-- -- Windshaft test database -- -- To use run ../prepare_db.sh -- NOTE: requires a postgis template called template_postgis -- SET statement_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = off; SET check_function_bodies = false; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET escape_string_warning = off; SET search_path = public, pg_catalog; SET default_tablespace = ''; SET default_with_oids = false; -- public user role DROP USER IF EXISTS :PUBLICUSER; CREATE USER :PUBLICUSER WITH PASSWORD ':PUBLICPASS'; -- db owner role DROP USER IF EXISTS :TESTUSER; CREATE USER :TESTUSER WITH PASSWORD ':TESTPASS'; -- first table CREATE TABLE test_table ( updated_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now(), created_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now(), cartodb_id integer NOT NULL, name character varying, address character varying, the_geom geometry, the_geom_webmercator geometry, CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_the_geom CHECK ((st_ndims(the_geom) = 2)), CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_the_geom_webmercator CHECK ((st_ndims(the_geom_webmercator) = 2)), CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_the_geom CHECK (((geometrytype(the_geom) = 'POINT'::text) OR (the_geom IS NULL))), CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_the_geom_webmercator CHECK (((geometrytype(the_geom_webmercator) = 'POINT'::text) OR (the_geom_webmercator IS NULL))), CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_the_geom CHECK ((st_srid(the_geom) = 4326)), CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_the_geom_webmercator CHECK ((st_srid(the_geom_webmercator) = 3857)) ); CREATE SEQUENCE test_table_cartodb_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE test_table_cartodb_id_seq OWNED BY test_table.cartodb_id; SELECT pg_catalog.setval('test_table_cartodb_id_seq', 60, true); ALTER TABLE test_table ALTER COLUMN cartodb_id SET DEFAULT nextval('test_table_cartodb_id_seq'::regclass); INSERT INTO test_table VALUES ('2011-09-21 14:02:21.358706', '2011-09-21 14:02:21.314252', 1, 'Hawai', 'Calle de Pérez Galdós 9, Madrid, Spain', '0101000020E6100000A6B73F170D990DC064E8D84125364440', '0101000020110F000076491621312319C122D4663F1DCC5241'), ('2011-09-21 14:02:21.358706', '2011-09-21 14:02:21.319101', 2, 'El Estocolmo', 'Calle de la Palma 72, Madrid, Spain', '0101000020E6100000C90567F0F7AB0DC0AB07CC43A6364440', '0101000020110F0000C4356B29423319C15DD1092DADCC5241'), ('2011-09-21 14:02:21.358706', '2011-09-21 14:02:21.324', 3, 'El Rey del Tallarín', 'Plaza Conde de Toreno 2, Madrid, Spain', '0101000020E610000021C8410933AD0DC0CB0EF10F5B364440', '0101000020110F000053E71AC64D3419C10F664E4659CC5241'), ('2011-09-21 14:02:21.358706', '2011-09-21 14:02:21.329509', 4, 'El Lacón', 'Manuel Fernández y González 8, Madrid, Spain', '0101000020E6100000BC5983F755990DC07D923B6C22354440', '0101000020110F00005DACDB056F2319C1EC41A980FCCA5241'), ('2011-09-21 14:02:21.358706', '2011-09-21 14:02:21.334931', 5, 'El Pico', 'Calle Divino Pastor 12, Madrid, Spain', '0101000020E61000003B6D8D08C6A10DC0371B2B31CF364440', '0101000020110F00005F716E91992A19C17DAAA4D6DACC5241'); ALTER TABLE ONLY test_table ADD CONSTRAINT test_table_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cartodb_id); CREATE INDEX test_table_the_geom_idx ON test_table USING gist (the_geom); CREATE INDEX test_table_the_geom_webmercator_idx ON test_table USING gist (the_geom_webmercator); GRANT ALL ON TABLE test_table TO :TESTUSER; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE test_table TO :PUBLICUSER; -- second table CREATE TABLE test_table_2 ( updated_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now(), created_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now(), cartodb_id