defaults: &defaults ogr2ogr: binary: 'which ogr2ogr2' csv_guessing: false debug_assets: true mandatory_keys: [layer_opts, sql_api, varnish_management, redis, session_domain] session_domain: 'cartodb.localhost' # If activated, urls will use usernames in format //SESSION_DOMAIN/user/USERNAME and ignore subdomains if present subdomainless_urls: true http_port: # 3000 # nil|integer. HTTP port to use when building urls. Leave empty to use default (80) https_port: # nil|integer. HTTPS port to use when building urls. Leave empty to use default (443) secret_token: '71c2b25921b84a1cb21c71503ab8fb23' account_host: 'cartodb.localhost:3000' account_path: '/account' data_library: username: 'common-data' path: '/data-library' disable_file: '~/disable' watcher: ttl: 60 tiler: filter: 'mapnik' internal: protocol: 'http' domain: 'cartodb.localhost' port: '8181' host: '' verifycert: false private: protocol: 'http' domain: 'cartodb.localhost' port: '80' verifycert: false public: protocol: 'http' domain: 'cartodb.localhost' port: '80' verifycert: false sql_api: private: protocol: 'http' domain: 'cartodb.localhost' endpoint: '/api/v2/sql' port: 80 public: protocol: 'http' domain: 'cartodb.localhost' endpoint: '/api/v2/sql' port: 80 api_requests_service_url: '' developers_host: 'http://developers.cartodb.localhost:3000' google_analytics: primary: '' embeds: '' domain: '' rollbar: token: '' tumblr: api_key: '' trackjs: enabled: false customer: '' app_keys: editor: '' embeds: '' facebook: app_id: '' admins: '' hubspot: '' segment: api_key: metrics: hubspot: events_host: '' token: 'yourtoken' form_ids: newsletter: '' event_ids: import_failed: '' geocoding_failed: '' import_success: '' geocoding_success: '' published_visualization: '' visited_dashboard: '' connect_dataset: '' create_map: '' export_table: '' select_wms: '' color_basemap: '' pattern_basemap: '' geocoding: '' visual_merge: '' common_data: '' cartocss_manually: '' wizard: '' filter: '' query: '' mailing_track: like_map: '' trending_map: '' common_data: protocol: 'https' username: 'common-data' base_url: '' format: 'shp' explore_api: username: '' reports: mail_to: '' mailer: from: ' ' address: '' port: '' user_name: '' password: '' authentication: '' enable_starttls_auto: '' varnish_management: critical: false host: '' port: 6082 purge_command: 'purge' retries: 5 timeout: 5 # 'warning' or 'error' trigger_verbose: true invalidation_service: enabled: false host: '' port: 3142 retries: 5 # number of retries before considering failure critical: false # either the failure is considered an error or a warning timeout: 5 # socket timeout trigger_verbose: true redis: host: '' port: 6379 timeout: 20 databases: tables_metadata: 0 api_credentials: 3 users_metadata: 5 redis_migrator_logs: 6 org_metadata_api: host: 'localhost.lan' port: '3000' username: "extension" password: "elephant" timeout: 10 superadmin: username: "superadmin" password: "monkey" geocoder: #force_batch: true #disable_cache: true app_id: '' token: '' mailto: '' base_url: '' non_batch_base_url: '' internal: username: '' api_key: '' cache: base_url: '' api_key: '' table_name: '' api: host: 'cartodb.localhost' port: '8787' dbname: 'geocoder' user: 'geocoder' importer: content_guessing: # Depends on geocoding enabled: false # Disabled if false or not present threshold: 0.9 # 90% or more matches minimum_entropy: 0.9 # Normalized entropy, between 0.0 and 1.0. See sample_size: 400 # +-5% error. See s3: access_key_id: secret_access_key: bucket_name: url_ttl: async_long_uploads: false unp_temporal_folder: '/tmp/imports/' # It must end in `/uploads` and be accessible via HTTP, if relative will default to Rails.Root/#{uploads_path} uploads_path: 'public/uploads' error_track: url: '' percent_users: 10 # graphite endpoint used to post frontend stats graphite_public: host: "" port: layer_opts: public_opts: ["type", "active", "query", "opacity", "auto_bound", "interactivity", "debug", "visible", "tiler_domain", "tiler_port", "tiler_protocol", "sql_domain", "sql_port", "sql_protocol", "extra_params", "table_name", "user_name", "style_version", "tile_style", "query_wrapper"] default_tile_styles: point: "{\n marker-fill: #FF6600;\n marker-opacity: 0.9;\n marker-width: 12;\n marker-line-color: white;\n marker-line-width: 3;\n marker-line-opacity: 0.9;\n marker-placement: point;\n marker-type: ellipse;\n marker-allow-overlap: