require('../../../support/test_helper.js'); var _ = require('underscore'); var assert = require('assert'); var cartodbServer = require('../../../../lib/cartodb/server'); var serverOptions = require('../../../../lib/cartodb/server_options'); describe('windshaft', function() { it('should have valid global environment', function() { assert.equal(, 'test'); }); it('can instantiate a Windshaft object (configured express instance)', function(){ var ws = cartodbServer(serverOptions); assert.ok(ws); }); it('can spawn a new server on the global listen port', function(done){ var ws = cartodbServer(serverOptions); ws.listen(global.environment.windshaft_port, function() { assert.ok(ws); ws.close(done); /* allow proper tear down */ }); }); it('throws exception if incorrect options passed in', function(){ assert.throws( function(){ var ws = cartodbServer({unbuffered_logging:true}); ws.listen(); }, /Cannot read property 'mapnik' of undefined/ ); }); it('options are set on main windshaft object', function(){ var ws = cartodbServer(serverOptions); assert.ok(_.isFunction(ws.req2params)); assert.equal(ws.base_url, '/tiles/:table'); }); it('different formats for postgis plugin error returns 400 as status code', function() { var expectedStatusCode = 400; assert.equal( cartodbServer.findStatusCode("Postgis Plugin: ERROR: column \"missing\" does not exist\n"), expectedStatusCode, "Error status code for single line does not match" ); assert.equal( cartodbServer.findStatusCode("Postgis Plugin: PSQL error:\nERROR: column \"missing\" does not exist\n"), expectedStatusCode, "Error status code for multiline/PSQL does not match" ); }); });