# Crankshaft [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/CartoDB/crankshaft.svg?branch=develop)](https://travis-ci.org/CartoDB/crankshaft) CARTO Spatial Analysis extension for PostgreSQL. ## Code organization * `doc/` documentation * `src/` source code - `pg/` contains the PostgreSQL extension source code - `py/` Python module source code * `release` reseleased versions ## Requirements * PostgreSQL * plpythonu and postgis extensions * python-scipy system package (see [src/py/README.md](https://github.com/CartoDB/crankshaft/blob/develop/src/py/README.md)) # Development Process We distinguish two roles: * *developers* will implement new functionality and bugfixes into the codebase. * A *release manager* will handle the release process. We use the branch `develop` as the main integration branch for development. The `master` is reserved to handle releases. The process is as follows: 1. Create a new **topic branch** from `develop` for any new feature or bugfix and commit their changes to it: ```shell git fetch && git checkout -b my-cool-feature origin/develop ``` 1. Code, commit, push, repeat. 1. Write some **tests** for your feature or bugfix. 1. Update the [NEWS.md](https://github.com/CartoDB/crankshaft/blob/develop/NEWS.md) doc. 1. Create a pull request and mention relevant people for a **peer review**. 1. Address the comments and improvements you get from the peer review. 1. Mention `@CartoDB/dataservices` in the PR to get it merged into `develop`. In order for a pull request to be accepted, the following criteria should be met: * The peer review should pass and no major issue should be left unaddressed. * CI tests must pass (travis will take care of that). ## Development Guidelines For a detailed description of the development process please see the [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/CartoDB/crankshaft/blob/develop/CONTRIBUTING.md) guide. ## Testing The tests (both for SQL and Python) are executed by running, from the top directory: ```shell sudo make install make test ``` ## Release The release process is described in the [RELEASE.md](https://github.com/CartoDB/crankshaft/blob/develop/RELEASE.md) guide and is the responsibility of the designated *release manager*.