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1 year ago
perl -pi -e 's/cartodb\.localhost/$ENV{"CARTO_HOSTNAME"}/g' /etc/nginx/nginx.conf /cartodb/config/app_config.yml /Windshaft-cartodb/config/environments/development.js
if [ "$(stat -c %U $PGDATA)" != "postgres" ]; then
(>&2 echo "${PGDATA} not owned by postgres, updating permissions")
chown -R postgres $PGDATA
chmod 700 $PGDATA
service postgresql start
service redis-server start
/opt/varnish/sbin/varnishd -a :6081 -T localhost:6082 -s malloc,256m -f /etc/varnish.vcl
service nginx start
cd /Windshaft-cartodb
node app.js development &
cd /CartoDB-SQL-API
node app.js development &
cd /cartodb
bundle exec script/restore_redis
bundle exec script/resque > resque.log 2>&1 &
script/ &
# Recreate api keys in db and redis, so sql api is authenticated
echo 'delete from api_keys' | psql -U postgres -t carto_db_development
bundle exec rake carto:api_key:create_default
# bundle exec rake carto:api_key:create_default
bundle exec thin start --threaded -p 3000 --threadpool-size 5