var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var Client = require(__dirname+'/client'); var defaults = require(__dirname + '/defaults'); var genericPool = require('generic-pool'); //cache of existing client pools var pools = {}; //returns connect function using supplied client constructor var makeConnectFunction = function(ClientConstructor) { return function(config, callback) { var c = config; var cb = callback; //allow for no config to be passed if(typeof c === 'function') { cb = c; c = defaults; } //get unique pool name if using a config object instead of config string var poolName = typeof(c) === 'string' ? c :; var pool = pools[poolName]; if(pool) return pool.acquire(cb); var pool = pools[poolName] = genericPool.Pool({ name: poolName, create: function(callback) { var client = new ClientConstructor(c); client.connect(); var connectError = function(err) { client.removeListener('connect', connectSuccess); callback(err, null); }; var connectSuccess = function() { client.removeListener('error', connectError); callback(null, client); }; client.once('connect', connectSuccess); client.once('error', connectError); client.on('drain', function() { pool.release(client); }); }, destroy: function(client) { client.end(); }, max: defaults.poolSize, idleTimeoutMillis: defaults.poolIdleTimeout }); return pool.acquire(cb); } } var end = function() { Object.keys(pools).forEach(function(name) { var pool = pools[name]; pool.drain(function() { pool.destroyAllNow(); }); }) }; module.exports = { Client: Client, Connection: require(__dirname + '/connection'), connect: makeConnectFunction(Client), end: end, defaults: defaults } var nativeExport = null; //lazy require native module...the c++ may not have been compiled module.exports.__defineGetter__("native", function() { if(nativeExport === null) { var NativeClient = require(__dirname + '/native'); nativeExport = { Client: NativeClient, connect: makeConnectFunction(NativeClient), end: end, defaults: defaults } } return nativeExport; })