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The ports the cartodb container publishes must be combined behind a single [NGINX](http://nginx.org/) web server.
In the GitHub repo there is an [example NGINX config file (config/cartodb.nginx.proxy.conf)](https://github.com/sverhoeven/docker-cartodb/blob/master/config/cartodb.nginx.proxy.conf), which needs to be added to /etc/nginx/conf.d/ directory, after which the web server must be restarted.
This will setup a reverse proxy for the CartoDB/imports (3000), SQL Api (8080) and Map api (8181) to default http port (80).
Alternativly use instructions at https://hub.docker.com/r/spawnthink/cartodb-nginx/ to run NGINX as a docker container with the correct config file already in it.
The CartoDB instance has been configured with the hostname `cartodb.localhost`, this means the web browser and web server need to be able to resolve `cartodb.localhost` to the machine where the web server is running.
This can be done by adding cartodb.localhost alias to your hosts file. For example