var url = require('url'); var defaults = require(__dirname + "/defaults"); var events = require('events'); var sys = require('sys'); if(typeof events.EventEmitter.prototype.once !== 'function') { events.EventEmitter.prototype.once = function (type, listener) { var self = this; self.on(type, function g () { self.removeListener(type, g); listener.apply(this, arguments); }); }; } var Pool = function(maxSize, createFn) {; this.maxSize = maxSize; this.createFn = createFn; this.items = []; this.waits = []; } sys.inherits(Pool, events.EventEmitter); var p = Pool.prototype; p.checkOut = function(callback) { var len = 0; for(var i = 0, len = this.items.length; i < len; i++) { var item = this.items[i]; if(item.checkedIn) { return this._pulse(item, callback); } } //check if we can create a new item if(this.items.length < this.maxSize && this.createFn) { var result = this.createFn(); var item = result; //create function can return item conforming to interface //of stored items to allow for create function to create //checked out items if(typeof item.checkedIn == "undefined") { var item = {ref: result, checkedIn: true} } this.items.push(item); if(item.checkedIn) { return this._pulse(item, callback) } } this.waits.push(callback); return false; //did not execute sync } p.checkIn = function(item) { //scan current items for(var i = 0, len = this.items.length; i < len; i++) { var currentItem = this.items[i]; if(currentItem.ref == item) { currentItem.checkedIn = true; this._pulse(currentItem); return true; } } //add new item var newItem = {ref: item, checkedIn: true}; this.items.push(newItem); this._pulse(newItem); return false; } p._pulse = function(item, cb) { cb = cb || this.waits.shift() if(cb) { item.checkedIn = false; cb(null, item.ref) return true; } return false; }; var parseConnectionString = function(str) { //unix socket if(str.charAt(0) === '/') { return { host: str }; } var result = url.parse(str); var config = {}; = result.hostname; config.database = result.pathname ? result.pathname.slice(1) : null var auth = (result.auth || ':').split(':'); config.user = auth[0]; config.password = auth[1]; config.port = result.port; return config; }; //allows passing false as property to remove it from config var norm = function(config, propName) { config[propName] = (config[propName] || (config[propName] === false ? undefined : defaults[propName])) }; //normalizes connection info //which can be in the form of an object //or a connection string var normalizeConnectionInfo = function(config) { switch(typeof config) { case 'object': norm(config, 'user'); norm(config, 'password'); norm(config, 'host'); norm(config, 'port'); norm(config, 'database'); return config; case 'string': return normalizeConnectionInfo(parseConnectionString(config)); default: throw new Error("Unrecognized connection config parameter: " + config); } }; module.exports = { Pool: Pool, normalizeConnectionInfo: normalizeConnectionInfo }