var helper = require(__dirname + '/../test/test-helper'); var connectionString = helper.connectionString(); console.log(); console.log("testing ability to connect to '%s'", connectionString); var pg = require(__dirname + '/../lib'); pg.connect(connectionString, function(err, client) { if(err !== null) { console.error("Recieved connection error when attempting to contact PostgreSQL:"); console.error(err); process.exit(255); } console.log("Checking for existance of required test table 'person'") client.query("SELECT COUNT(name) FROM person", function(err, callback) { if(err != null) { console.error("Recieved error when executing query 'SELECT COUNT(name) FROM person'") console.error("It is possible you have not yet run the table create script under script/create-test-tables") console.error("Consult the postgres-node wiki under the 'Testing' section for more information") console.error(err); process.exit(255); } pg.end(); }) })