describe('RequestStub', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.RequestStub = getJasmineRequireObj().AjaxRequestStub(); jasmine.addMatchers({ toMatchRequest: function() { return { compare: function(actual) { return { pass: actual.matches.apply(actual,, 1)) }; } }; } }); }); it('matches just by exact url', function() { var stub = new this.RequestStub(''); expect(stub).toMatchRequest(''); }); it('does not match if the url differs', function() { var stub = new this.RequestStub(''); expect(stub).not.toMatchRequest(''); }); it('matches unordered query params', function() { var stub = new this.RequestStub(''); expect(stub).toMatchRequest(''); }); it('requires all specified query params to be there', function() { var stub = new this.RequestStub(''); expect(stub).not.toMatchRequest(''); }); it('can match the url with a RegExp', function() { var stub = new this.RequestStub(/ba[rz]/); expect(stub).toMatchRequest('bar'); expect(stub).toMatchRequest('baz'); expect(stub).not.toMatchRequest('foo'); }); it('requires the method to match if supplied', function() { var stub = new this.RequestStub('', null, 'POST'); expect(stub).not.toMatchRequest(''); expect(stub).not.toMatchRequest('', null, 'GET'); expect(stub).toMatchRequest('', null, 'POST'); }); it('requires the data submitted to match if supplied', function() { var stub = new this.RequestStub('/foo', 'foo=bar&baz=quux'); expect(stub).toMatchRequest('/foo', 'baz=quux&foo=bar'); expect(stub).not.toMatchRequest('/foo', 'foo=bar'); }); it('can match the data or query params with a RegExp', function() { var stub = new this.RequestStub('/foo', /ba[rz]=quux/); expect(stub).toMatchRequest('/foo', 'bar=quux'); expect(stub).toMatchRequest('/foo', 'baz=quux'); expect(stub).not.toMatchRequest('/foo', 'foo=bar'); }); });