var assert = require('assert'); var step = require('step'); var cors = require('../middleware/cors'); var userMiddleware = require('../middleware/user'); var allowQueryParams = require('../middleware/allow-query-params'); var vectorError = require('../middleware/vector-error'); var DataviewBackend = require('../backends/dataview'); var AnalysisStatusBackend = require('../backends/analysis-status'); var MapStoreMapConfigProvider = require('../models/mapconfig/provider/map-store-provider'); var QueryTables = require('cartodb-query-tables'); /** * @param {AuthApi} authApi * @param {PgConnection} pgConnection * @param {MapStore} mapStore * @param {TileBackend} tileBackend * @param {PreviewBackend} previewBackend * @param {AttributesBackend} attributesBackend * @param {SurrogateKeysCache} surrogateKeysCache * @param {UserLimitsApi} userLimitsApi * @param {LayergroupAffectedTables} layergroupAffectedTables * @param {AnalysisBackend} analysisBackend * @constructor */ function LayergroupController(prepareContext, pgConnection, mapStore, tileBackend, previewBackend, attributesBackend, surrogateKeysCache, userLimitsApi, layergroupAffectedTables, analysisBackend) { this.pgConnection = pgConnection; this.mapStore = mapStore; this.tileBackend = tileBackend; this.previewBackend = previewBackend; this.attributesBackend = attributesBackend; this.surrogateKeysCache = surrogateKeysCache; this.userLimitsApi = userLimitsApi; this.layergroupAffectedTables = layergroupAffectedTables; this.dataviewBackend = new DataviewBackend(analysisBackend); this.analysisStatusBackend = new AnalysisStatusBackend(); this.prepareContext = prepareContext; } module.exports = LayergroupController; LayergroupController.prototype.register = function(app) { app.get( app.base_url_mapconfig + '/:token/:z/:x/:y@:scale_factor?x.:format', cors(), userMiddleware, this.prepareContext, this.tile.bind(this), vectorError() ); app.get( app.base_url_mapconfig + '/:token/:z/:x/:y.:format', cors(), userMiddleware, this.prepareContext, this.tile.bind(this), vectorError() ); app.get( app.base_url_mapconfig + '/:token/:layer/:z/:x/:y.(:format)', cors(), userMiddleware, validateLayerRouteMiddleware, this.prepareContext, this.layer.bind(this), vectorError() ); app.get( app.base_url_mapconfig + '/:token/:layer/attributes/:fid', cors(), userMiddleware, this.prepareContext, this.getMapStoreMapConfigProvider(this.mapStore, this.userLimitsApi), this.attributes(this.attributesBackend) ); app.get( app.base_url_mapconfig + '/static/center/:token/:z/:lat/:lng/:width/:height.:format', cors(), userMiddleware, allowQueryParams(['layer']), this.prepareContext, this.getMapStoreMapConfigProvider(this.mapStore, this.userLimitsApi), ); app.get( app.base_url_mapconfig + '/static/bbox/:token/:west,:south,:east,:north/:width/:height.:format', cors(), userMiddleware, allowQueryParams(['layer']), this.prepareContext, this.getMapStoreMapConfigProvider(this.mapStore, this.userLimitsApi), this.bbox(this.previewBackend) ); // Undocumented/non-supported API endpoint methods. // Use at your own peril. var allowedDataviewQueryParams = [ 'filters', // json 'own_filter', // 0, 1 'no_filters', // 0, 1 'bbox', // w,s,e,n 'start', // number 'end', // number 'column_type', // string 'bins', // number 'aggregation', //string 'offset', // number 'q', // widgets search 'categories', // number ]; app.get( app.base_url_mapconfig + '/:token/dataview/:dataviewName', cors(), userMiddleware, allowQueryParams(allowedDataviewQueryParams), this.prepareContext, this.getMapStoreMapConfigProvider(this.mapStore, this.userLimitsApi), this.getDataview(this.dataviewBackend) ); app.get( app.base_url_mapconfig + '/:token/:layer/widget/:dataviewName', cors(), userMiddleware, allowQueryParams(allowedDataviewQueryParams), this.prepareContext, this.getMapStoreMapConfigProvider(this.mapStore, this.userLimitsApi), this.getDataview(this.dataviewBackend) ); app.get( app.base_url_mapconfig + '/:token/dataview/:dataviewName/search', cors(), userMiddleware, allowQueryParams(allowedDataviewQueryParams), this.prepareContext, this.getMapStoreMapConfigProvider(this.mapStore, this.userLimitsApi), this.dataviewSearch(this.dataviewBackend) ); app.get( app.base_url_mapconfig + '/:token/:layer/widget/:dataviewName/search', cors(), userMiddleware, allowQueryParams(allowedDataviewQueryParams), this.prepareContext, this.getMapStoreMapConfigProvider(this.mapStore, this.userLimitsApi), this.dataviewSearch(this.dataviewBackend) ); app.get( app.base_url_mapconfig + '/:token/analysis/node/:nodeId', cors(), userMiddleware, this.prepareContext, this.analysisNodeStatus(this.analysisStatusBackend) ); }; LayergroupController.prototype.analysisNodeStatus = function (analysisStatusBackend) { return function analysisNodeStatusMiddleware(req, res, next) { analysisStatusBackend.getNodeStatus(res.locals, (err, nodeStatus, stats) => { req.profiler.add(stats || {}); if (err) { err.label = 'GET NODE STATUS'; return next(err); } this.sendResponse(req, res, nodeStatus, 200, { 'Cache-Control': 'public,max-age=5', 'Last-Modified': new Date().toUTCString() }); }); }.bind(this); }; LayergroupController.prototype.getMapStoreMapConfigProvider = function (mapStore, userLimitsApi) { return function getMapStoreMapConfigProviderMiddleware (req, res, next) { const { user } = res.locals; res.locals.mapConfigProvider = new MapStoreMapConfigProvider(mapStore, user, userLimitsApi, res.locals); next(); }; }; LayergroupController.prototype.getDataview = function (dataviewBackend) { return function getDataviewMiddleware (req, res, next) { const { user, mapConfigProvider } = res.locals; dataviewBackend.getDataview(mapConfigProvider, user, res.locals, (err, dataview, stats) => { req.profiler.add(stats || {}); if (err) { err.label = 'GET DATAVIEW'; return next(err); } this.sendResponse(req, res, dataview, 200); }); }.bind(this); }; LayergroupController.prototype.dataviewSearch = function (dataviewBackend) { return function dataviewSearchMiddlewarify (req, res, next) { const { user, dataviewName, mapConfigProvider } = res.locals;, user, dataviewName, res.locals, (err, searchResult, stats) => { req.profiler.add(stats || {}); if (err) { err.label = 'GET DATAVIEW SEARCH'; return next(err); } this.sendResponse(req, res, searchResult, 200); }); }.bind(this); }; LayergroupController.prototype.attributes = function (attributesBackend) { return function attributesMiddleware (req, res, next) { req.profiler.start('windshaft.maplayer_attribute'); const { mapConfigProvider } = res.locals; attributesBackend.getFeatureAttributes(mapConfigProvider, res.locals, false, (err, tile, stats) => { req.profiler.add(stats || {}); if (err) { err.label = 'GET ATTRIBUTES'; return next(err); } this.sendResponse(req, res, tile, 200); }); }.bind(this); }; // Gets a tile for a given token and set of tile ZXY coords. (OSM style) LayergroupController.prototype.tile = function(req, res, next) { req.profiler.start('windshaft.map_tile'); this.tileOrLayer(req, res, next); }; // Gets a tile for a given token, layer set of tile ZXY coords. (OSM style) LayergroupController.prototype.layer = function(req, res, next) { req.profiler.start('windshaft.maplayer_tile'); this.tileOrLayer(req, res, next); }; LayergroupController.prototype.tileOrLayer = function (req, res, next) { var self = this; step( function mapController$getTileOrGrid() { self.tileBackend.getTile( new MapStoreMapConfigProvider(self.mapStore, res.locals.user, self.userLimitsApi, res.locals), res.locals, this ); }, function mapController$finalize(err, tile, headers, stats) { req.profiler.add(stats); self.finalizeGetTileOrGrid(err, req, res, tile, headers, next); } ); }; function getStatusCode(tile, format){ return tile.length===0 && format==='mvt'? 204:200; } // This function is meant for being called as the very last // step by all endpoints serving tiles or grids LayergroupController.prototype.finalizeGetTileOrGrid = function(err, req, res, tile, headers, next) { var supportedFormats = { grid_json: true, json_torque: true, torque_json: true, png: true, png32: true, mvt: true }; var formatStat = 'invalid'; if (req.params.format) { var format = req.params.format.replace('.', '_'); if (supportedFormats[format]) { formatStat = format; } } if (err) { // See var errMsg = err.message ? ( '' + err.message ) : ( '' + err ); // Rewrite mapnik parsing errors to start with layer number var matches = errMsg.match("(.*) in style 'layer([0-9]+)'"); if (matches) { errMsg = 'style'+matches[2]+': ' + matches[1]; } err.message = errMsg; err.label = 'TILE RENDER'; next(err); global.statsClient.increment('windshaft.tiles.error'); global.statsClient.increment('windshaft.tiles.' + formatStat + '.error'); } else { this.sendResponse(req, res, tile, getStatusCode(tile, formatStat), headers); global.statsClient.increment('windshaft.tiles.success'); global.statsClient.increment('windshaft.tiles.' + formatStat + '.success'); } }; = function (previewBackend) { return function centerMiddleware (req, res, next) { const width = +req.params.width; const height = +req.params.height; const zoom = +req.params.z; const center = { lng: +req.params.lng, lat: }; const format = req.params.format === 'jpg' ? 