true;\n}" geometry: "{\n // points\n [mapnik-geometry-type=point] {\n    marker-fill: #FF6600;\n    marker-opacity: 1;\n    marker-width: 12;\n    marker-line-color: white;\n    marker-line-width: 3;\n    marker-line-opacity: 0.9;\n    marker-placement: point;\n    marker-type: ellipse;marker-allow-overlap: true;\n  }\n\n //lines\n [mapnik-geometry-type=linestring] {\n    line-color: #FF6600; \n    line-width: 2; \n    line-opacity: 0.7;\n  }\n\n //polygons\n [mapnik-geometry-type=polygon] {\n    polygon-fill:#FF6600;\n    polygon-opacity: 0.7;\n    line-opacity:1;\n    line-color: #FFFFFF;\n   }\n }" polygon: "{\n polygon-fill:#FF6600;\n polygon-opacity: 0.7;\n line-opacity:1;\n line-color: #FFFFFF;\n}" multipolygon: "{\n polygon-fill:#FF6600;\n polygon-opacity: 0.7;\n line-opacity:1;\n line-color: #FFFFFF;\n}" multilinestring: "{\n line-color:#FF6600;\n line-width:1;\n line-opacity: 0.7;\n}" data: kind: "carto" options: # attribution: 'CartoDB attribution' query: "" opacity: 0.99 auto_bound: false interactivity: "cartodb_id" debug: false visible: true tiler_domain: "cartodb.localhost" tiler_port: "8181" tiler_protocol: "http" sql_domain: "cartodb.localhost" sql_port: "8080" sql_protocol: "http" extra_params: { cache_policy: 'persist' } tile_style_history: [] style_version: "2.1.1" infowindow: template_name: "table/views/infowindow_light" background: kind: "background" options: { color: '#ffffff' } cartodb_com_hosted: false cartodb_central_domain_name: 'cartodb.localhost' aws: s3: access_key_id: "test" secret_access_key: "test" assets: # store assets locally instead of s3 # s3_bucket_name: "tests" max_file_size: 5242880 # 5.megabytes app_assets: asset_host: "//" avatars: base_url: '//' kinds: ['ghost', 'marker', 'mountain', 'pacman', 'planet', 'star'] colors: ['green', 'orange', 'red', 'yellow'] dropbox_api_key: "" gdrive: api_key: "" app_id: "" # This enables a support chat within editor # Use your Olark api id to enable it. If you remove this entry or don't define an app key, it won't be activated. olark: app_id: '' enforce_non_empty_layer_css: true users_dumps: service: port: 00000 http_header_authentication: header: # name of the trusted, safe header that your server adds to the request field: # 'email' / 'username' / 'id' / 'auto' (autodetection) autocreation: # true / false (true requires field to be email) oauth: # If the client_id/app_key is not set won't appear at the UI. @see application_helper.rb -> frontend_config # Must be the same as CartoDB::Datasources::xxxx DATASOURCE_NAME constants gdrive: application_name: '' client_id: '' client_secret: '' callback_url: '' google_plus: client_id: '' cookie_policy: 'single_host_origin' #cookie_policy: '' dropbox: app_key: '' app_secret: '' callback_url: '' box: application_name: '' client_id: '' client_secret: '' box_host: "" instagram: app_key: '' app_secret: '' callback_url: '' # Mailchimp datasource. Setup at then fill here. # If fields are present but empty, option won't appear at editor import window mailchimp: app_key: '' app_secret: '' callback_url: '' datasource_search: # Must be the same as CartoDB::Datasources::xxxx DATASOURCE_NAME constants twitter_search: standard: auth_required: false username: '' password: '' search_url: 'http://fake.url.nil' ratelimit_active: true ratelimit_concurrency: 8 ratelimit_ttl: 4 ratelimit_wait_secs: 0.5 customized_user_list: [] customized_orgs_list: [] entity_to_config_map: [] # { user_or_org_name: 'custom_config_name'} customized: custom1: auth_required: false username: '' password: '' search_url: 'http://fake.url.nil' ratelimit_active: false ratelimit_concurrency: 3 ratelimit_ttl: 4 ratelimit_wait_secs: 0.1 feature_flags: ghost_tables: restricted: true rainbow_maps: restricted: false user_feature_flags: rambo: ['ghost_tables'] basemaps: Nokia: normal_day: url: '{z}/{x}/{y}/256/png8?lg=eng&token=A7tBPacePg9Mj_zghvKt9Q&app_id=KuYppsdXZznpffJsKT24' minZoom: '0' maxZoom: '21' className: "nokia_normal_day" attribution: "©2012 Nokia Terms of use" name: 'Nokia normal Day' terrain_day: url: '{z}/{x}/{y}/256/png8?lg=eng&token=A7tBPacePg9Mj_zghvKt9Q&app_id=KuYppsdXZznpffJsKT24' minZoom: '0' maxZoom: '21' className: "nokia_terrain_day" attribution: "©2012 Nokia Terms of use" name: 'Nokia Terrain Day' satellite_day: url: '{z}/{x}/{y}/256/png8?lg=eng&token=A7tBPacePg9Mj_zghvKt9Q&app_id=KuYppsdXZznpffJsKT24' minZoom: '0' maxZoom: '21' className: "nokia_satellite_day" attribution: "©2012 Nokia Terms of use" name: 'Nokia Satellite Day' hybrid_day: url: '{z}/{x}/{y}/256/png8?lg=eng&token=A7tBPacePg9Mj_zghvKt9Q&app_id=KuYppsdXZznpffJsKT24' minZoom: '0' maxZoom: '21' className: "nokia_hybrid_day" attribution: "©2012 Nokia Terms of use" name: 'Nokia hybrid Day' CartoDB: positron_rainbow: default: true url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' subdomains: 'abcd' minZoom: '0' maxZoom: '18' name: 'Positron' className: 'positron_rainbow' attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors © CartoDB' dark_matter_rainbow: url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' subdomains: 'abcd' minZoom: '0' maxZoom: '18' name: 'Dark matter' className: 'dark_matter_rainbow' attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors © CartoDB' positron_lite_rainbow: url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' subdomains: 'abcd' minZoom: '0' maxZoom: '18' name: 'Positron (lite)' className: 'positron_lite_rainbow' attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors © CartoDB' dark_matter_lite_rainbow: url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' subdomains: 'abcd' minZoom: '0' maxZoom: '18' name: 'Dark matter (lite)' className: 'dark_matter_lite_rainbow' attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors © CartoDB' eco_cartodb: url: 'https://cartocdn_{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' subdomains: 'abcd' minZoom: '0' maxZoom: '10' name: 'CartoDB World Eco' className: 'eco_cartodb' attribution: '' flat_blue: url: 'https://cartocdn_{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' subdomains: 'abcd' minZoom: '0' maxZoom: '10' name: 'CartoDB World Flat Blue' className: 'flat_blue' attribution: '' midnight_cartodb: url: 'https://cartocdn_{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' subdomains: 'abcd' minZoom: '0' maxZoom: '10' name: 'CartoDB World Midnight Commander' className: 'midnight_cartodb' attribution: '' Stamen: toner_stamen_labels: url: 'https://stamen-tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' subdomains: 'abcd' minZoom: '0' maxZoom: '18' name: 'Toner' className: 'toner_stamen_labels' attribution: 'Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.' labels: url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' toner_stamen: url: 'https://stamen-tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' subdomains: 'abcd' minZoom: '0' maxZoom: '18' name: 'Toner (labels below)' className: 'toner_stamen' attribution: 'Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.' toner_background_stamen: url: 'https://stamen-tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' subdomains: 'abcd' minZoom: '0' maxZoom: '18' name: 'Toner Background' className: 'toner_background_stamen' attribution: 'Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.' toner_lite_stamen: url: 'https://stamen-tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' subdomains: 'abcd' minZoom: '0' maxZoom: '18' name: 'Toner Lite' className: 'toner_lite_stamen' attribution: 'Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.' toner_lines_stamen: url: 'https://stamen-tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' subdomains: 'abcd' minZoom: '0' maxZoom: '18' name: 'Toner Lines' className: 'toner_lines_stamen' attribution: 'Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.' toner_hybrid_stamen: url: 'https://stamen-tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' subdomains: 'abcd' minZoom: '0' maxZoom: '18' name: 'Toner Hybrid' className: 'toner_hybrid_stamen' attribution: 'Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.' watercolor_stamen: url: 'https://stamen-tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' subdomains: 'abcd' minZoom: '0' maxZoom: '18' name: 'Watercolor' className: 'watercolor_stamen' attribution: 'Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.' development: <<: *defaults #http_port: 3000 varnish_management: critical: false host: '' port: 6082 purge_command: 'purge' url_purge_command: 'url.purge' retries: 5 timeout: 5 enforce_non_empty_layer_css: false test: <<: *defaults http_port: 53716 redis: host: '' port: 6335 enforce_non_empty_layer_css: false api_requests_es_service: url: "http://api-calls-service.cartodb.localhost/search" body: "" staging: <<: *defaults production: <<: *defaults