const _ = require('underscore'); module.exports = function dbConnSetupMiddleware(pgConnection) { return function (req, res, next) { const user = req.context.user; // FIXME: this function shouldn't be able to change `req.params`. It should return an // object with the user's conf and it should be merge with default here. pgConnection.setDBConn(user, req.params, (err) => { if (err) { if (err.message && -1 !== err.message.indexOf('name not found')) { err.http_status = 404; } req.profiler.done('req2params'); return next(err, req); } // Add default database connection parameters // if none given _.defaults(req.params, { dbuser: global.environment.postgres.user, dbpassword: global.environment.postgres.password, dbhost:, dbport: global.environment.postgres.port }); // FIXME: Temporary hack to share data between middlewares. Express overrides req.params to // parse url params to an object and it's performed after matching path and controller. if (!res.locals) { res.locals = {}; } _.defaults(res.locals, req.params); req.profiler.done('req2params'); next(null, req); }); }; };