var config = { environment: 'development' ,port: 8181 ,host: '' // Size of the threadpool which can be used to run user code and get notified in the loop thread // Its default size is 4, but it can be changed at startup time (the absolute maximum is 128). // See ,uv_threadpool_size: undefined // Time in milliseconds to force GC cycle. // Disable by using <=0 value. ,gc_interval: 10000 // Regular expression pattern to extract username // from hostname. Must have a single grabbing block. ,user_from_host: '^(.*)\\.localhost' // Base URLs for the APIs // // See // // Note: each entry corresponds with an express' router. // You must define at least one path. However, middlewares are optional. ,routes: { api: [{ paths: [ '/api/v1', '/user/:user/api/v1', ], // Optional: attach middlewares at the begining of the router // to perform custom operations. middlewares: [ function noop () { return function noopMiddleware (req, res, next) { next(); } } ], // Base url for the Detached Maps API // "/api/v1/map" is the new API, map: [{ paths: [ '/map', ], middlewares: [] // Optional }], // Base url for the Templated Maps API // "/api/v1/map/named" is the new API, template: [{ paths: [ '/map/named' ], middlewares: [] // Optional }] }] } // Resource URLs expose endpoints to request/retrieve metadata associated to Maps: dataviews, analysis node status. // // This URLs depend on how `routes` and `user_from_host` are configured: the application can be // configured to accept request with the {user} in the header host or in the request path. // It also might depend on the configured cdn_url via `serverMetadata.cdn_url`. // // This template allows to make the endpoints generation more flexible, the template exposes the following params: // 1. {{=it.cdn_url}}: will be used when `serverMetadata.cdn_url` exists. // 2. {{=it.user}}: will use the username as extraced from `user_from_host` or `routes`. // 3. {{=it.port}}: will use the `port` from this very same configuration file. ,resources_url_templates: { http: 'http://{{=it.user}}.localhost.lan:{{=it.port}}/api/v1/map', https: 'http://localhost.lan:{{=it.port}}/user/{{=it.user}}/api/v1/map' } // Specify the maximum length of the queue of pending connections for the HTTP server. // The actual length will be determined by the OS through sysctl settings such as tcp_max_syn_backlog and somaxconn on Linux. // The default value of this parameter is 511 (not 512). // See: ,maxConnections:128 // Maximum number of templates per user. Unlimited by default. ,maxUserTemplates:1024 // Seconds since "last creation" before a detached // or template instance map expires. Or: how long do you want // to be able to navigate the map without a reload ? // Defaults to 7200 (2 hours) ,mapConfigTTL: 7200 // idle socket timeout, in milliseconds ,socket_timeout: 600000 ,enable_cors: true ,cache_enabled: true // Templated database username for authorized user // Supported labels: 'user_id' (read from redis) ,postgres_auth_user: 'development_cartodb_user_<%= user_id %>' // Templated database password for authorized user // Supported labels: 'user_id', 'user_password' (both read from redis) ,postgres_auth_pass: '<%= user_password %>' ,postgres: { user: "publicuser", password: "public", host: '', port: 5432, pool: { // maximum number of resources to create at any given time size: 16, // max milliseconds a resource can go unused before it should be destroyed idleTimeout: 3000, // frequency to check for idle resources reapInterval: 1000 } } ,mapnik_version: undefined ,mapnik_tile_format: 'png8:m=h' ,statsd: { host: 'localhost', port: 8125, prefix: 'dev.', // could be hostname, better not containing dots cacheDns: true // support all allowed node-statsd options } ,renderer: { // Milliseconds since last access before renderer cache item expires cache_ttl: 60000, statsInterval: 5000, // milliseconds between each report to statsd about number of renderers and mapnik pool status mvt: { //If enabled, MVTs will be generated with PostGIS directly //If disabled, MVTs will be generated with Mapnik MVT usePostGIS: true }, mapnik: { // The size of the pool of internal mapnik backend // This pool size is per mapnik renderer created in Windshaft's RendererFactory // See // Important: check the configuration of uv_threadpool_size to use suitable value poolSize: 8, // The maximum number of waiting clients of the pool of internal mapnik backend // This maximum number is per mapnik renderer created in Windshaft's RendererFactory poolMaxWaitingClients: 64, // Whether grainstore will use a child process or not to transform CartoCSS into Mapnik XML. // This will prevent blocking the main thread. useCartocssWorkers: false, // Metatile is the number of tiles-per-side that are going // to be rendered at once. If all of them will be requested // we'd have saved time. If only one will be used, we'd have // wasted time. metatile: 2, // tilelive-mapnik uses an internal cache to store tiles/grids // generated when using metatile. This options allow to tune // the behaviour for that internal cache. metatileCache: { // Time an object must stay in the cache until is removed ttl: 0, // Whether an object must be removed after the first hit // Usually you want to use `true` here when ttl>0. deleteOnHit: false }, // Override metatile behaviour depending on the format formatMetatile: { png: 2, 'grid.json': 1 }, // Buffer size is the tickness in pixel of a buffer // around the rendered (meta?)tile. // // This is important for labels and other marker that overlap tile boundaries. // Setting to 128 ensures no render artifacts. // 64 may have artifacts but is faster. // Less important if we can turn metatiling on. bufferSize: 64, // SQL queries will be wrapped with ST_SnapToGrid // Snapping all points of the geometry to a regular grid snapToGrid: false, // SQL queries will be wrapped with ST_ClipByBox2D // Returning the portion of a geometry falling within a rectangle // It will only work if snapToGrid is enabled clipByBox2d: true, postgis: { // Parameters to pass to datasource plugin of mapnik // See user: "publicuser", password: "public", host: '', port: 5432, extent: "-20037508.3,-20037508.3,20037508.3,20037508.3", // max number of rows to return when querying data, 0 