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'use strict';
const assert = require('../support/assert');
const TestClient = require('../support/test-client');
const serverOptions = require('../../lib/server-options');
describe('layergroup metadata', function () {
const originalUsePostGIS = serverOptions.renderer.mvt.usePostGIS;
before(function () {
serverOptions.renderer.mvt.usePostGIS = true;
after(function () {
serverOptions.renderer.mvt.usePostGIS = originalUsePostGIS;
4 years ago
[1234, 'default_public', undefined].forEach(apiKey => {
it(`tiles base urls ${apiKey ? `with api key: ${apiKey}` : 'without api key'}`, function (done) {
const mapConfig = {
version: '1.7.0',
layers: [
type: 'cartodb',
options: {
sql: 'select * from populated_places_simple_reduced'
const host = `https://localhost.localhost.lan:${global.environment.port}`;
const testClient = new TestClient(mapConfig, apiKey);
testClient.getLayergroup((err, body) => {
if (err) {
return done(err);
let urlLayer = `${host}/api/v1/map/${body.layergroupid}/layer0/{z}/{x}/{y}.mvt`;
let urlNoLayer = `${host}/api/v1/map/${body.layergroupid}/{z}/{x}/{y}.mvt`;
if (apiKey) {
urlLayer += `?api_key=${apiKey}`;
urlNoLayer += `?api_key=${apiKey}`;
assert.strictEqual(body.metadata.layers[0].tilejson.vector.tiles[0], urlLayer);
assert.strictEqual(body.metadata.tilejson.vector.tiles[0], urlNoLayer);
assert.strictEqual(body.metadata.url.vector.urlTemplate, urlNoLayer);