describe('RequestTracker', function() { beforeEach(function() { var Constructor = getJasmineRequireObj().AjaxRequestTracker(); this.tracker = new Constructor(); }); it('tracks the number of times ajax requests are made', function() { expect(this.tracker.count()).toBe(0); this.tracker.track(); expect(this.tracker.count()).toBe(1); }); it('simplifies access to the last (most recent) request', function() { this.tracker.track(); this.tracker.track('request'); expect(this.tracker.mostRecent()).toEqual('request'); }); it('returns a useful falsy value when there is no last (most recent) request', function() { expect(this.tracker.mostRecent()).toBeFalsy(); }); it('simplifies access to the first (oldest) request', function() { this.tracker.track('request'); this.tracker.track(); expect(this.tracker.first()).toEqual('request'); }); it('returns a useful falsy value when there is no first (oldest) request', function() { expect(this.tracker.first()).toBeFalsy(); }); it('allows the requests list to be reset', function() { this.tracker.track(); this.tracker.track(); expect(this.tracker.count()).toBe(2); this.tracker.reset(); expect(this.tracker.count()).toBe(0); }); it('allows retrieval of an arbitrary request by index', function() { this.tracker.track('1'); this.tracker.track('2'); this.tracker.track('3'); expect('2'); }); it('allows retrieval of all requests that are for a given url', function() { this.tracker.track({ url: 'foo' }); this.tracker.track({ url: 'bar' }); expect(this.tracker.filter('bar')).toEqual([{ url: 'bar' }]); }); it('allows retrieval of all requests that match a given RegExp', function() { this.tracker.track({ url: 'foo' }); this.tracker.track({ url: 'bar' }); this.tracker.track({ url: 'baz' }); expect(this.tracker.filter(/ba[rz]/)).toEqual([{ url: 'bar' }, { url: 'baz' }]); }); it('allows retrieval of all requests that match based on a function', function() { this.tracker.track({ url: 'foo' }); this.tracker.track({ url: 'bar' }); this.tracker.track({ url: 'baz' }); var func = function(request) { return request.url === 'bar'; }; expect(this.tracker.filter(func)).toEqual([{ url: 'bar' }]); }); it('filters to nothing if no requests have been tracked', function() { expect(this.tracker.filter('foo')).toEqual([]); }); });