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set -e
echo "--- Creating databases"
bundle exec rake cartodb:db:setup
echo "--- Create '${SUBDOMAIN}' user"
bundle exec rake cartodb:db:create_user --trace SUBDOMAIN="${SUBDOMAIN}" \
# # Update your quota to 100GB
echo "--- Updating quota to 100GB"
bundle exec rake cartodb:db:set_user_quota["${SUBDOMAIN}",102400]
# # Allow unlimited tables to be created
echo "--- Allowing unlimited tables creation"
bundle exec rake cartodb:db:set_unlimited_table_quota["${SUBDOMAIN}"]
# # Allow user to create private tables in addition to public
echo "--- Allowing private tables creation"
bundle exec rake cartodb:db:set_user_private_tables_enabled["${SUBDOMAIN}",'true']
# # Set the account type
echo "--- Setting cartodb account type"
bundle exec rake cartodb:db:set_user_account_type["${SUBDOMAIN}",'[DEDICATED]']
# Set dataservices server
bundle exec rake cartodb:db:configure_geocoder_extension_for_non_org_users[$SUBDOMAIN]
# Set import limits
bundle exec rake cartodb:set_custom_limits_for_user["${SUBDOMAIN}",10240000000,100000000,1]
# Enable sync tables
echo "UPDATE users SET sync_tables_enabled=true WHERE username='${SUBDOMAIN}'" | psql -U postgres -t carto_db_development