/* * Windshaft-CartoDB * =============== * * ./app.js [environment] * * environments: [development, production] */ if ( process.argv[2] ) ENV = process.argv[2]; else if ( process.env['NODE_ENV'] ) ENV = process.env['NODE_ENV']; else ENV = 'development'; process.env['NODE_ENV'] = ENV; // sanity check if (ENV != 'development' && ENV != 'production' && ENV != 'staging' ){ console.error("\nnode app.js [environment]"); console.error("environments: development, production, staging\n"); process.exit(1); } var _ = require('underscore') , Step = require('step') ; // set environment specific variables global.environment = require(__dirname + '/config/environments/' + ENV); global.log4js = require('log4js') log4js_config = { appenders: [], replaceConsole:true }; if ( global.environment.log_filename ) { console.log("Logs will be written to " + global.environment.log_filename); log4js_config.appenders.push( { type: "file", filename: global.environment.log_filename } ); } else { log4js_config.appenders.push( { type: "console", layout: { type:'basic' } } ); } if ( global.environment.rollbar ) { log4js_config.appenders.push({ type: __dirname + "/lib/cartodb/log4js_rollbar.js", options: global.environment.rollbar }); } log4js.configure(log4js_config); global.logger = log4js.getLogger(); // Include cartodb_windshaft only _after_ the "global" variable is set // See https://github.com/Vizzuality/Windshaft-cartodb/issues/28 var CartodbWindshaft = require('./lib/cartodb/cartodb_windshaft'); var serverOptions = require('./lib/cartodb/server_options')(); ws = CartodbWindshaft(serverOptions); // Maximum number of connections for one process // 128 is a good number if you have up to 1024 filedescriptors // 4 is good if you have max 32 filedescriptors // 1 is good if you have max 16 filedescriptors ws.maxConnections = global.environment.maxConnections || 128; ws.listen(global.environment.port, global.environment.host); var version = require("./package").version; ws.on('listening', function() { console.log("Windshaft tileserver " + version + " started on " + global.environment.host + ':' + global.environment.port + " (" + ENV + ")"); }); // DEPRECATED, use SIGUSR2 process.on('SIGUSR1', function() { console.log('WARNING: handling of SIGUSR1 by Windshaft-CartoDB is deprecated, please send SIGUSR2 instead'); ws.dumpCacheStats(); }); process.on('SIGUSR2', function() { ws.dumpCacheStats(); }); process.on('SIGHUP', function() { log4js.configure(log4js_config); console.log('Log files reloaded'); }); process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) { logger.error('Uncaught exception: ' + err.stack); });