means no limit row_limit: 65535, /* * Set persist_connection to false if you want * database connections to be closed on renderer * expiration (1 minute after last use). * Setting to true (the default) would never * close any connection for the server's lifetime */ persist_connection: false, simplify_geometries: true, use_overviews: true, // use overviews to retrieve raster max_size: 500, twkb_encoding: true }, limits: { // Time in milliseconds a render request can take before it fails, some notes: // - 0 means no render limit // - it considers metatiling, naive implementation: (render timeout) * (number of tiles in metatile) render: 0, // As the render request will finish even if timed out, whether it should be placed in the internal // cache or it should be fully discarded. When placed in the internal cache another attempt to retrieve // the same tile will result in an immediate response, however that will use a lot of more application // memory. If we want to enforce this behaviour we have to implement a cache eviction policy for the // internal cache. cacheOnTimeout: true }, // If enabled Mapnik will reuse the features retrieved from the database // instead of requesting them once per style inside a layer 'cache-features': true, // Require metrics to the renderer metrics: false, // Options for markers attributes, ellipses and images caches markers_symbolizer_caches: { disabled: false } }, http: { timeout: 2000, // the timeout in ms for a http tile request proxy: undefined, // the url for a proxy server whitelist: [ // the whitelist of urlTemplates that can be used '.*', // will enable any URL 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' ], // image to use as placeholder when urlTemplate is not in the whitelist // if provided the http renderer will use it instead of throw an error fallbackImage: { type: 'fs', // 'fs' and 'url' supported src: __dirname + '/../../assets/default-placeholder.png' } }, torque: {} } // anything analyses related ,analysis: { // batch configuration batch: { // Inline execution avoid the use of SQL API as batch endpoint // When set to true it will run all analysis queries in series, with a direct connection to the DB // This might be useful for: // - testing // - running an standalone server without any dependency on external services inlineExecution: false, // where the SQL API is running, it will use a custom Host header to specify the username. endpoint: '', // the template to use for adding the host header in the batch api requests hostHeaderTemplate: '{{=it.username}}.localhost.lan' }, // Define max execution time in ms for analyses or tags // If analysis or tag are not found in redis this values will be used as default. limits: { moran: { timeout: 120000, maxNumberOfRows: 1e5 }, cpu2x: { timeout: 60000 } } } ,millstone: { // Needs to be writable by server user cache_basedir: '/tmp/cdb-tiler-dev/millstone-dev' } ,redis: { host: '', port: 6379, // Max number of connections in each pool. // Users will be put on a queue when the limit is hit. // Set to maxConnection to have no possible queues. // There are currently 2 pools involved in serving // windshaft-cartodb requests so multiply this number // by 2 to know how many possible connections will be // kept open by the server. The default is 50. max: 50, returnToHead: true, // defines the behaviour of the pool: false => queue, true => stack idleTimeoutMillis: 1, // idle time before dropping connection reapIntervalMillis: 1, // time between cleanups slowQueries: { log: true, elapsedThreshold: 200 }, slowPool: { log: true, // whether a slow acquire must be logged or not elapsedThreshold: 25 // the threshold to determine an slow acquire must be reported or not }, emitter: { statusInterval: 5000 // time, in ms, between each status report is emitted from the pool, status is sent to statsd }, unwatchOnRelease: false, // Send unwatch on release, see noReadyCheck: true // Check `no_ready_check` at } // For more details about this options check ,httpAgent: { keepAlive: true, keepAliveMsecs: 1000, maxSockets: 25, maxFreeSockets: 256 } ,varnish: { host: 'localhost', port: 6082, // the por for the telnet interface where varnish is listening to http_port: 6081, // the port for the HTTP interface where varnish is listening to purge_enabled: false, // whether the purge/invalidation mechanism is enabled in varnish or not secret: 'xxx', ttl: 86400, fallbackTtl: 300, layergroupTtl: 86400 // the max-age for cache-control header in layergroup responses } // this [OPTIONAL] configuration enables invalidating by surrogate key in fastly ,fastly: { // whether the invalidation is enabled or not enabled: false, // the fastly api key apiKey: 'wadus_api_key', // the service that will get surrogate key invalidation serviceId: 'wadus_service_id' } // If useProfiler is true every response will be served with an // X-Tiler-Profile header containing elapsed timing for various // steps taken for producing the response. ,useProfiler:true ,serverMetadata: { cdn_url: { http: undefined, https: undefined } } // Settings for the health check available at /health ,health: { enabled: false, username: 'localhost', z: 0, x: 0, y: 0 } ,disabled_file: 'pids/disabled' // Use this as a feature flags enabling/disabling mechanism ,enabledFeatures: { // whether it should intercept tile render errors an act based on them, enabled by default. onTileErrorStrategy: false, // whether the affected tables for a given SQL must query directly postgresql or use the SQL API cdbQueryTablesFromPostgres: true, // whether in mapconfig is available stats & metadata for each layer layerStats: true, // whether it should rate limit endpoints (global configuration) rateLimitsEnabled: false, // whether it should rate limit one or more endpoints (only if rateLimitsEnabled = true) rateLimitsByEndpoint: { anonymous: false, static: false, static_named: false, dataview: false, dataview_search: false, analysis: false, analysis_catalog: false, tile: false, attributes: false, named_list: false, named_create: false, named_get: false, named: false, named_update: false, named_delete: false, named_tiles: false } } ,pubSubMetrics: { enabled: false, project_id: '', credentials: '', topic: '' } }; module.exports = config;