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set client_min_messages to error;
-- Check correctness of an hexagons grid
-- Cells must have no overlaps and have a number of
-- intersections with other cells between 2 and 6
params AS ( SELECT ST_MakeEnvelope(10, 10, 20, 20) as env, 2 as radius ),
grid AS ( SELECT CDB_HexagonGrid(env, radius) AS cell from params),
igrid AS ( SELECT row_number() over (), cell from grid )
SELECT count(row_number) as r1, sum(st_npoints(cell)) as r2, 'count / npoints' as err
FROM igrid g1
SELECT g1.row_number as r1, g2.row_number as r2, 'overlap' as err
FROM igrid g1, igrid g2
WHERE g2.row_number > g1.row_number AND
ST_Overlaps(g1.cell, g2.cell)
SELECT g1.row_number, count(g2.row_number) as r2, 'n intersections' as err
FROM igrid g1, igrid g2
WHERE g1.row_number != g2.row_number AND
ST_Intersects(g1.cell, g2.cell)
GROUP BY g1.row_number
HAVING count(g2.row_number) > 6 OR count(g2.row_number) < 2
SELECT g1.row_number, null::integer, 'centroid out of extent' as err
FROM igrid g1, params
WHERE NOT ST_Intersects(ST_Centroid(g1.cell), params.env)
-- Check robustness of HexagonGrid generation
params AS ( SELECT
ST_MakeEnvelope(-20037508.5,20037507,-20037508,20037507.5) as env,
0.002 as radius ),
grid AS ( SELECT CDB_HexagonGrid(env, radius) AS cell from params)
SELECT '#160', count(cell) > 23000 from grid;
-- Check small grids are generated...
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cartodb.CDB_HexagonGrid(ST_MakeEnvelope(0,0,1000,1000,3857), 10);
-- But large grids produce an error
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cartodb.CDB_HexagonGrid(ST_MakeEnvelope(0,0,1000,1000,3857), 1);