150 lines
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150 lines
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-- ===================================================================
-- create FDW objects
-- ===================================================================
\set QUIET on
SET client_min_messages TO error;
\set VERBOSITY terse
CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw;
CREATE ROLE cdb_fs_tester SUPERUSER LOGIN PASSWORD 'cdb_fs_passwd';
CREATE DATABASE cdb_fs_tester OWNER cdb_fs_tester;
SELECT 'C1', cartodb.CDB_Federated_Server_Register_PG(server := 'loopback'::text, config := '{
"server": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": @@PGPORT@@
"credentials": {
"username": "cdb_fs_tester",
"password": "cdb_fs_passwd"
-- ===================================================================
-- create objects used through FDW loopback server
-- ===================================================================
\c cdb_fs_tester postgres
\c cdb_fs_tester cdb_fs_tester
CREATE SCHEMA remote_schema;
CREATE TABLE remote_schema.remote_geom(id int, another_field text, geom geometry(Geometry,4326));
INSERT INTO remote_schema.remote_geom VALUES (1, 'patata', 'SRID=4326;POINT(1 1)'::geometry);
INSERT INTO remote_schema.remote_geom VALUES (2, 'patata2', 'SRID=4326;POINT(2 2)'::geometry);
CREATE TABLE remote_schema.remote_geom2(id bigint, another_field text, geom geometry(Geometry,4326), geom_mercator geometry(Geometry,3857));
INSERT INTO remote_schema.remote_geom2 VALUES (3, 'patata', 'SRID=4326;POINT(3 3)'::geometry, 'SRID=3857;POINT(3 3)');
CREATE TABLE remote_schema.remote_other(id bigint, field text, field2 text);
INSERT INTO remote_schema.remote_other VALUES (1, 'delicious', 'potatoes');
-- ===================================================================
-- Test the listing functions
-- ===================================================================
\c contrib_regression postgres
SET client_min_messages TO error;
\set VERBOSITY terse
\set QUIET off
\echo '## Registering an existing table works'
SELECT 'R1', cartodb.CDB_Federated_Table_Register(
server => 'loopback',
remote_schema => 'remote_schema',
remote_table => 'remote_geom',
id_column => 'id',
geom_column => 'geom'
SELECT 'V1', pg_get_viewdef('remote_geom');
SELECT 'S1', cartodb_id, ST_AsText(the_geom), another_field FROM remote_geom;
Select 'list_remotes1', CDB_Federated_Server_List_Registered_Tables(
server => 'loopback',
remote_schema => 'remote_schema'
\echo '## Registering another existing table works'
SELECT 'R2', cartodb.CDB_Federated_Table_Register(
server => 'loopback',
remote_schema => 'remote_schema',
remote_table => 'remote_geom2',
id_column => 'id',
geom_column => 'geom',
webmercator_column => 'geom_mercator',
local_name => 'myFullTable'
SELECT 'V2', pg_get_viewdef('"myFullTable"');
SELECT 'S2', cartodb_id, ST_AsText(the_geom), another_field FROM "myFullTable";
Select 'list_remotes2', CDB_Federated_Server_List_Registered_Tables(
server => 'loopback',
remote_schema => 'remote_schema'
\echo '## Re-registering a table works'
SELECT 'R3', cartodb.CDB_Federated_Table_Register(
server => 'loopback',
remote_schema => 'remote_schema',
remote_table => 'remote_geom2',
id_column => 'id',
geom_column => 'geom',
local_name => 'different_name'
-- The old view should dissapear
SELECT 'S3_old', cartodb_id, ST_AsText(the_geom), another_field FROM "myFullTable";
-- And the new appear
SELECT 'S3_new', cartodb_id, ST_AsText(the_geom), another_field FROM different_name;
\echo '## Unregistering works'
-- Deregistering the first table
SELECT 'U1', CDB_Federated_Table_Unregister(
server => 'loopback',
remote_schema => 'remote_schema',
remote_table => 'remote_geom'
-- Selecting from the created view should fail now
SELECT 'UCheck1', cartodb_id, ST_AsText(the_geom), another_field FROM remote_geom;
Select 'list_remotes3', CDB_Federated_Server_List_Registered_Tables(
server => 'loopback',
remote_schema => 'remote_schema'
-- Try to register with invalid / NULL server
-- Try to register with invalid / NULL schema
-- Try to register with invalid / NULL table
-- Try to register with invalid / NULL id
-- Try to register with invalid / NULL geom_column
-- Try to register with invalid / NULL webmercator_column
-- Try to register the same table twice (different name) should fail
-- Check that conflict is handled nicely (target view already exists)
-- Try permissions tricks
-- ===================================================================
-- Cleanup
-- ===================================================================
\set QUIET on
\c contrib_regression postgres
SET client_min_messages TO error;
\set VERBOSITY terse
SELECT 'D1', cartodb.CDB_Federated_Server_Unregister(server := 'loopback'::text);
DROP DATABASE cdb_fs_tester;
DROP ROLE cdb_fs_tester;
DROP EXTENSION postgres_fdw;
\set QUIET off