module.exports = { //database user's name user: process.env.USER, //name of database to connect database: process.env.USER, //database user's password password: null, //database port port: 5432, //number of rows to return at a time from a prepared statement's //portal. 0 will return all rows at once rows: 0, // binary result mode binary: false, //Connection pool options - see //number of connections to use in connection pool //0 will disable connection pooling poolSize: 10, //max milliseconds a client can go unused before it is removed //from the pool and destroyed poolIdleTimeout: 30000, //frequeny to check for idle clients within the client pool reapIntervalMillis: 1000, //pool log function / boolean poolLog: false }; var deprecate = require('deprecate'); //getter/setter to disable deprecation warnings module.exports.__defineGetter__("hideDeprecationWarnings", function() { return deprecate.silent; }); module.exports.__defineSetter__("hideDeprecationWarnings", function(val) { deprecate.silence = val; });