update README

Román Jiménez 7 years ago
parent ae839dbd3f
commit 9a510a8f18

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# grunt-contrib-jasmine v1.1.0 [![Build Status: Linux](https://travis-ci.org/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-jasmine.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-jasmine) [![Build Status: Windows](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/5985958by5rhnh31/branch/master?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-jasmine/branch/master)
> Run jasmine specs headlessly through PhantomJS
> Run jasmine specs headlessly
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-jasmine');
## Jasmine task
_Run this task with the `grunt jasmine` command._
Automatically builds and maintains your spec runner and runs your tests headlessly through PhantomJS.
Automatically builds and maintains your spec runner and runs your tests headlessly.
#### Run specs locally or on a remote server
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Automatically deleted upon normal runs.
Type: `String`
Default: `_SpecRunner.html`
The auto-generated specfile that phantomjs will use to run your tests.
The auto-generated specfile that the browser will use to run your tests.
Automatically deleted upon normal runs. Use the `:build` flag to generate a SpecRunner manually e.g.
`grunt jasmine:myTask:build`
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Specify a custom JUnit template instead of using the default `junitTemplate`.
Type: `String`
Default: `''`
The host you want PhantomJS to connect against to run your tests.
The host you want the browser to connect against to run your tests.
e.g. if using an ad hoc server from within grunt
@ -175,6 +175,33 @@ Default: `false`
Display a list of all failed tests and their failure messages
#### options.browser
Type: `String`
Default: `phantomjs`
Which headless browser to use. Supported options are:
* `phantomjs` runs your tests through PhantomJS
* `chrome` runs your tests through Chrome. See the headless option
#### options.headless
Type: `Boolean`
Default: `false`
Whether Chrome should be started headlessly or not. Requires Chrome 59
#### options.chromePoll
Type: `Number`
Default: `100`
Frequency (in milliseconds) in which the plugin polls Chrome for updates on the specs.
#### options.reportSlowerThan
Type: `Number`
Default: `-1`
If a spec is takes longer than this option it will be printed out after the run ends. Unit is milliseconds.
### Flags
Name: `build`