'jpeg' : 'png'; // We force always the tile to be generated using PNG because // is the only format we support by now res.locals.format = 'png'; res.locals.layer = res.locals.layer || 'all'; const { mapConfigProvider } = res.locals; previewBackend.getImage(mapConfigProvider, format, width, height, zoom, center,(err, image, headers, stats) => { req.profiler.done('render-' + format); req.profiler.add(stats || {}); if (err) { err.label = 'STATIC_MAP'; return next(err); } res.set('Content-Type', headers['Content-Type'] || 'image/' + format); this.sendResponse(req, res, image, 200); }); }.bind(this); }; LayergroupController.prototype.bbox = function (previewBackend) { return function bboxMiddleware (req, res, next) { const width = +req.params.width; const height = +req.params.height; const bounds = { west: +req.params.west, north: +req.params.north, east: +req.params.east, south: +req.params.south }; const format = req.params.format === 'jpg' ? 'jpeg' : 'png'; // We force always the tile to be generated using PNG because // is the only format we support by now res.locals.format = 'png'; res.locals.layer = res.locals.layer || 'all'; const { mapConfigProvider } = res.locals; previewBackend.getImage(mapConfigProvider, format, width, height, bounds, (err, image, headers, stats) => { req.profiler.done('render-' + format); req.profiler.add(stats || {}); if (err) { err.label = 'STATIC_MAP'; return next(err); } res.set('Content-Type', headers['Content-Type'] || 'image/' + format); this.sendResponse(req, res, image, 200); }); }.bind(this); }; LayergroupController.prototype.sendResponse = function(req, res, body, status, headers) { var self = this; req.profiler.done('res'); res.set('Cache-Control', 'public,max-age=31536000'); // Set Last-Modified header var lastUpdated; if (res.locals.cache_buster) { // Assuming cache_buster is a timestamp lastUpdated = new Date(parseInt(res.locals.cache_buster)); } else { lastUpdated = new Date(); } res.set('Last-Modified', lastUpdated.toUTCString()); var dbName = res.locals.dbname; step( function getAffectedTables() { self.getAffectedTables(res.locals.user, dbName, res.locals.token, this); }, function sendResponse(err, affectedTables) { req.profiler.done('affectedTables'); if (err) { global.logger.warn('ERROR generating cache channel: ' + err); } if (!!affectedTables) { res.set('X-Cache-Channel', affectedTables.getCacheChannel()); self.surrogateKeysCache.tag(res, affectedTables); } if (headers) { res.set(headers); } res.status(status); if (!Buffer.isBuffer(body) && typeof body === 'object') { if (req.query && req.query.callback) { res.jsonp(body); } else { res.json(body); } } else { res.send(body); } } ); }; LayergroupController.prototype.getAffectedTables = function(user, dbName, layergroupId, callback) { if (this.layergroupAffectedTables.hasAffectedTables(dbName, layergroupId)) { return callback(null, this.layergroupAffectedTables.get(dbName, layergroupId)); } var self = this; step( function extractSQL() { step( function loadFromStore() { self.mapStore.load(layergroupId, this); }, function getSQL(err, mapConfig) { assert.ifError(err); var queries = []; mapConfig.getLayers().forEach(function(layer) { queries.push(layer.options.sql); if (layer.options.affected_tables) { { queries.push('SELECT * FROM ' + table + ' LIMIT 0'); }); } }); return queries.length ? queries.join(';') : null; }, this ); }, function findAffectedTables(err, sql) { assert.ifError(err); if ( ! sql ) { throw new Error("this request doesn't need an X-Cache-Channel generated"); } step( function getConnection() { self.pgConnection.getConnection(user, this); }, function getAffectedTables(err, connection) { assert.ifError(err); QueryTables.getAffectedTablesFromQuery(connection, sql, this); }, this ); }, function buildCacheChannel(err, tables) { assert.ifError(err); self.layergroupAffectedTables.set(dbName, layergroupId, tables); return tables; }, callback ); }; function validateLayerRouteMiddleware(req, res, next) { if (req.params.token === 'static') { return next('route'); } next(); }