- [ ] All declared geometries are `geometry(Geometry, 4326)` for general geoms, or `geometry(Point, 4326)` - [ ] Existing functions in crankshaft python library called from the extension are kept at least from version N to version N+1 (to avoid breakage during upgrades). - [ ] Docs for public-facing functions are written - [ ] New functions follow the naming conventions: `CDB_NameOfFunction`. Where internal functions begin with an underscore - [ ] Video explaining the analysis and showing examples - [ ] Analysis Documentation written [template](https://docs.google.com/a/cartodb.com/document/d/1X2KOtaiEBKWNMp8UjwcLB-kE9aIOw09aOjX3oaCjeME/edit?usp=sharing) - [ ] Smoke test written - [ ] Hand-off document for camshaft node written - [ ] If function is in Python, code conforms to [PEP8 Style Guide](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/)