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126 lines
4.3 KiB

12 years ago
var SourceMapConsumer = require('source-map').SourceMapConsumer;
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
function mapSourcePosition(cache, position) {
var sourceMap = cache[position.source];
if (!sourceMap && fs.existsSync(position.source)) {
// Get the URL of the source map
var fileData = fs.readFileSync(position.source, 'utf8');
var match = /\/\/@\s*sourceMappingURL=(.*)\s*$/.exec(fileData);
if (!match) return position;
var sourceMappingURL = match[1];
// Support source map URLs relative to the source URL
var dir = path.dirname(position.source);
sourceMappingURL = path.resolve(dir, sourceMappingURL);
// Parse the source map
var sourceMap = cache[sourceMappingURL];
if (!sourceMap && fs.existsSync(sourceMappingURL)) {
var sourceMapData = fs.readFileSync(sourceMappingURL, 'utf8');
try {
sourceMap = new SourceMapConsumer(sourceMapData);
cache[position.source] = sourceMap;
} catch (e) {
return sourceMap ? sourceMap.originalPositionFor(position) : position;
// Parses code generated by FormatEvalOrigin(), a function inside V8:
function mapEvalOrigin(cache, origin) {
// Most eval() calls are in this format
var match = /^eval at ([^(]+) \((.+):(\d+):(\d+)\)$/.exec(origin);
if (match) {
var position = mapSourcePosition(cache, {
source: match[2],
line: match[3],
column: match[4]
return 'eval at ' + match[1] + ' (' + position.source + ':' +
position.line + ':' + position.column + ')';
// Parse nested eval() calls using recursion
match = /^eval at ([^(]+) \((.+)\)$/.exec(origin);
if (match) {
return 'eval at ' + match[1] + ' (' + mapEvalOrigin(cache, match[2]) + ')';
// Make sure we still return useful information if we didn't find anything
return origin;
function wrapCallSite(cache, frame) {
// Most call sites will return the source file from getFileName(), but code
// passed to eval() ending in "//@ sourceURL=..." will return the source file
// from getScriptNameOrSourceURL() instead
var source = frame.getFileName() || frame.getScriptNameOrSourceURL();
if (source) {
var position = mapSourcePosition(cache, {
source: source,
line: frame.getLineNumber(),
column: frame.getColumnNumber()
return {
__proto__: frame,
getFileName: function() { return position.source; },
getLineNumber: function() { return position.line; },
getColumnNumber: function() { return position.column; },
getScriptNameOrSourceURL: function() { return position.source; }
// Code called using eval() needs special handling
var origin = frame.getEvalOrigin();
if (origin) {
origin = mapEvalOrigin(cache, origin);
return {
__proto__: frame,
getEvalOrigin: function() { return origin; }
// If we get here then we were unable to change the source position
return frame;
// This function is part of the V8 stack trace API, for more info see:
Error.prepareStackTrace = function(error, stack) {
// Store source maps in a cache so we don't load them more than once when
// formatting a single stack trace (don't cache them forever though in case
// the files change on disk and the user wants to see the updated mapping)
var cache = {};
return error + {
return '\n at ' + wrapCallSite(cache, frame);
// Mimic node's stack trace printing when an exception escapes the process
process.on('uncaughtException', function(error) {
var match = /\n at [^(]+ \((.*):(\d+):(\d+)\)/.exec(error.stack);
if (match) {
var cache = {};
var position = mapSourcePosition(cache, {
source: match[1],
line: match[2],
column: match[3]
if (fs.existsSync(position.source)) {
var contents = fs.readFileSync(position.source, 'utf8');
var line = contents.split(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/)[position.line - 1];
if (line) {
console.log('\n' + position.source + ':' + position.line);
console.log(new Array(+position.column).join(' ') + '^');