var deprecate = require('deprecate'); var arrayParser = require(__dirname + "/arrayParser.js"); //parses PostgreSQL server formatted date strings into javascript date objects var parseDate = function(isoDate) { //TODO this could do w/ a refactor var dateMatcher = /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(\.\d{1,})?/; var match = dateMatcher.exec(isoDate); //could not parse date if(!match) { dateMatcher = /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$/; match = dateMatcher.test(isoDate); if(!match) { return null; } else { //it is a date in YYYY-MM-DD format return new Date(isoDate); } } var year = match[1]; var month = parseInt(match[2],10)-1; var day = match[3]; var hour = parseInt(match[4],10); var min = parseInt(match[5],10); var seconds = parseInt(match[6], 10); var miliString = match[7]; var mili = 0; if(miliString) { mili = 1000 * parseFloat(miliString); } var tZone = /([Z|+\-])(\d{2})?(\d{2})?/.exec(isoDate.split(' ')[1]); //minutes to adjust for timezone var tzAdjust = 0; if(tZone) { var type = tZone[1]; switch(type) { case 'Z': break; case '-': tzAdjust = -(((parseInt(tZone[2],10)*60)+(parseInt(tZone[3]||0,10)))); break; case '+': tzAdjust = (((parseInt(tZone[2],10)*60)+(parseInt(tZone[3]||0,10)))); break; default: throw new Error("Unidentifed tZone part " + type); } var utcOffset = Date.UTC(year, month, day, hour, min, seconds, mili); return new Date(utcOffset - (tzAdjust * 60* 1000)); } else { return new Date(year, month, day, hour, min, seconds, mili); } }; var parseBool = function(val) { return val === 't'; }; var parseIntegerArray = function(val) { if(!val) { return null; } var p = arrayParser.create(val, function(entry){ if(entry !== null) { entry = parseInt(entry, 10); } return entry; }); return p.parse(); }; var parseFloatArray = function(val) { deprecate('parsing and returning floats from PostgreSQL server is deprecated', 'JavaScript has a hard time with floats and there is precision loss which can cause', 'unexpected, hard to trace, potentially bad bugs in your program', 'for more information see the following:', '', 'in node-postgres v1.0.0 all floats & decimals will be returned as strings', 'feel free to get in touch via a github issue if you have any questions'); if(!val) { return null; } var p = arrayParser.create(val, function(entry){ if(entry !== null) { entry = parseFloat(entry, 10); } return entry; }); return p.parse(); }; var parseStringArray = function(val) { if(!val) { return null; } var p = arrayParser.create(val); return p.parse(); }; var NUM = '([+-]?\\d+)'; var YEAR = NUM + '\\s+years?'; var MON = NUM + '\\s+mons?'; var DAY = NUM + '\\s+days?'; var TIME = '([+-])?(\\d\\d):(\\d\\d):(\\d\\d)'; var INTERVAL = [YEAR,MON,DAY,TIME].map(function(p){ return "("+p+")?"; }).join('\\s*'); var parseInterval = function(val) { if (!val) { return {}; } var m = new RegExp(INTERVAL).exec(val); var i = {}; if (m[2]) { i.years = parseInt(m[2], 10); } if (m[4]) { i.months = parseInt(m[4], 10); } if (m[6]) { i.days = parseInt(m[6], 10); } if (m[9]) { i.hours = parseInt(m[9], 10); } if (m[10]) { i.minutes = parseInt(m[10], 10); } if (m[11]) { i.seconds = parseInt(m[11], 10); } if (m[8] == '-'){ if (i.hours) { i.hours *= -1; } if (i.minutes) { i.minutes *= -1; } if (i.seconds) { i.seconds *= -1; } } for (var field in i){ if (i[field] === 0) { delete i[field]; } } return i; }; var parseByteA = function(val) { if(/^\\x/.test(val)){ // new 'hex' style response (pg >9.0) return new Buffer(val.substr(2), 'hex'); }else{ var out = ""; var i = 0; while(i < val.length){ if(val[i] != "\\"){ out += val[i]; ++i; }else{ if(val.substr(i+1,3).match(/[0-7]{3}/)){ out += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(val.substr(i+1,3),8)); i += 4; }else{ backslashes = 1; while(i+backslashes < val.length && val[i+backslashes] == "\\") backslashes++; for(k=0; k