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* Windshaft-CartoDB
* ===============
* ./app.js [environment]
* environments: [development, production]
10 years ago
var path = require('path');
var os = require('os');
10 years ago
var fs = require('fs');
var RedisPool = require('redis-mpool');
var _ = require('underscore');
10 years ago
var ENV;
if ( process.argv[2] ) {
ENV = process.argv[2];
} else if ( process.env.NODE_ENV ) {
ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV;
} else {
ENV = 'development';
10 years ago
process.env.NODE_ENV = ENV;
// sanity check
if (ENV != 'development' && ENV != 'production' && ENV != 'staging' ){
console.error("\nnode app.js [environment]");
console.error("environments: development, production, staging\n");
// set environment specific variables
global.environment = require(__dirname + '/config/environments/' + ENV);
global.environment.api_hostname = require('os').hostname().split('.')[0];
global.log4js = require('log4js');
10 years ago
var log4js_config = {
appenders: [],
if (global.environment.uv_threadpool_size) {
process.env.UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE = global.environment.uv_threadpool_size;
if ( global.environment.log_filename ) {
var logdir = path.dirname(global.environment.log_filename);
// See cwd inlog4js.configure call below
logdir = path.resolve(__dirname, logdir);
if ( ! fs.existsSync(logdir) ) {
console.error("Log filename directory does not exist: " + logdir);
console.log("Logs will be written to " + global.environment.log_filename);
{ type: "file", filename: global.environment.log_filename }
} else {
{ type: "console", layout: { type:'basic' } }
10 years ago
global.log4js.configure(log4js_config, { cwd: __dirname });
global.logger = global.log4js.getLogger();
var redisOpts = _.extend(global.environment.redis, { name: 'windshaft' }),
redisPool = new RedisPool(redisOpts);
// Perform keyword substitution in statsd
// See
if ( global.environment.statsd ) {
if ( global.environment.statsd.prefix ) {
var host_token = os.hostname().split('.').reverse().join('.');
global.environment.statsd.prefix = global.environment.statsd.prefix.replace(/:host/, host_token);
// Include cartodb_windshaft only _after_ the "global" variable is set
// See
var cartodbWindshaft = require('./lib/cartodb/server'),
serverOptions = require('./lib/cartodb/server_options');
10 years ago
var ws = cartodbWindshaft(serverOptions);
if (global.statsClient) {
redisPool.on('status', function(status) {
var keyPrefix = 'windshaft.redis-pool.' + + '.db' + status.db + '.';
global.statsClient.gauge(keyPrefix + 'count', status.count);
global.statsClient.gauge(keyPrefix + 'unused', status.unused);
global.statsClient.gauge(keyPrefix + 'waiting', status.waiting);
// Maximum number of connections for one process
// 128 is a good number if you have up to 1024 filedescriptors
// 4 is good if you have max 32 filedescriptors
// 1 is good if you have max 16 filedescriptors
ws.maxConnections = global.environment.maxConnections || 128;
var version = require("./package").version;
ws.on('listening', function() {
10 years ago
"Windshaft tileserver %s started on %s:%s (%s)",
version,, global.environment.port, ENV
process.on('SIGHUP', function() {
global.log4js.clearAndShutdownAppenders(function() {
10 years ago
global.logger = global.log4js.getLogger();
console.log('Log files reloaded');
process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) {
10 years ago
global.logger.error('Uncaught exception: ' + err.stack);