6.4 KiB
Run jasmine specs headlessly through PhantomJS.
Note that this plugin has not yet been released, and only works with the latest bleeding-edge, in-development version of grunt. See the When will I be able to use in-development feature 'X'? FAQ entry for more information.
Getting Started
If you haven't used grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide.
From the same directory as your project's Gruntfile and package.json, install this plugin with the following command:
npm install grunt-contrib-jasmine --save-dev
Once that's done, add this line to your project's Gruntfile:
If the plugin has been installed correctly, running grunt --help
at the command line should list the newly-installed plugin's task or tasks. In addition, the plugin should be listed in package.json as a devDependency
, which ensures that it will be installed whenever the npm install
command is run.
The jasmine task
grunt-contrib-jasmine automatically builds and maintains your spec runner and runs your tests headlessly through phantomjs
Substantial credit goes to Camille Reynders (@creynders) for the first decent implementation of jasmine through grunt which served as motivation for all the future work.
Run specs locally or on an ad hoc server
Run your tests on your local filesystem or via a server task like grunt-contrib-connect.
AMD Support
Includes a SpecRunner template customized for use with AMD modules and requirejs.
Customize your SpecRunner with your own template
Supply your own underscore template to automatically build your SpecRunner custom to your use.
Name: build
Specify this flag in order to rebuild the specrunner and not delete it. This is useful when troublshooting templates, running in a browser, or as part of a watch chain for use in a web browser, e.g.
watch: {
pivotal : {
files: ['test/fixtures/pivotal/**/*.js'],
tasks: 'jasmine:pivotal:build'
grunt.registerTask('dev', ['connect', 'watch']);
Type: String|Array
Minimatch - This defines your source files. These are the files that you are testing.
Type: String|Array
Minimatch - These are your Jasmine specs.
Type: String|Array
Minimatch - These are third party libraries, generally loaded before anything else happens in your tests. You'll likely add things like jQuery and Backbone here.
Type: String|Array
Minimatch - These are non-source, non-spec helper files. In the default runner these are loaded after vendor
Type: String
Default: _SpecRunner.html
This is the auto-generated specfile that phantomjs will use to run your tests. This is automatically deleted upon normal runs
Type: String
Default: ''
This is the host you want phantomjs to connect against to run your tests.
e.g. if using an ad hoc server from within grunt
host : ''
Or, using templates
host : '<%= connect.port %>/'
Not defining a host will mean your specs will be run from the local filesystem.
Type: String
Default: default
Options: default
, requirejs
, yourcustomtemplate.tmpl
Specify a custom template to use when generating your Spec Runner. Templates are parsed as underscore templates and provided the expanded list of files needed to build a specrunner.
Type: Object
Default: {}
These options will be passed to your template as an 'options' hash so that you can provide settings to your template.
'requirejs' default templateOptions :
requirejs : __dirname + '/../vendor/require-#.#.#.js',
baseUrl : ''
- requirejs : the location of the included requirejs.
- baseUrl : set in
, sets the baseUrl for your modules (usually the directory your 'src' files are located in.
Basic Use
Sample configuration to run Pivotal Labs' example Jasmine application.
jasmine : {
pivotal : {
src : 'test/fixtures/pivotal/src/**/*.js'
options : {
specs : 'test/fixtures/pivotal/spec/*Spec.js',
helpers : 'test/fixtures/pivotal/spec/*Helper.js'
Supplying a custom template
Supplying a custom template to the above example
jasmine : {
customTemplate : {
src : 'test/fixtures/pivotal/src/**/*.js',
options : {
specs : 'test/fixtures/pivotal/spec/*Spec.js',
helpers : 'test/fixtures/pivotal/spec/*Helper.js'
template : 'test/fixtures/customTemplate/custom.tmpl'
Sample RequireJS usage
jasmine : {
requirejs : {
src : 'test/fixtures/requirejs/src/**/*.js',
options : {
specs : 'test/fixtures/requirejs/spec/*Spec.js',
helpers : 'test/fixtures/requirejs/spec/*Helper.js',
host : '<%= connect.port %>/',
template : 'requirejs',
templateOptions : {
baseUrl : './test/fixtures/requirejs/src/'
RequireJS note
If you end up using the requirejs template, it's worth looking at the RequireJS template in order to familiarize yourself with how it loads your files. The gist of it is:
require([*YOUR SOURCE*], function() {
require([*YOUR SPECS*], function() {
require([*JASMINE FILES*], function() {
// at this point your tests are already running.
Release History
- 2012-11-06 - v0.1.1 - Fixed race condition in requirejs template
- 2012-11-06 - v0.1.0 - Ported grunt-jasmine-runner and grunt-jasmine-task to grunt-contrib
-- Task submitted by Jarrod Overson.
Generated on Wed Nov 07 2012 10:53:51.