of infowindow variables and return to client * @param req * @param callback */ me.getInfowindow = function(req, callback){ var that = this; Step( function(){ that.req2params(req, this); }, function(err, data){ if (err) callback(err, null); else cartoData.getInfowindow(data, callback); } ); }; /** * Little helper method to get map metadata and return to client * @param req * @param callback */ me.getMapMetadata = function(req, callback){ var that = this; Step( function(){ that.req2params(req, this); }, function(err, data){ if (err) throw err; cartoData.getMapMetadata(data, callback); } ); }; /** * Helper to clear out tile cache on request * @param req * @param callback */ me.flushCache = function(req, Cache, callback){ var that = this; Step( function(){ that.req2params(req, this); }, function(err, data){ if (err) throw err; Cache.invalidate_db(req.params.dbname, req.params.table); callback(null, true); } ); }; return me; }();