integer NOT NULL, name character varying, address character varying, the_geom geometry, the_geom_webmercator geometry, CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_the_geom CHECK ((st_ndims(the_geom) = 2)), CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_the_geom_webmercator CHECK ((st_ndims(the_geom_webmercator) = 2)), CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_the_geom CHECK (((geometrytype(the_geom) = 'POINT'::text) OR (the_geom IS NULL))), CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_the_geom_webmercator CHECK (((geometrytype(the_geom_webmercator) = 'POINT'::text) OR (the_geom_webmercator IS NULL))), CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_the_geom CHECK ((st_srid(the_geom) = 4326)), CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_the_geom_webmercator CHECK ((st_srid(the_geom_webmercator) = 3857)) ); CREATE SEQUENCE test_table_2_cartodb_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE test_table_2_cartodb_id_seq OWNED BY test_table_2.cartodb_id; SELECT pg_catalog.setval('test_table_2_cartodb_id_seq', 60, true); ALTER TABLE test_table_2 ALTER COLUMN cartodb_id SET DEFAULT nextval('test_table_2_cartodb_id_seq'::regclass); INSERT INTO test_table_2 VALUES ('2011-09-21 14:02:21.358706', '2011-09-21 14:02:21.314252', 1, 'Hawai', 'Calle de Pérez Galdós 9, Madrid, Spain', '0101000020E6100000A6B73F170D990DC064E8D84125364440', '0101000020110F000076491621312319C122D4663F1DCC5241'), ('2011-09-21 14:02:21.358706', '2011-09-21 14:02:21.319101', 2, 'El Estocolmo', 'Calle de la Palma 72, Madrid, Spain', '0101000020E6100000C90567F0F7AB0DC0AB07CC43A6364440', '0101000020110F0000C4356B29423319C15DD1092DADCC5241'), ('2011-09-21 14:02:21.358706', '2011-09-21 14:02:21.324', 3, 'El Rey del Tallarín', 'Plaza Conde de Toreno 2, Madrid, Spain', '0101000020E610000021C8410933AD0DC0CB0EF10F5B364440', '0101000020110F000053E71AC64D3419C10F664E4659CC5241'), ('2011-09-21 14:02:21.358706', '2011-09-21 14:02:21.329509', 4, 'El Lacón', 'Manuel Fernández y González 8, Madrid, Spain', '0101000020E6100000BC5983F755990DC07D923B6C22354440', '0101000020110F00005DACDB056F2319C1EC41A980FCCA5241'), ('2011-09-21 14:02:21.358706', '2011-09-21 14:02:21.334931', 5, 'El Pico', 'Calle Divino Pastor 12, Madrid, Spain', '0101000020E61000003B6D8D08C6A10DC0371B2B31CF364440', '0101000020110F00005F716E91992A19C17DAAA4D6DACC5241'); ALTER TABLE ONLY test_table_2 ADD CONSTRAINT test_table_2_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cartodb_id); CREATE INDEX test_table_2_the_geom_idx ON test_table_2 USING gist (the_geom); CREATE INDEX test_table_2_the_geom_webmercator_idx ON test_table_2 USING gist (the_geom_webmercator); GRANT ALL ON TABLE test_table_2 TO :TESTUSER; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE test_table_2 TO :PUBLICUSER; -- third table CREATE TABLE test_table_3 ( updated_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now(), created_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now(), cartodb_id integer NOT NULL, name character varying, address character varying, the_geom geometry, the_geom_webmercator geometry, CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_the_geom CHECK ((st_ndims(the_geom) = 2)), CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_the_geom_webmercator CHECK ((st_ndims(the_geom_webmercator) = 2)), CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_the_geom CHECK (((geometrytype(the_geom) = 'POINT'::text) OR (the_geom IS NULL))), CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_the_geom_webmercator CHECK (((geometrytype(the_geom_webmercator) = 'POINT'::text) OR (the_geom_webmercator IS NULL))), CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_the_geom CHECK ((st_srid(the_geom) = 