diff --git a/test/integration/connection-pool/error-tests.js b/test/integration/connection-pool/error-tests.js index 4115db9..a09b1f1 100644 --- a/test/integration/connection-pool/error-tests.js +++ b/test/integration/connection-pool/error-tests.js @@ -13,23 +13,27 @@ pg.connect(helper.config, assert.success(function(client, done) { client2.id = 2; var pidColName = 'procpid' helper.versionGTE(client2, '9.2.0', assert.success(function(isGreater) { + console.log(isGreater) var killIdleQuery = 'SELECT pid, (SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid)) AS killed FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE state = $1'; var params = ['idle']; if(!isGreater) { killIdleQuery = 'SELECT procpid, (SELECT pg_terminate_backend(procpid)) AS killed FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE current_query LIKE $1'; params = ['%IDLE%'] } - done2(); + //subscribe to the pg error event assert.emits(pg, 'error', function(error, brokenClient) { assert.ok(error); assert.ok(brokenClient); assert.equal(client.id, brokenClient.id); }); + //kill the connection from client client2.query(killIdleQuery, params, assert.success(function(res) { //check to make sure client connection actually was killed assert.lengthIs(res.rows, 1); + //return client2 to the pool + done2(); pg.end(); })); }));