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## Segmentation Functions
### CDB_CreateAndPredictSegment(query TEXT, variable_name TEXT, target_query TEXT)
This function trains a [Gradient Boosting]( model to attempt to predict the target data and then generates predictions for new data.
#### Arguments
| Name | Type | Description |
8 years ago
| query | TEXT | The input query to train the algorithm, which should have both the variable of interest and the features that will be used to predict it |
| variable\_name| TEXT | Specify the variable in the query to predict, all other columns are assumed to be features |
| target\_table | TEXT | The query which returns the `cartodb_id` and features for the rows your would like to predict the target variable for |
| n\_estimators (optional) | INTEGER DEFAULT 1200 | Number of estimators to be used. Values should be between 1 and x. |
| max\_depth (optional) | INTEGER DEFAULT 3 | Max tree depth. Values should be between 1 and n. |
| subsample (optional) | DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT 0.5 | Subsample parameter for GradientBooster. Values should be within the range 0 to 1. |
| learning\_rate (optional) | DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT 0.01 | Learning rate for the GradientBooster. Values should be between 0 and 1 (??) |
| min\_samples\_leaf (optional) | INTEGER DEFAULT 1 | Minimum samples to use per leaf. Values should range from x to y |
#### Returns
A table with the following columns.
| Column Name | Type | Description |
8 years ago
| cartodb\_id | INTEGER | The CartoDB id of the row in the target\_query |
| prediction | NUMERIC | The predicted value of the variable of interest |
| accuracy | NUMERIC | The mean squared accuracy of the model. |
#### Example Usage
8 years ago
SELECT * from cdb_crankshaft.CDB_CreateAndPredictSegment(
'SELECT agg, median_rent::numeric, male_pop::numeric, female_pop::numeric FROM late_night_agg',
'SELECT row_number() OVER () As cartodb_id, median_rent, male_pop, female_pop FROM ml_learning_ny');
8 years ago
### CDB_CreateAndPredictSegment(target numeric[], train_features numeric[], prediction_features numeric[], prediction_ids numeric[])
This function trains a [Gradient Boosting]( model to attempt to predict the target data and then generates predictions for new data.
#### Arguments
| Name | Type | Description |
8 years ago
| target | numeric[] | An array of target values of the variable you want to predict|
| train\_features| numeric[] | 1D array of length n features \* n\_rows + 1 with the first entry in the array being the number of features in each row. These are the features the model will be trained on. CDB\_Crankshaft.CDB_pyAgg(Array[feature1, feature2, feature3]::numeric[]) can be used to construct this. |
| prediction\_features | numeric[] | 1D array of length nfeatures\* n\_rows\_ + 1 with the first entry in the array being the number of features in each row. These are the features that will be used to predict the target variable CDB\_Crankshaft.CDB\_pyAgg(Array[feature1, feature2, feature3]::numeric[]) can be used to construct this. |
| prediction\_ids | numeric[] | 1D array of length n\_rows with the ids that can use used to re-join the data with inputs |
| n\_estimators (optional) | INTEGER DEFAULT 1200 | Number of estimators to be used |
| max\_depth (optional) | INTEGER DEFAULT 3 | Max tree depth |
| subsample (optional) | DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT 0.5 | Subsample parameter for GradientBooster|
| learning\_rate (optional) | DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT 0.01 | Learning rate for the GradientBooster |
| min\_samples\_leaf (optional) | INTEGER DEFAULT 1 | Minimum samples to use per leaf |
#### Returns
A table with the following columns.
| Column Name | Type | Description |
| cartodb\_id | INTEGER | The CartoDB id of the row in the target\_query |
| prediction | NUMERIC | The predicted value of the variable of interest |
| accuracy | NUMERIC | The mean squared accuracy of the model. |
#### Example Usage
8 years ago
WITH training As (
SELECT array_agg(agg) As target,
cdb_crankshaft.CDB_PyAgg(Array[median_rent, male_pop, female_pop]::Numeric[]) As features
FROM late_night_agg),
target AS (
8 years ago
SELECT cdb_crankshaft.CDB_PyAgg(Array[median_rent, male_pop, female_pop]::Numeric[]) As features,
array_agg(cartodb_id) As cartodb_ids FROM late_night_agg)
SELECT cdb_crankshaft.CDB_CreateAndPredictSegment(, training.features, target.features, target.cartodb_ids)
8 years ago
FROM training, target;