describe("Task", function() { /* when running this test with `grunt jasmine:selfTest -d` you got this output [D] ["phantomjs","onLoadFinished","success"] [D] ["phantomjs","onResourceRequested",""] [D] ["phantomjs","onResourceReceived",""] [D] ["phantomjs","onLoadFinished","fail"] [D] ["phantomjs","fail.load","_SpecRunner.html"] seems to be called for iframes, too. A failing onLoadFinished caused this grunt taks to hang. Now, after removing the event handler, this following test should work as expected */ it("can handle fail on iframe", function(){ var waitedLongEnough; runs(function(){ iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.src = "http://localhost:9000"; document.body.appendChild(iframe); setTimeout(function(){waitedLongEnough=true;}, 50); }); waitsFor(function(){ return waitedLongEnough; }); runs(function(){ expect(true).toBeTruthy("without change in grunt-lib-phantomjs, jasmine would never reach this line"); }); }); });