set ICU_DATA 3 alternatives

Eneko Lakasta 7 years ago
parent c016175a23
commit d292a922f6

@ -18,10 +18,43 @@ if (!semver.satisfies(nodejsVersion, '>=6.9.0')) {
// See
// CartoCSS properties text-wrap-width/text-wrap-character not working
// This function should be called as soon as possible.
// This function should be called before the require('yargs').
function setICUEnvVariable() {
if (process.env.ICU_DATA === undefined) {
process.env.ICU_DATA = __dirname + '/node_modules/mapnik/lib/binding/node-v48-linux-x64/share/mapnik/icu';
// There are 3 ways to set the env variable. Option 1 doesn't work. Option 2 is the best alternative.
// 1
// The best approach to generate the path where the ICU DATA is stored is by calling binary.find()
// Sadly, it fails. It generates the correct path, but mapnik raises "could not create BreakIterator: U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR"
const binary = require('node-pre-gyp');
let binding_path = binary.find(path.resolve(path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules/mapnik/package.json')));
binding_path = path.dirname(binding_path);
// If we hardcode de path, it works. the call to binary.find seems to be the problem here.
// var binding_path = __dirname + '/node_modules/mapnik/lib/binding/node-v48-linux-x64/';
process.env.ICU_DATA1 = path.join(binding_path, 'share/mapnik/icu/');
console.log('process.env.ICU_DATA1: ', process.env.ICU_DATA1);
// 2
// Alternative to 1 using glob module.
const glob = require('glob');
let directory = glob.sync(__dirname + '/node_modules/mapnik/lib/binding/*/share/mapnik/icu/');
if (directory && directory.length > 0) {
process.env.ICU_DATA2 = directory[0];
console.log('process.env.ICU_DATA2: ', process.env.ICU_DATA2);
// 3
// hardcoded. not multiplatform (just works in some linuxes)
process.env.ICU_DATA3 = __dirname + '/node_modules/mapnik/lib/binding/node-v48-linux-x64/share/mapnik/icu/';
console.log('process.env.ICU_DATA3: ', process.env.ICU_DATA3);
console.log(process.env.ICU_DATA1 === process.env.ICU_DATA2);
console.log(process.env.ICU_DATA2 === process.env.ICU_DATA3);
process.env.ICU_DATA = process.env.ICU_DATA3;
