require(__dirname + "/test-helper"); var stream = new MemoryStream(); var con = new Connection({ stream: stream }); assert.recieved = function(stream, buffer) { assert.length(stream.packets, 1); var packet = stream.packets.pop(); assert.equalBuffers(packet, buffer); }; test("sends startup message", function() { con.startup({ user: 'brian', database: 'bang' }); assert.recieved(stream, new BufferList() .addInt16(3) .addInt16(0) .addCString('user') .addCString('brian') .addCString('database') .addCString('bang') .addCString('').join(true)) }); test('sends password message', function() { con.password("!"); assert.recieved(stream, new BufferList().addCString("!").join(true,'p')); }); test('sends query message', function() { var txt = 'select * from boom'; con.query(txt); assert.recieved(stream, new BufferList().addCString(txt).join(true,'Q')); }); test('sends parse message', function() { con.parse({text: '!'}); var expected = new BufferList() .addCString("") .addCString("!") .addInt16(0).join(true, 'P'); assert.recieved(stream, expected); }); test('sends parse message with named query', function() { con.parse({ name: 'boom', text: 'select * from boom', types: [] }); var expected = new BufferList() .addCString("boom") .addCString("select * from boom") .addInt16(0).join(true,'P'); assert.recieved(stream, expected); test('with multiple parameters', function() { con.parse({ name: 'force', text: 'select * from bang where name = $1', types: [1, 2, 3 ,4] }); var expected = new BufferList() .addCString("force") .addCString("select * from bang where name = $1") .addInt16(4) .addInt32(1) .addInt32(2) .addInt32(3) .addInt32(4).join(true,'P'); assert.recieved(stream, expected); }); }); test('bind messages', function() { test('with no values', function() { con.bind(); var expectedBuffer = new BufferList() .addCString("") .addCString("") .addInt16(0) .addInt16(0) .addInt16(0) .join(true,"B"); assert.recieved(stream, expectedBuffer); }); test('with named statement, portal, and values', function() { con.bind({ portal: 'bang', statement: 'woo', values: [1, 'hi', null, 'zing'] }); var expectedBuffer = new BufferList() .addCString('bang') //portal name .addCString('woo') //statement name .addInt16(0) .addInt16(4) .addInt32(1) .add(Buffer("1")) .addInt32(2) .add(Buffer("hi")) .addInt32(-1) .addInt32(4) .add(Buffer('zing')) .addInt16(0) .join(true, 'B'); assert.recieved(stream, expectedBuffer); }); }); test("sends execute message", function() { test("for unamed portal with no row limit", function() { con.execute(); var expectedBuffer = new BufferList() .addCString('') .addInt32(0) .join(true,'E'); assert.recieved(stream, expectedBuffer); }); test("for named portal with row limit", function() { con.execute({ portal: 'my favorite portal', rows: 100 }); var expectedBuffer = new BufferList() .addCString("my favorite portal") .addInt32(100) .join(true, 'E'); assert.recieved(stream, expectedBuffer); }); }); test('sends flush command', function() { con.flush(); var expected = new BufferList().join(true, 'H'); assert.recieved(stream, expected); }); test('sends sync command', function() { con.sync(); var expected = new BufferList().join(true,'S'); assert.recieved(stream, expected); }); test('sends end command', function() { con.end(); var expected = new Buffer([0x58, 0, 0, 0, 4]); assert.recieved(stream, expected); });