var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var defaults = require(__dirname + '/defaults'); var genericPool = require('generic-pool'); var pools = { //dictionary of all key:pool pairs all: {}, //reference to the client constructor - can override in tests or for require('pg').native Client: require(__dirname + '/client'), getOrCreate: function(clientConfig) { clientConfig = clientConfig || {}; var name = JSON.stringify(clientConfig); var pool = pools.all[name]; if(pool) { return pool; } pool = genericPool.Pool({ name: name, max: defaults.poolSize, idleTimeoutMillis: defaults.poolIdleTimeout, reapIntervalMillis: defaults.reapIntervalMillis, log: defaults.poolLog, create: function(cb) { var client = new pools.Client(clientConfig); client.connect(function(err) { if(err) return cb(err, null); //handle connected client background errors by emitting event //via the pg object and then removing errored client from the pool client.on('error', function(e) { pool.emit('error', e, client); pool.destroy(client); }); return cb(null, client); }); }, destroy: function(client) { client.end(); } }); pools.all[name] = pool; //mixin EventEmitter to pool; for(var key in EventEmitter.prototype) { if(EventEmitter.prototype.hasOwnProperty(key)) { pool[key] = EventEmitter.prototype[key]; } } //monkey-patch with connect method pool.connect = function(cb) { pool.acquire(function(err, client) { if(err) return cb(err, null, function() {/*NOOP*/}); //support both 2 (old) and 3 arguments (cb.length > 2 ? newConnect : oldConnect)(pool, client, cb); }); }; return pool; } }; //the old connect method of the pool //would automatically subscribe to the 'drain' //event and automatically return the client to //the pool once 'drain' fired once. This caused //a bunch of problems, but for backwards compatibility //we're leaving it in var alarmDuration = 5000; var errorMessage = [ 'A client has been checked out from the pool for longer than ' + alarmDuration + ' ms.', 'You might have a leak!', 'You should use the following new way to check out clients','pg.connect(function(err, client, done)) {', ' //do something', ' done(); //call done() to signal you are finished with the client', '}' ].join(require('os').EOL); var oldConnect = function(pool, client, cb) { var tid = setTimeout(function() { console.error(errorMessage); }, alarmDuration); var release = function() { clearTimeout(tid); pool.release(client); }; client.once('drain', release); cb(null, client); }; var newConnect = function(pool, client, cb) { cb(null, client, function(err) { if(err) { pool.destroy(client); } else { pool.release(client); } }); }; module.exports = pools;