/** * Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Brian Carlson (brian.m.carlson@gmail.com) * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * README.md file in the root directory of this source tree. */ var url = require('url'); var dns = require('dns'); var defaults = require('./defaults'); var val = function(key, config, envVar) { if (envVar === undefined) { envVar = process.env[ 'PG' + key.toUpperCase() ]; } else if (envVar === false) { // do nothing ... use false } else { envVar = process.env[ envVar ]; } return config[key] || envVar || defaults[key]; }; //parses a connection string var parse = require('pg-connection-string').parse; var useSsl = function() { switch(process.env.PGSSLMODE) { case "disable": return false; case "prefer": case "require": case "verify-ca": case "verify-full": return true; } return defaults.ssl; }; var ConnectionParameters = function(config) { //if a string is passed, it is a raw connection string so we parse it into a config config = typeof config == 'string' ? parse(config) : (config || {}); //if the config has a connectionString defined, parse IT into the config we use //this will override other default values with what is stored in connectionString if(config.connectionString) { config = parse(config.connectionString); } this.user = val('user', config); this.database = val('database', config); this.port = parseInt(val('port', config), 10); this.host = val('host', config); this.password = val('password', config); this.binary = val('binary', config); this.ssl = typeof config.ssl === 'undefined' ? useSsl() : config.ssl; this.client_encoding = val("client_encoding", config); this.replication = val("replication", config); //a domain socket begins with '/' this.isDomainSocket = (!(this.host||'').indexOf('/')); this.application_name = val('application_name', config, 'PGAPPNAME'); this.fallback_application_name = val('fallback_application_name', config, false); }; // Convert arg to a string, surround in single quotes, and escape single quotes and backslashes var quoteParamValue = function(value) { return "'" + ('' + value).replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/'/g, "\\'") + "'"; }; var add = function(params, config, paramName) { var value = config[paramName]; if(value) { params.push(paramName + "=" + quoteParamValue(value)); } }; ConnectionParameters.prototype.getLibpqConnectionString = function(cb) { var params = []; add(params, this, 'user'); add(params, this, 'password'); add(params, this, 'port'); add(params, this, 'application_name'); add(params, this, 'fallback_application_name'); var ssl = typeof this.ssl === 'object' ? this.ssl : {sslmode: this.ssl}; add(params, ssl, 'sslmode'); add(params, ssl, 'sslca'); add(params, ssl, 'sslkey'); add(params, ssl, 'sslcert'); if(this.database) { params.push("dbname=" + quoteParamValue(this.database)); } if(this.replication) { params.push("replication=" + quoteParamValue(this.replication)); } if(this.host) { params.push("host=" + quoteParamValue(this.host)); } if(this.isDomainSocket) { return cb(null, params.join(' ')); } if(this.client_encoding) { params.push("client_encoding=" + quoteParamValue(this.client_encoding)); } dns.lookup(this.host, function(err, address) { if(err) return cb(err, null); params.push("hostaddr=" + quoteParamValue(address)); return cb(null, params.join(' ')); }); }; module.exports = ConnectionParameters;