2013-08-20 14:54:12 -04:00

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Torque API

Torque provides two kinds of visualizations.

  • static: provides a way to create heatmap like visualizations (note for Andrew: fon). see TorqueLayer
  • dynamic: animate points over a map (note for Andrew: Navy) see TiledTorqueLayer

depending on the map provider you are using you need to use different layer type. Currently we provide layers for Google Maps and Leaflet.


The core class of the Torque library - it is used to create a torque layer with custom settings.

Usage example

  // initialize a torque layer that uses the CartoDB account details and SQL API to pull in data
  var torqueLayer = new L.TorqueLayer({
    user       : 'viz2',
    table      : 'ow',
    column     : 'date',
    countby    : 'count(cartodb_id)',
    resolution : 1,
    is_time    : true,
    steps      : 750,
    pixel_size : 3,
    blendmode  : 'lighter'


Provider options
Option type Default Description
provider string sql_api Where is the data coming from? Alternative is 'url_template'
CartoDB data options
Option type Default Description
user string null CartoDB account name. Found as,
table string null CartoDB table name where data is found
column string null CartoDB table's column name where date information is found (for dynamic type torque layer only)
countby string null The aggregation method to use for each pixel displayed where multiple data are found. Any valid PostgreSQL aggregate function
Dynamic/static options
Option type Default Description
is_time boolean true Determines if the drawing is static or dynamic/animated
steps integer 100 The number of steps to divide the data into for animated renderings
Display options
Option type Default Description
resolution numeric 2 The x and y dimensions of each pixel when rendered on the map. Must match the format of the data
blendmode boolean null The HTML5 Canvas composite operation for when multiple pixels overlap on the canvas

L.TorqueLayer.setKey(time: number)

Arguments * time: set time to be displayed. Should be a number between [0, steps)

L.TorqueLayer.setCartoCSS(cartocss: string)

Arguments * cartocss: cartocss string that contains the point style. Torque does not support the full cartocss spec, only a small subset. value and zoom variables can be used. value is the value of aggregation (see countby constructor option). zoom is the current zoom being rendered

#layer {,
  marker-fill: #662506;
  marker-width: 20;
  [value > 1] { marker-fill: #FEE391; }
  [value > 2] { marker-fill: #FEC44F; }
  [value > 3] { marker-fill: #FE9929; }
  [value > 4] { marker-fill: #EC7014; }
  [value > 5] { marker-fill: #CC4C02; }
  [value > 6] { marker-fill: #993404; }
  [value > 7] { marker-fill: #662506; }


creates a static visualization Arguments: * options: - provider: 'url_template', - url: tile template url e.g '{z}/{x}/{y}.json', (note to Andrew: link here to the json data format) - resolution: data resolution, e.g 4

L.TiledTorqueLayer.setKey(keys: number|array)

set keys to show, if it's an array all the keys in that array are accumulated

L.TiledTorqueLayer.setCartoCSS(cartocss: string)

value and zoom variables can be used. only polygon-fill property is supported currently

Example: #layer { polygon-fill: #FFFF00; [value >= 10] { polygon-fill: #FFCC00; } [value >= 100] { polygon-fill: #FF9900; } [value >= 1000] { polygon-fill: #FF6600; } [value >= 10000] { polygon-fill: #FF3300; } [value > 100000] { polygon-fill: #C00; } }

gmaps layers (TODO)