Update RELEASE process

Raul Marin 7 years ago committed by Raúl Marín
parent cf46633f24
commit 4ab4eadec9

@ -4,33 +4,35 @@ The release process of a new version of the extension
shall be performed by the designated *Release Manager*.
## Release steps
1. Make sure `develop` branch passes all the tests.
1. Merge `develop` into `master`
1. Update the version number in `src/pg/crankshaft.control`.
1. Generate the next release files with this command:
* Make sure `develop` branch passes all the tests.
* Merge `develop` into `master`
* Update the version number in `src/pg/crankshaft.control`.
* Generate the next release files with this command:
make release
1. Generate an upgrade path from the previous to the next release by copying the generated release file. E.g:
* Generate an upgrade path from the previous to the next release by copying the generated release file. E.g:
cp release/crankshaft--X.Y.Z.sql release/crankshaft--A.B.C--X.Y.Z.sql
NOTE: you can rely on this thanks to the compatibility checks.
TODO: automate this step [#94](https://github.com/CartoDB/crankshaft/issues/94)
2. Update the [NEWS.md](https://github.com/CartoDB/crankshaft/blob/master/NEWS.md) file
1. Commit and push the generated files.
1. Tag the release:
* Update the [NEWS.md](https://github.com/CartoDB/crankshaft/blob/master/NEWS.md) file
* Commit and push the generated files.
* Tag the release:
git tag -a X.Y.Z -m "Release X.Y.Z"
git push origin X.Y.Z
1. Deploy and test in staging
1. Deploy and test in production
1. Merge back into develop
* Deploy and test in staging
* Merge `master` into **`stable`**
* Deploy and test in production
* Merge `master` into **`develop`**
## Some remarks
