#!/bin/sh SUBDOMAIN="dev" PASSWORD="pass" ADMIN_PASSWORD="pass" EMAIL="dev@example.com" echo "--- Creating databases" bundle exec rake cartodb:db:setup --trace SUBDOMAIN="${SUBDOMAIN}" \ PASSWORD="${PASSWORD}" ADMIN_PASSWORD="${ADMIN_PASSWORD}" \ EMAIL="${EMAIL}" if test $? -ne 0; then exit 1; fi # # Update your quota to 100GB echo "--- Updating quota to 100GB" bundle exec rake cartodb:db:set_user_quota["${SUBDOMAIN}",102400] if test $? -ne 0; then exit 1; fi # # Allow unlimited tables to be created echo "--- Allowing unlimited tables creation" bundle exec rake cartodb:db:set_unlimited_table_quota["${SUBDOMAIN}"] if test $? -ne 0; then exit 1; fi # # Allow user to create private tables in addition to public echo "--- Allowing private tables creation" bundle exec rake cartodb:db:set_user_private_tables_enabled["${SUBDOMAIN}",'true'] if test $? -ne 0; then exit 1; fi # # Set the account type echo "--- Setting cartodb account type" bundle exec rake cartodb:db:set_user_account_type["${SUBDOMAIN}",'[DEDICATED]'] if test $? -ne 0; then exit 1; fi