var net = require('net'); var crypto = require('crypto'); var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var util = require('util'); var utils = require(__dirname + '/utils'); var Writer = require(__dirname + '/writer'); var Connection = function(config) {; config = config || {}; = || new net.Stream(); this.lastBuffer = false; this.lastOffset = 0; this.buffer = null; this.offset = null; this.encoding = 'utf8'; this.parsedStatements = {}; this.writer = new Writer(); }; util.inherits(Connection, EventEmitter); var p = Connection.prototype; p.connect = function(port, host) { if( === 'closed'){, host); } else if( == 'open') { this.emit('connect'); } var self = this;'connect', function() { self.emit('connect'); });'data', function(buffer) { self.setBuffer(buffer); var msg; while(msg = self.parseMessage()) { self.emit('message', msg); self.emit(, msg); } });'error', function(error) { self.emit('error', error); }); }; p.startup = function(config) { var bodyBuffer = this.writer .addInt16(3) .addInt16(0) .addCString('user') .addCString(config.user) .addCString('database') .addCString(config.database) .addCString('').flush(); //this message is sent without a code var length = bodyBuffer.length + 4; var buffer = new Writer() .addInt32(length) .add(bodyBuffer) .join();; }; p.cancel = function(processID, secretKey) { var bodyBuffer = this.writer .addInt16(1234) .addInt16(5678) .addInt32(processID) .addInt32(secretKey) .addCString('').flush(); var length = bodyBuffer.length + 4; var buffer = new Writer() .addInt32(length) .add(bodyBuffer) .join();; }; p.password = function(password) { //0x70 = 'p' this._send(0x70, this.writer.addCString(password)); }; p._send = function(code, more) { if(more === true) { this.writer.addHeader(code); } else { return; } } p.query = function(text) { //0x51 = Q; }; //send parse message //"more" === true to buffer the message until flush() is called p.parse = function(query, more) { //expect something like this: // { name: 'queryName', // text: 'select * from blah', // types: ['int8', 'bool'] } //normalize missing query names to allow for null = || ''; //normalize null type array query.types = query.types || []; var len = query.types.length; var buffer = this.writer .addCString( //name of query .addCString(query.text) //actual query text .addInt16(len); for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { buffer.addInt32(query.types[i]); } var code = 0x50; this._send(code, more); }; //send bind message //"more" === true to buffer the message until flush() is called p.bind = function(config, more) { //normalize config config = config || {}; config.portal = config.portal || ''; config.statement = config.statement || ''; var values = config.values || []; var len = values.length; var buffer = this.writer .addCString(config.portal) .addCString(config.statement) .addInt16(0) //always use default text format .addInt16(len); //number of parameters for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var val = values[i]; if(val === null || typeof val === "undefined") { buffer.addInt32(-1); } else { val = val.toString(); buffer.addInt32(Buffer.byteLength(val)); buffer.addString(val); } } buffer.addInt16(0); //no format codes, use text //0x42 = 'B' this._send(0x42, more); }; //send execute message //"more" === true to buffer the message until flush() is called p.execute = function(config, more) { config = config || {}; config.portal = config.portal || ''; config.rows = config.rows || ''; var buffer = this.writer .addCString(config.portal) .addInt32(config.rows); //0x45 = 'E' this._send(0x45, more); }; var emptyBuffer = Buffer(0); p.flush = function() { //0x48 = 'H' this.writer.add(emptyBuffer) this._send(0x48); } p.sync = function() { //clear out any pending data in the writer this.writer.flush(0) this.writer.add(emptyBuffer); this._send(0x53); }; p.end = function() { //0x58 = 'X' this.writer.add(emptyBuffer); this._send(0x58); }; p.describe = function(msg, more) { this.writer.addCString(msg.type + ( || '')); this._send(0x44, more); }; //parsing methods p.setBuffer = function(buffer) { if(this.lastBuffer) { //we have unfinished biznaz //need to combine last two buffers var remaining = this.lastBuffer.length - this.lastOffset; var combinedBuffer = new Buffer(buffer.length + remaining); this.lastBuffer.copy(combinedBuffer, 0, this.lastOffset); buffer.copy(combinedBuffer, remaining, 0); buffer = combinedBuffer; } this.buffer = buffer; this.offset = 0; }; p.parseMessage = function() { var remaining = this.buffer.length - (this.offset); if(remaining < 5) { //cannot read id + length without at least 5 bytes //just abort the read now this.lastBuffer = this.buffer; this.lastOffset = this.offset; return false; } //read message id code var id = this.buffer[this.offset++]; //read message length var length = this.parseInt32(); if(remaining <= length) { this.lastBuffer = this.buffer; //rewind the last 5 bytes we read this.lastOffset = this.offset-5; return false; } var msg = { length: length }; switch(id) { case 0x52: //R = 'authenticationOk'; return this.parseR(msg); case 0x53: //S = 'parameterStatus'; return this.parseS(msg); case 0x4b: //K = 'backendKeyData'; return this.parseK(msg); case 0x43: //C = 'commandComplete'; return this.parseC(msg); case 0x5a: //Z = 'readyForQuery'; return this.parseZ(msg); case 0x54: //T = 'rowDescription'; return this.parseT(msg); case 0x44: //D = 'dataRow'; return this.parseD(msg); case 0x45: //E = 'error'; return this.parseE(msg); case 0x4e: //N = 'notice'; return this.parseN(msg); case 0x31: //1 = 'parseComplete'; return msg; case 0x32: //2 = 'bindComplete'; return msg; case 0x41: //A = 'notification'; return this.parseA(msg); case 0x6e: //n = 'noData'; return msg; case 0x49: //I = 'emptyQuery'; return msg; case 0x73: //s = 'portalSuspended'; return msg; default: throw new Error("Unrecognized message code " + id); } }; p.parseR = function(msg) { var code = 0; if(msg.length === 8) { code = this.parseInt32(); if(code === 3) { = 'authenticationCleartextPassword'; } return msg; } if(msg.length === 12) { code = this.parseInt32(); if(code === 5) { //md5 required = 'authenticationMD5Password'; msg.salt = new Buffer(4); this.buffer.copy(msg.salt, 0, this.offset, this.offset + 4); this.offset += 4; return msg; } } throw new Error("Unknown authenticatinOk message type" + util.inspect(msg)); }; p.parseS = function(msg) { msg.parameterName = this.parseCString(); msg.parameterValue = this.parseCString(); return msg; }; p.parseK = function(msg) { msg.processID = this.parseInt32(); msg.secretKey = this.parseInt32(); return msg; }; p.parseC = function(msg) { msg.text = this.parseCString(); return msg; }; p.parseZ = function(msg) { msg.status = this.readChar(); return msg; }; p.parseT = function(msg) { msg.fieldCount = this.parseInt16(); var fields = []; for(var i = 0; i < msg.fieldCount; i++){ fields[i] = this.parseField(); } msg.fields = fields; return msg; }; p.parseField = function() { var field = { name: this.parseCString(), tableID: this.parseInt32(), columnID: this.parseInt16(), dataTypeID: this.parseInt32(), dataTypeSize: this.parseInt16(), dataTypeModifier: this.parseInt32(), format: this.parseInt16() === 0 ? 'text' : 'binary' }; return field; }; p.parseD = function(msg) { var fieldCount = this.parseInt16(); var fields = []; for(var i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { var length = this.parseInt32(); fields[i] = (length === -1 ? null : this.readString(length)) }; msg.fieldCount = fieldCount; msg.fields = fields; return msg; }; //parses error p.parseE = function(input) { var fields = {}; var msg, item; var fieldType = this.readString(1); while(fieldType != '\0') { fields[fieldType] = this.parseCString(); fieldType = this.readString(1); } if ( === 'error') { // the msg is an Error instance msg = new Error(fields.M); for (item in input) { // copy input properties to the error if (input.hasOwnProperty(item)) { msg[item] = input[item]; } } } else { // the msg is an object literal msg = input; msg.message = fields.M; } msg.severity = fields.S; msg.code = fields.C; msg.detail = fields.D; msg.hint = fields.H; msg.position = fields.P; msg.internalPosition = fields.p; msg.internalQuery = fields.q; msg.where = fields.W; msg.file = fields.F; msg.line = fields.L; msg.routine = fields.R; return msg; }; //same thing, different name p.parseN = p.parseE; p.parseA = function(msg) { msg.processId = this.parseInt32(); = this.parseCString(); msg.payload = this.parseCString(); return msg; }; p.readChar = function() { return Buffer([this.buffer[this.offset++]]).toString(this.encoding); }; p.parseInt32 = function() { var value = this.peekInt32(); this.offset += 4; return value; }; p.peekInt32 = function(offset) { offset = offset || this.offset; var buffer = this.buffer; return ((buffer[offset++] << 24) + (buffer[offset++] << 16) + (buffer[offset++] << 8) + buffer[offset++]); }; p.parseInt16 = function() { return ((this.buffer[this.offset++] << 8) + (this.buffer[this.offset++] << 0)); }; p.readString = function(length) { return this.buffer.toString(this.encoding, this.offset, (this.offset += length)); }; p.parseCString = function() { var start = this.offset; while(this.buffer[this.offset++]) { }; return this.buffer.toString(this.encoding, start, this.offset - 1); }; //end parsing methods module.exports = Connection;