4326)), CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_the_geom_webmercator CHECK ((st_srid(the_geom_webmercator) = 3857)) ); CREATE SEQUENCE test_table_3_cartodb_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE test_table_3_cartodb_id_seq OWNED BY test_table_3.cartodb_id; SELECT pg_catalog.setval('test_table_3_cartodb_id_seq', 60, true); ALTER TABLE test_table_3 ALTER COLUMN cartodb_id SET DEFAULT nextval('test_table_3_cartodb_id_seq'::regclass); INSERT INTO test_table_3 VALUES ('2011-09-21 14:02:21.358706', '2011-09-21 14:02:21.314252', 1, 'Hawai', 'Calle de Pérez Galdós 9, Madrid, Spain', '0101000020E6100000A6B73F170D990DC064E8D84125364440', '0101000020110F000076491621312319C122D4663F1DCC5241'), ('2011-09-21 14:02:21.358706', '2011-09-21 14:02:21.319101', 2, 'El Estocolmo', 'Calle de la Palma 72, Madrid, Spain', '0101000020E6100000C90567F0F7AB0DC0AB07CC43A6364440', '0101000020110F0000C4356B29423319C15DD1092DADCC5241'), ('2011-09-21 14:02:21.358706', '2011-09-21 14:02:21.324', 3, 'El Rey del Tallarín', 'Plaza Conde de Toreno 2, Madrid, Spain', '0101000020E610000021C8410933AD0DC0CB0EF10F5B364440', '0101000020110F000053E71AC64D3419C10F664E4659CC5241'), ('2011-09-21 14:02:21.358706', '2011-09-21 14:02:21.329509', 4, 'El Lacón', 'Manuel Fernández y González 8, Madrid, Spain', '0101000020E6100000BC5983F755990DC07D923B6C22354440', '0101000020110F00005DACDB056F2319C1EC41A980FCCA5241'), ('2011-09-21 14:02:21.358706', '2011-09-21 14:02:21.334931', 5, 'El Pico', 'Calle Divino Pastor 12, Madrid, Spain', '0101000020E61000003B6D8D08C6A10DC0371B2B31CF364440', '0101000020110F00005F716E91992A19C17DAAA4D6DACC5241'); ALTER TABLE ONLY test_table_3 ADD CONSTRAINT test_table_3_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cartodb_id); CREATE INDEX test_table_3_the_geom_idx ON test_table_3 USING gist (the_geom); CREATE INDEX test_table_3_the_geom_webmercator_idx ON test_table_3 USING gist (the_geom_webmercator); GRANT ALL ON TABLE test_table_3 TO :TESTUSER; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE test_table_3 TO :PUBLICUSER; -- private table CREATE TABLE test_table_private_1 ( updated_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now(), created_at timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now(), cartodb_id integer NOT NULL, name character varying, address character varying, the_geom geometry, the_geom_webmercator geometry, CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_the_geom CHECK ((st_ndims(the_geom) = 2)), CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_the_geom_webmercator CHECK ((st_ndims(the_geom_webmercator) = 2)), CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_the_geom CHECK (((geometrytype(the_geom) = 'POINT'::text) OR (the_geom IS NULL))), CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_the_geom_webmercator CHECK (((geometrytype(the_geom_webmercator) = 'POINT'::text) OR (the_geom_webmercator IS NULL))), CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_the_geom CHECK ((st_srid(the_geom) = 4326)), CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_the_geom_webmercator CHECK ((st_srid(the_geom_webmercator) = 3857)) ); INSERT INTO test_table_private_1 SELECT * from test_table; GRANT ALL ON TABLE test_table_private_1 TO :TESTUSER; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS CDB_TableMetadata ( tabname regclass not null primary key, updated_at timestamp with time zone not null default now() ); INSERT INTO CDB_TableMetadata (tabname, updated_at) VALUES ('test_table'::regclass, '2009-02-13T23:31:30.123Z'); INSERT INTO CDB_TableMetadata (tabname, updated_at) VALUES ('test_table_private_1'::regclass, '2009-02-13T23:31:30.123Z'); GRANT SELECT ON CDB_TableMetadata TO :PUBLICUSER; GRANT SELECT ON CDB_TableMetadata TO :TESTUSER;