If you haven't used [Grunt](http://gruntjs.com/) before, be sure to check out the [Getting Started](http://gruntjs.com/getting-started) guide, as it explains how to create a [Gruntfile](http://gruntjs.com/sample-gruntfile) as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
There are a number of options available. Please review the [minimatch options here](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch#options). As well as some additional options as follows:
This instructs the watch task to not spawn task runs in a child process. Setting this option also speeds up the reaction time of the watch (usually 500ms faster for most) and allows subsequent task runs to share the same context (i.e., using a reload task). Not spawning task runs can make the watch more prone to failing so please use as needed.
As files are modified this watch task will spawn tasks in child processes. The default behavior will only spawn a new child process per target when the previous process has finished. Set the `interrupt` option to true to terminate the previous process and spawn a new one upon later changes.
How long to wait before emitting events in succession for the same filepath and status. For example if your `Gruntfile.js` file was `changed`, a `changed` event will only fire again after the given milliseconds.
The `interval` is passed to `fs.watchFile`. Since `interval` is only used by `fs.watchFile` and this watcher also uses `fs.watch`; it is recommended to ignore this option. *Default is 100ms*.
This task will emit a `watch` event when watched files are modified. This is useful if you would like a simple notification when files are edited or if you're using this task in tandem with another task, for example a live reload task. Here is a simple example using the `watch` event:
**The `watch` event is not intended for replacing the standard Grunt API for configuring and running tasks. If you're trying to run tasks from within the `watch` event you're more than likely doing it wrong. Please read [cofiguring tasks](http://gruntjs.com/configuring-tasks).**
#### How do I fix the error `EMFILE: Too many opened files.`?
This is because of your system's max opened file limit. For OSX the default is very low (256). Temporarily increase your limit with `ulimit -n 10480`, the number being the new max limit.
#### Can I use this with Grunt v0.3?
Yes. Although `grunt-contrib-watch` is a replacement watch task for Grunt v0.4, version `grunt-contrib-watch@0.1.x` is compatible with Grunt v0.3. `grunt-contrib-watch >= 0.2.x` is **only* compatible and recommended to use with Grunt v0.4.
Likely because of an enthusiastic pattern trying to watch thousands of files. Such as `'**/*.js'` but forgetting to exclude the `node_modules` folder with `'!node_modules/**/*.js'`. Try grouping your files within a subfolder or be more explicit with your file matching pattern.
The goal of this watch task is as files are changed, run tasks as if they were triggered by the user themself. Each time a user runs `grunt` a process is spawned and tasks are ran in succession. In an effort to keep the experience consistent and continualy produce expected results, this watch task spawns tasks as child processes by default.
Sandboxing task runs also allows this watch task to run more stable over long periods of time. As well as more efficiently with more complex tasks and file structures.
Spawning does cause a performance hit (usually 500ms for most environments). It also cripples tasks that rely on the watch task to share the context with each subsequent run (i.e., reload tasks). If you would like a faster watch task or need to share the context please set the `nospawn` option to `true`. Just be aware that with this option enabled, the watch task is more prone to failure.
* 2013-02-26v0.3.0nospawn option added to run tasks without spawning as child processes. Watch emits 'watch' events upon files being triggered with grunt.event. Completion time in seconds and date/time shown after tasks ran. Negate file patterns fixed. Tasks debounced individually to handle simultaneous triggering for multiple targets. Errors handled better and viewable with --stack cli option. Code complexity reduced making the watch task code easier to read.
* 2013-01-17v0.2.0rc7Updating grunt/gruntplugin dependencies to rc6. Changing in-development grunt/gruntplugin dependency versions from tilde version ranges to specific versions.
* 2013-01-08v0.2.0rc5Updating to work with grunt v0.4.0rc5.
* 2012-12-14v0.2.0aConversion to grunt v0.4 conventions. Remove node v0.6 and grunt v0.3 support. Allow watch task to be renamed. Use grunt.util.spawn "grunt" option. Updated to gaze@0.3.0, forceWatchMethod option removed.
* 2012-10-31v0.1.4Prevent watch from spawning duplicate watch tasks
* 2012-10-27v0.1.3Better method to spawn the grunt bin Bump gaze to v0.2.0. Better handles some events and new option forceWatchMethod Only support Node.js >= v0.8
* 2012-10-16v0.1.2Only spawn a process per task one at a time Add interrupt option to cancel previous spawned process Grunt v0.3 compatibility changes
* 2012-10-15v0.1.1Fallback to global grunt bin if local doesnt exist. Fatal if bin cannot be found Update to gaze 0.1.6
* 2012-10-07v0.1.0Release watch task Remove spawn from helper Run on Grunt v0.4