/** * Returns a template function (function that accepts template parameters and returns a string) * to generate an aggregation query. * Valid options to define the query template are: * - placement * The query template parameters taken by the result template function are: * - sourceQuery * - res * - columns * - dimensions */ const templateForOptions = (options) => { let templateFn = aggregationQueryTemplates[options.placement]; if (!templateFn) { throw new Error("Invalid Aggregation placement: '" + options.placement + "'"); } return templateFn; }; /** * Generates an aggregation query given the aggregation options: * - query * - resolution - defined as in torque: * aggregation cell is resolution*resolution pixels, where tiles are always 256x256 pixels * - columns * - placement * - dimensions */ const queryForOptions = (options) => templateForOptions(options)({ sourceQuery: options.query, res: 256/options.resolution, columns: options.columns, dimensions: options.dimensions }); module.exports = queryForOptions; const SUPPORTED_AGGREGATE_FUNCTIONS = { 'count': { sql: (column_name, params) => `count(${params.aggregated_column || '*'})` }, 'avg': { sql: (column_name, params) => `avg(${params.aggregated_column || column_name})` }, 'sum': { sql: (column_name, params) => `sum(${params.aggregated_column || column_name})` }, 'min': { sql: (column_name, params) => `min(${params.aggregated_column || column_name})` }, 'max': { sql: (column_name, params) => `max(${params.aggregated_column || column_name})` }, 'mode': { sql: (column_name, params) => `_cdb_mode(${params.aggregated_column || column_name})` } }; const sep = (list) => { let expr = list.join(', '); return expr ? ', ' + expr : expr; }; const aggregateColumns = ctx => { return Object.assign({ _cdb_feature_count: { aggregate_function: 'count' } }, ctx.columns || {}); }; const aggregateColumnNames = ctx => { let columns = aggregateColumns(ctx); return sep(Object.keys(columns)); }; const aggregateColumnDefs = ctx => { let columns = aggregateColumns(ctx); return sep(Object.keys(columns).map(column_name => { const aggregate_function = columns[column_name].aggregate_function || 'count'; const aggregate_definition = SUPPORTED_AGGREGATE_FUNCTIONS[aggregate_function]; if (!aggregate_definition) { throw new Error("Invalid Aggregate function: '" + aggregate_function + "'"); } const aggregate_expression = aggregate_definition.sql(column_name, columns[column_name]); return `${aggregate_expression} AS ${column_name}`; })); }; const aggregateDimensions = ctx => ctx.dimensions || {}; const dimensionNames = ctx => { return sep(Object.keys(aggregateDimensions(ctx))); }; const dimensionDefs = ctx => { let dimensions = aggregateDimensions(ctx); return sep(Object.keys(dimensions).map(dimension_name => { const expression = dimensions[dimension_name]; return `${expression} AS ${dimension_name}`; })); }; // SQL expression to compute the aggregation resolution (grid cell size). // This is equivalent to `${256/ctx.res}*CDB_XYZ_Resolution(CDB_ZoomFromScale(!scale_denominator!))` // This is defined by the ctx.res parameter, which is the number of grid cells per tile linear dimension // (i.e. each tile is divided into ctx.res*ctx.res cells). const gridResolution = ctx => `(${256*0.00028/ctx.res}*!scale_denominator!)::double precision`; // Notes: // * We need to filter spatially using !bbox! to make the queries efficient because // the filter added by Mapnik (wrapping the query) // is only applied after the aggregation. // * This queries are used for rendering and the_geom is omitted in the results for better performance const aggregationQueryTemplates = { 'centroid': ctx => ` WITH _cdb_params AS ( SELECT ${gridResolution(ctx)} AS res, !bbox! AS bbox ) SELECT row_number() over() AS cartodb_id, ST_SetSRID( ST_MakePoint( AVG(ST_X(_cdb_query.the_geom_webmercator)), AVG(ST_Y(_cdb_query.the_geom_webmercator)) ), 3857 ) AS the_geom_webmercator ${dimensionDefs(ctx)} ${aggregateColumnDefs(ctx)} FROM (${ctx.sourceQuery}) _cdb_query, _cdb_params WHERE _cdb_query.the_geom_webmercator && _cdb_params.bbox GROUP BY Floor(ST_X(_cdb_query.the_geom_webmercator)/_cdb_params.res), Floor(ST_Y(_cdb_query.the_geom_webmercator)/_cdb_params.res) ${dimensionNames(ctx)} `, 'point-grid': ctx => ` WITH _cdb_params AS ( SELECT ${gridResolution(ctx)} AS res, !bbox! AS bbox ), _cdb_clusters AS ( SELECT Floor(ST_X(_cdb_query.the_geom_webmercator)/_cdb_params.res)::int AS _cdb_gx, Floor(ST_Y(_cdb_query.the_geom_webmercator)/_cdb_params.res)::int AS _cdb_gy ${dimensionDefs(ctx)} ${aggregateColumnDefs(ctx)} FROM (${ctx.sourceQuery}) _cdb_query, _cdb_params WHERE the_geom_webmercator && _cdb_params.bbox GROUP BY _cdb_gx, _cdb_gy ${dimensionNames} ) SELECT ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(_cdb_gx*(res+0.5), _cdb_gy*(res+0.5)), 3857) AS the_geom_webmercator ${dimensionNames(ctx)} ${aggregateColumnNames(ctx)} FROM _cdb_clusters, _cdb_params `, 'point-sample': ctx => ` WITH _cdb_params AS ( SELECT ${gridResolution(ctx)} AS res, !bbox! AS bbox ), _cdb_clusters AS ( SELECT MIN(cartodb_id) AS cartodb_id ${dimensionDefs(ctx)} ${aggregateColumnDefs(ctx)} FROM (${ctx.sourceQuery}) _cdb_query, _cdb_params WHERE _cdb_query.the_geom_webmercator && _cdb_params.bbox GROUP BY Floor(ST_X(_cdb_query.the_geom_webmercator)/_cdb_params.res), Floor(ST_Y(_cdb_query.the_geom_webmercator)/_cdb_params.res) ${dimensionNames(ctx)} ) SELECT _cdb_clusters.cartodb_id, the_geom, the_geom_webmercator ${dimensionNames(ctx)} ${aggregateColumnNames(ctx)} FROM _cdb_clusters INNER JOIN (${ctx.sourceQuery}) _cdb_query ON (_cdb_clusters.cartodb_id = _cdb_query.cartodb_id) ` };