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12 years ago
# Options
## src
Type: `String|Array`
Your source files. These are the files that you are testing. If you are using RequireJS your source files will be loaded as dependencies into your spec modules and will not need to be placed here.
## options.specs
Type: `String|Array`
11 years ago
Your Jasmine specs.
## options.vendor
Type: `String|Array`
11 years ago
Third party libraries like jQuery & generally anything loaded before source, specs, and helpers.
## options.helpers
Type: `String|Array`
11 years ago
Non-source, non-spec helper files. In the default runner these are loaded after `vendor` files
## options.styles
Type: `String|Array`
11 years ago
CSS files that get loaded after the jasmine.css
## options.version
Type: `String`
9 years ago
Default: `'2.2.0'`
This is the jasmine-version which will be used. currently available versions are:
* 2.2.0
* 2.0.1
11 years ago
* 2.0.0
*Due to changes in Jasmine, pre-2.0 versions have been dropped and tracking will resume at 2.0.0*
## options.tempDir
Type: `String`
Default: `.grunt/grunt-contrib-jasmine`
The temporary directory that runners use to load jasmine files.
Automatically deleted upon normal runs.
## options.outfile
Type: `String`
Default: `_SpecRunner.html`
The auto-generated specfile that phantomjs will use to run your tests.
11 years ago
Automatically deleted upon normal runs. Use the `:build` flag to generate a SpecRunner manually e.g.
`grunt jasmine:myTask:build`
## options.keepRunner
Type: `Boolean`
Default: `false`
Prevents the auto-generated specfile used to run your tests from being automatically deleted.
## options.junit.path
Type: `String`
Default: `undefined`
Path to output JUnit xml
## options.junit.consolidate
Type: `Boolean`
Default: `false`
Consolidate the JUnit XML so that there is one file per top level suite.
12 years ago
10 years ago
## options.junit.template
Type: `String`
Default: `undefined`
10 years ago
Specify a custom JUnit template instead of using the default `junitTemplate`.
Type: `String`
Default: `''`
12 years ago
11 years ago
The host you want PhantomJS to connect against to run your tests.
12 years ago
e.g. if using an ad hoc server from within grunt
12 years ago
host : ''
11 years ago
Without a `host`, your specs will be run from the local filesystem.
## options.template
Type: `String` `Object`
Default: `undefined`
12 years ago
Custom template used to generate your Spec Runner. Parsed as underscore templates and provided
the expanded list of files needed to build a specrunner.
12 years ago
You can specify an object with a `process` method that will be called as a template function.
12 years ago
See the [Template API Documentation]( for more details.
## options.templateOptions
Type: `Object`
Default: `{}`
12 years ago
11 years ago
Options that will be passed to your template. Used to pass settings to the template.
12 years ago
10 years ago
## options.polyfills
Type: `String|Array`
Third party polyfill libraries like json2 that are loaded at the very top before anything else.
10 years ago
## options.display
Type: `String`
Default: `'full'`
* `full` displays the full specs tree
* `short` only displays a success or failure character for each test (useful with large suites)
* `none` displays nothing
11 years ago
## options.summary
Type: `Boolean`
Default: `false`
Display a list of all failed tests and their failure messages
# Flags
Name: `build`
11 years ago
Turn on this flag in order to build a SpecRunner html file. This is useful when troubleshooting templates,
running in a browser, or as part of a watch chain e.g.
watch: {
pivotal : {
files: ['src/**/*.js', 'specs/**/*.js'],
tasks: 'jasmine:pivotal:build'
# Filtering specs
`grunt jasmine --filter=foo` will run spec files that have `foo` in their file name.
`grunt jasmine --filter=/foo` will run spec files within folders that have `foo*` in their name.
`grunt jasmine --filter=/*-bar` will run anything that is located in a folder `*-bar`
**comma separated filters**
`grunt jasmine --filter=foo,bar` will run spec files that have `foo` or `bar` in their file name.
**flags with space**
`grunt jasmine --filter="foo bar"` will run spec files that have `foo bar` in their file name.
`grunt jasmine --filter="/foo bar"` will run spec files within folders that have `foo bar*` in their name.