sudo: false language: node_js services: - redis-server env: global: - PGUSER=postgres - PGDATABASE=postgres - PGOPTIONS='-c client_min_messages=NOTICE' jobs: include: - env: POSTGRESQL_VERSION="10" POSTGIS_VERSION="2.4" dist: xenial - env: POSTGRESQL_VERSION="11" POSTGIS_VERSION="2.5" dist: xenial - env: POSTGRESQL_VERSION="12" POSTGIS_VERSION="3" dist: bionic node_js: - "12" install: - npm ci script: # Ensure dev dependencies are installed - sudo apt-get install -y libpangocairo-1.0-0 libpango1.0-dev pkg-config # Remove old packages - sudo apt-get remove postgresql-$POSTGRESQL_VERSION postgresql-client-$POSTGRESQL_VERSION postgresql-server-dev-$POSTGRESQL_VERSION postgresql-common postgresql-client-common postgresql-$POSTGRESQL_VERSION-postgis-$POSTGIS_VERSION postgresql-$POSTGRESQL_VERSION-postgis-$POSTGIS_VERSION-scripts postgis # Install CARTO packages - if [[ $POSTGRESQL_VERSION == '10' ]]; then sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:cartodb/gis; fi; - sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:cartodb/postgresql-$POSTGRESQL_VERSION - sudo apt-get -q update # We use -t $TRAVIS_DIST to give preference to our ppa's (which are called as the ${dist}), instead of # pgdg repos (which are called ${dist}-pgdg. Nasty but it works. - sudo apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests postgresql-$POSTGRESQL_VERSION postgresql-client-$POSTGRESQL_VERSION postgresql-server-dev-$POSTGRESQL_VERSION postgresql-common postgresql-$POSTGRESQL_VERSION-postgis-$POSTGIS_VERSION postgresql-$POSTGRESQL_VERSION-postgis-$POSTGIS_VERSION-scripts postgis -t $TRAVIS_DIST # For pre12, install plpython2. For PG12 install plpython3 - if [[ $POSTGRESQL_VERSION != '12' ]]; then sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-plpython-$POSTGRESQL_VERSION python python-redis -t $TRAVIS_DIST; else sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-plpython3-12 python3 python3-redis -t $TRAVIS_DIST; fi; # Remove old clusters and create the new one - for i in $(pg_lsclusters | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1}'); do sudo pg_dropcluster --stop $i main; done; - sudo rm -rf /etc/postgresql/$POSTGRESQL_VERSION /var/lib/postgresql/$POSTGRESQL_VERSION /var/ramfs/postgresql/$POSTGRESQL_VERSION - sudo pg_createcluster -u postgres $POSTGRESQL_VERSION main --start -p 5432 -- --auth-local trust - git clone - cd cartodb-postgresql && make && sudo make install && cd .. - createdb template_postgis - psql -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis" template_postgis - if [[ $POSTGRESQL_VERSION == '12' ]]; then psql -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis_raster" template_postgis; fi; - cp config/environments/test.js.example config/environments/test.js - npm test after_failure: - pg_lsclusters - sudo cat /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-$POSTGRESQL_VERSION-main.log